In which you have proved my point. Good job. I couldn't have done it better. People are obviously not wearing "leak proof" masks because there is no such thing. So mask mandates are not working and never will. In fact, the number of cases is sky rocketing as more people have worn masks. If anything, they are giving people a false sense of security by politicians who overstated their effectiveness. Thus, putting them at greater risk by thinking they are safe to go about as usual. You have been sold a load of bull by Old Joe and company. This virus is going nowhere until there is a vaccine. Fortunately, we have a President who is about results and the vaccine has been developed in record time. A couple more weeks and the distribution will begin. A miracle. Old Joe will still be waving his mask around and making false claims about it while Trump has solved the problem.
N95 masks are 95% effective. A standard surgical mask is 85% effective. The average efficacy of a face covering is 70%. These numbers are based on world averages. You thought this was just a US thing, didn't you?
Take Germany, for example. They are doing middle of the road when it comes to the death rate per capita. They have 83,884,266 people and 13,674 people are dead from COVID. The US has roughly 4 times the population of Germany so at their death rate 54,696 people would be dead from COVID instead of 1/4 million. That's 200,000 deaths directly attributable to Heir Drumpf's "anti-mask" policy. This will be his legacy. #45: Donny "The Butcher" Drumpf. You Trumptards are such suckers.
An Israeli company called Sonovia offers a face mask that they claim is 99.35% effective at filtering out the COVID-19 virus. The porous matrix allows you to breathe freely through it and since it's impregnated, zinc is not inhaled by the wearer. The mask is available on Amazon for approximately $50/mask, which should last until vaccines are available. Fill your boots.