I expect to hear some comment over the storming of the Capitol by Allen Fritzke, Michael Griffith and Richard Smith.
1. Does this effect their opinion of Donald Trump?
2. Do you support him to run for President in 2024?
Absolutely correct! What is the best way to get an addition to the Patriot's Act and creat more government control of the people? Just send in some BLM and ANTIFA into the crowd to cause issues and control the news as required. If it is correct in the video, police opened up barriers and let people invade the buildings. Then at 13:00 minutes watch where Trump called for a peaceful protest and people should go home and not buy into it.
Why would Twitter censor that? I guess that doesn't fit their narrative! More 1st Amendment censoring. Soon you will only be allowed to watch a one sided narrative and they will cut and paste the segments. The sheeple can't make up their own minds as they are too stupid to form their own opinions!
Again, why does Twitter censor Trump for 12 hours? I think the answer is obvious! Apparently Nancy Pelosi's son-in-law dressed up in a weird head dress with photos taken to just once more add credibility to a bunch of Trump kooks storming the capital buildings and running amuck! Again, what did Trump say at 13:00? Can you find this on any MSM site? If you can, prove it!! He is not allowed to defend himself - freedom of speech is absolutely gone. This is something JFK said he wouldn't stand for either in one of his famous speeches. I just wonder if there really will be an executive order 13848 or if that was just a made up lie?