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Author Topic: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2  (Read 386354 times)

Offline Rick Plant

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Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #4080 on: July 13, 2021, 04:53:36 AM »
All these stupid ignorant right wingers were foaming at the mouth to open churches and schools during the middle of a pandemic. The reason they were closed was to prevent a mass COVID outbreak like this. Now that the Delta variant is running rampant in right wing communities, these same morons refuse to get vaccinated and hold a mass gathering where hundreds and even thousands of people at one event will get sick and end up dying. Not to mention these people will infect many many more people which in return will allow the Delta variant to mutate into an even more deadly variant. Once again, this is the work of the GOP "Death Party" that has no regard for human life.           

COVID outbreak linked to Ohio church retreat with more than 800 attendees: report

"The church retreat at Camp Chautauqua, Ohio, was attended by more than 800 people and churches from 'Ohio, Kentucky, Illinois and Indiana,' per the county health department statement," reported Axios's Ivana Saric. "At least 30 COVID-19 cases have been identified among attendees in Ohio and Kentucky. Of note: The camp and event organizers didn't respond to public health officials for several days after the initial cases were identified and haven't provided contact information for the other attendees, the statement added."

This news comes just as another COVID-19 outbreak was linked to the Southern Baptist Convention gathering in Tennessee.

Churches, being large, routine gathering places afforded special treatment under the law, have been a frequent vector of spread for COVID-19. Complicating matters, some pastors have urged their congregants not to be vaccinated, and a number of religious leaders are reportedly scared of being rejected if they come out with a pro-science stance on vaccines.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #4080 on: July 13, 2021, 04:53:36 AM »

Offline Bill Chapman

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Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #4081 on: July 13, 2021, 05:41:13 AM »
If only Biden and Harris had not expressed skepticism as to the safety of the vaccines developed under Trump, then perhaps more people would have gotten it.  But they chose politics over public safety as they did throughout the pandemic to use it for political purposes during the campaign.  While Trump was advocating a vaccine and securing hundreds of millions of doses, the Dems were closing down the country and advocating masks which had little or no demonstrable effect.  In fact, by overstating the safety of mask wearing, the Dems likely contributed to the spread of the pandemic by making people believe it was safe to go out with a mask.  Putting them at risk. 

With everything in the country falling apart at an astounding rate under Whispering Joe, the Dems desperately want the pandemic to return to use it again to clampdown on Americans for political purposes.  They have nothing else to offer except endless rants about Trump.

Old Joe's accomplishments in just over 100 days (although it seems much longer given the decline):

Inflation - check. 
Illegals flooding over the border - check. 
Gas prices rising to record levels - check. 
Labor shortage because they are paying folks to stay home - big check on that one. 
Rampant crime in the dem controlled cities - check. 
Russian hacks going unpunished - check (do they have something on Biden? - LOL).

In fact, by overstating the safety of mask wearing, the Dems likely contributed to the spread of the pandemic by making people believe it was safe to go out with a mask.  Putting them at risk. 
No, I've understood from the get-go that masks are not going to protect me from the virus: They are meant to minimize breathing on someone if you already have the virus. You might be symptomless so everyone has to wear one. That's why social distancing is also important. It's not hard to figure this out.

If you refuse vaccination
You might be a redneck

Offline Rick Plant

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Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #4082 on: July 13, 2021, 05:52:17 AM »
If only Biden and Harris had not expressed skepticism as to the safety of the vaccines developed under Trump, then perhaps more people would have gotten it.  But they chose politics over public safety as they did throughout the pandemic to use it for political purposes during the campaign. While Trump was advocating a vaccine and securing hundreds of millions of doses, the Dems were closing down the country and advocating masks which had little or no demonstrable effect.  In fact, by overstating the safety of mask wearing, the Dems likely contributed to the spread of the pandemic by making people believe it was safe to go out with a mask. Putting them at risk. 

With everything in the country falling apart at an astounding rate under Whispering Joe, the Dems desperately want the pandemic to return to use it again to clampdown on Americans for political purposes.  They have nothing else to offer except endless rants about Trump.

Old Joe's accomplishments in just over 100 days (although it seems much longer given the decline):

Inflation - check. 
Illegals flooding over the border - check. 
Gas prices rising to record levels - check. 
Labor shortage because they are paying folks to stay home - big check on that one. 
Rampant crime in the dem controlled cities - check. 
Russian hacks going unpunished - check (do they have something on Biden? - LOL).

Richard Smith the propagandist, is spinning more of the same  b.s. bogus propaganda and disinformation trying to cover for his orange criminal hero. It's really really pathetic. These right wing Trump worshippers attempt to rewrite history but always fail miserably when actual evidence debunks their lies.

The fact is President Biden was not President in 2020....Criminal Donald was and did nothing to protect America from COVID 19 but pathetically Richard was to blame Biden instead. That's what right wingers always do, blame others for Criminal Donald's failures.   

