The thing that has baffled me for the last 9 weeks, is how could so many people be so stupid? How can they not see simple logic and see that his claims of a stolen election are all lies?
Today, I think I have figured out. I have been the one who has been so stupid.
What if, the ones who are saying the election was stolen, don’t really think it was stolen. What if, they are the ones who want to steal the election.
Trump, in essence, means a way, of somehow, going back to a White America. His followers don’t know how he will do this. There is actually only three ways of doing this. But they think that he has a plan of getting us on that path. They will accept anything, abandoning basic American ideals, embracing fascism, embracing obvious lies, anything, to accomplish this goal. This has always been under the surface for a long time, but I think getting a black President, unhinged them. Made them look for a certain someone. And that man had met his hour. I am beginning to accept the possibility that we don’t have tens of millions of deluded traitors, but tens of millions of real traitors. And some on this forum. If this is true it would explain a lot. I will sleep on it tonight.