No one cares where you live. What a loon. You stupidly interjected a bizarre reference to Europe in a post that contained your lame joke. But if you live there, then all the better. Good riddance! And fascism doesn't come from Europe? It has existed "throughout the ages"? Wow. Maybe take a high school level history class. You believe Trump would have "surpassed" Germany under Hitler? How disrespectful of the millions of victims murdered under the Nazis. You should be ashamed of your ignorance of history.
No one cares where you live. Well, apparently you do. You're the one who made an issue out of it. Nobody else did.
You stupidly interjected a bizarre reference to Europe in a post that contained your lame joke.I heard the joke being told in Europe. On German TV actually. There was nothing stupid of bizarre about that. Btw, it's funny just how much that joke clearly got under your skin. Nothing bad or funny can be said about the Führer, right? Muslims have the same sensitivity when it comes to Mohammad. Go figure....
But if you live there, then all the better.Who said I live there? Can't you get anything right? But thank you for showing your true fascist colors.
And fascism doesn't come from Europe? It has existed "throughout the ages"? Wow. When "wow" is the only counter argument you can make, it's pretty obvious who is the ignorant one.
Maybe take a high school level history classGood advice... try it yourself, maybe you learn something for once. My people have been dealing with fascists for 2000 years. I have forgotten more about history than you will ever learn.
You believe Trump would have "surpassed" Germany under Hitler?Given half a chance? With idiots like you supporting him? Absolutely...
How disrespectful of the millions of victims murdered under the Nazis. You should be ashamed of your ignorance of history.Look at my surname, idiot. It should tell you something. Most of my family was killed in concentration camps under the nazis. They lived through the history that you only "know" about from reading books . Show some respect.
Btw, if the nazis "invented" fascism, as you so ignorantly claim, does that mean, in your pathetic opinion, that the Franco regime in Spain wasn't fascist?