Criminal Donald called COVID-19 a hoax and lied about every aspect of COVID 19. He waited until we had a major health disaster until he even declared a state of emergency when he knew about COVID-19 in November 2019.

Criminal Donald was pushing fake remedies like Hydroxychloroquine and injecting bleach and sunlight like the moron he is.

Criminal Donald had nothing to do with the development of the vaccine. He took fake credit for it like everything else he does because he is a total fraud. Pfizer was funded and developed by Germany.

This is an outright lie. Masks and stay at home orders saved millions of lives. Medical studies have proved that to be the case and are medically documented facts.

The vaccine roll out under Criminal Donald was a disaster and he refused to secure enough vaccine for ALL Americans. It wasn't until President Biden came into office that we secured millions of doses of vaccines and got millions of people vaccinated.   

President Biden has created the most jobs in record time in modern history and the reat of Richard's bogus checklist is pure propaganda disinformation he parrots from the right wing media.

Here are the facts:

U.S. Intelligence Warned Trump of Coronavirus Threat as Early as November: Report
Apr. 8, 2020

Trump calls coronavirus Democrats' 'new hoax'

When Trump pushed hydroxychloroquine to treat COVID-19, hundreds of thousands of prescriptions followed despite little evidence that it worked
July 9, 2020

Trump suggests 'injection' of disinfectant to beat coronavirus and 'clean' the lungs: A Homeland Security official, under questioning from reporters, later said federal laboratories are not considering such a treatment option
April 23, 2020

Germany funded the development of Pfizer’s COVID vaccine—not U.S.’s Operation Warp Speed
November 9, 2020

Modelers Suggest Pandemic Lockdowns Saved Millions From Dying Of COVID-19
June 9, 2020

Universal mask use could save 130,000 U.S. lives by the end of February, new study estimates
October 23, 2020

Fact check: Studies show COVID-19 lockdowns have saved lives
November 24, 2020

Around 1 million lives in US can be saved by wearing masks: Study
October 24, 2020

Why the US Vaccine Rollout Is a Disaster, What It Means for the next few months
January 16, 2020

America’s Vaccine Rollout Is Already a Disaster
December 30, 2020

Trump administration passed up chance to lock in more Pfizer vaccine doses: The White House reportedly declined “multiple” offers from Pfizer to strike a deal on more vaccines for the second quarter of 2021.
December 8, 2020

Biden says US is securing 600 million vaccine doses by July
Feb. 11, 2021

Biden Announces Deal For 200 Million More COVID-19 Vaccines
Feb 11, 2021

U.S. COVID vaccine program speeds up to about 3 million doses a day in the past week
April 5, 2021

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #4082 on: July 13, 2021, 05:52:17 AM »

Offline Rick Plant

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Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #4083 on: July 13, 2021, 06:04:34 AM »
The highest percentages of the unvaccinated are young people and minorities.  The vast of majority of whom are democrats. So another lie to add to the growing list.  Trump was among the first proponents of a vaccine.  Biden and Harris expressed skepticism about the safety of the vaccine.  So we are going down the revisionist rabbit hole once again.  Like the claim that Republicans wanted to defund the police or that it is impermissible to challenge the validity of an election (something the dems did for four years with a baseless and wild conspiracy theory about Russian collusion).  The hypocrisy and lies are astounding.

Once again, more disinformation.

Red states and red communities are the least vaccinated of any states and communities in America. This is a documented fact but Richard wants to gaslight you as usual.

The GOP’s Anti-Vax Messaging Is Working, Red States Are Vaccinating More Slowly: Republicans have made vaccines a partisan issue, to the detriment of their constituents

Covid-19 cases, hospitalizations rise, particularly in unvaccinated red states

Delta variant surges in Midwest as Trump Country rejects vaccines

Despite Outbreaks Among Unvaccinated, Fox News Hosts Smear Shots: Months after Rupert Murdoch got a Covid-19 dose, one of his network’s stars, Tucker Carlson, called a Biden vaccination proposal “the greatest scandal in my lifetime.”

Offline Rick Plant

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Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #4084 on: July 13, 2021, 06:10:34 AM »
This got me to thinking [and checking]

That sounded massive ...In fact unemployment was reported there as half the population of the country! However continuing to check facts...

About 10 million? Well that was more like it.
It goes to show you again...figures may not lie but liars can figure.
  Added yeah. Was it a creation or a restoration? Who locked down everything in the first place? Joe Biden didn't create jack.........

Criminal Donald is the worst jobs "President" in modern day history. President Biden had record job creation in June. Get over it!

Trump to leave office with the worst jobs record since Herbert Hoover

U.S. adds 850,000 jobs in June, better than expected

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #4084 on: July 13, 2021, 06:10:34 AM »

Offline Rick Plant

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Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #4085 on: July 13, 2021, 06:30:49 AM »
So many fake words.  Biden has done absolutely nothing with the pandemic except set fake goals that he has now failed to achieve. The pandemic came under control due to the development and distribution of the vaccine which began under Trump.  It took a few months to rollout and start taking effect.  What has Biden actually contributed:  inflation, crime, shortages, no one working because he paid them to stay home just as the economy was opening up, illegals flooding the country, Russian hacks going unpunished (does Putin have something on Whispering Joe to blackmail him - LOL).  And on and on.  Where is Kamala?

And even more BS:

Just like Richard told a falsehood that President Kennedy had nothing to do with Civil Rights, he tells another one that President Biden had nothing to do with fixing the pandemic. Even nearly half of Republicans credit Biden for saving America with the pandemic.

The coronavirus was raging out of control until President Biden came into office and got a handle on it. That is an absolute fact.

America was under 1 million shots per day until President Biden came into office and sped it up to over 3 million per day.

We didn't even have enough vaccines to cover Americans until President Biden came into office and secured millions of doses of vaccines.

The rollout under Criminal Donald was an absolute disaster and the idiot passed up securing millions of doses.

Also, Criminal Donald had nothing to do with the vaccine, Germany funded the Pfizer vaccine.

And the rest of this nonsense is the same old right wing debunked propaganda.

Germany funded the development of Pfizer’s COVID vaccine—not U.S.’s Operation Warp Speed
November 9, 2020

47% of Republicans approve of Biden’s pandemic handling
Updated May 10, 2021

Why the US Vaccine Rollout Is a Disaster, What It Means for the next few months
January 16, 2020

America’s Vaccine Rollout Is Already a Disaster
December 30, 2020

Trump administration passed up chance to lock in more Pfizer vaccine doses: The White House reportedly declined “multiple” offers from Pfizer to strike a deal on more vaccines for the second quarter of 2021.
December 8, 2020

Biden says US is securing 600 million vaccine doses by July
Feb. 11, 2021

Biden Announces Deal For 200 Million More COVID-19 Vaccines
Feb 11, 2021

U.S. COVID vaccine program speeds up to about 3 million doses a day in the past week
April 5, 2021
« Last Edit: July 13, 2021, 06:32:47 AM by Rick Plant »

Offline Rick Plant

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Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #4086 on: July 13, 2021, 12:57:18 PM »
"Experts" and "scholars"!  Get over it.  This is getting creepy.  Are you going to start crying like Avenatti?  LOL.  2024 is getting closer every minute.

You're still crying over the 2020 election defeat :D :D :D

Offline Rick Plant

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Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #4087 on: July 13, 2021, 01:18:55 PM »
Another anti vaxx moron dies from COVID-19 by being brainwashed with bogus right wing disinformation. And this woman was a nurse who should have known better that medicines and vaccines cure illnesses and prevents you from getting deathly ill from a virus. She would still be alive today if she got vaccinated. The only reason she was against vaccines is because she heard it from the right wing media that broadcasts daily lies against the vaccine. And yet these same idiots who promote vaccine disinformation want to give Criminal Donald fake credit for the vaccine. These people are deranged. 

These right wing GOP politicians and right wing media hacks who spread purposeful disinformation about vaccines all should be held accountable for murder because they are killing off their own supporters by purposely lying to them which prevents them from getting vaccinated and it also allows the virus to keep spreading infecting others which ends up mutating into a more deadly variant. The GOP "Pro Death" Party has no regard for human life.     

Anti-vaxx nurse dies from COVID-19 in Louisiana

A Louisiana nurse who questioned the safety of vaccines has died of complications from COVID-19.

Olivia Guidry, a registered nurse in the emergency department at Ochsner Lafayette General, died Saturday after being hospitalized for the coronavirus in the intensive care unit, reported The Advocate.

"Today is a sad day for my ER family and I," her colleague Nick Berthelot posted on Facebook. "Your contagious laugh and smile will truly be missed Liv. Until we meet again sweet girl."

Coronavirus deaths have decreased dramatically in Louisiana since last year, but the state has seen a recent increase that experts blame on its low vaccination rate of 36 percent, compared with about 50 percent nationally, and Guidry questioned their safety on her own social media account.

"This vaccine has been released using recombinant DNA technology faster than any vaccine in the world," Guidry posted on July 26, 2020. "It manipulates your DNA at the tiniest molecular level. Do. Not. Get. It. It's not safe."

She also questioned pandemic safety measures and retweeted another account calling coronavirus tests fake.

"Am I the only one thinking they are trying to see how much they can control us???" she posted July 11, 2020. "We are a straight up social experiment."

The vaccines are made with messenger RNA, which is found in all living cells, and does not combine with DNA to change recipients' genetic code, and the shots are considered safe and effective protection against the deadly virus.

Both of Guidry's parents are currently ill with the coronavirus, and she is also survived by a pregnant sister.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #4087 on: July 13, 2021, 01:18:55 PM »