'Gut them like a fish!' Trump-loving lawmaker vows to lead fight to defund the FBITrump-loving Florida state Rep. Anthony Sabatini on Thursday vowed to defund the entire Federal Bureau of Investigation after it executed a lawful search warrant against former President Donald Trump.
During an appearance on the right-wing "Real America's Voice" channel, Sabatini explained why it would not be enough for Republicans to simply hold hearings on the FBI search of Mar-a-Lago.
"The plan should be: First you defund, then you follow up with the hearings," Sabatini declared. "So, first we defund them. First we gut them like a fish. Bring the DOJ to heel, all the DOJ law enforcement agencies, the FBI's obviously the most important one."
After defunding the entire federal law enforcement apparatus, Sabatini said that hearings could then establish if "some of their original purpose is still valid" before deciding whether to give them any money.
Republicans have increasingly ratcheted up their rhetoric against the FBI in the wake of the Mar-a-Lago search, with some commentators going so far as to liken them to Nazi stormtroopers or the KGB.
On Thursday, an armed man drove to a Cincinnati FBI building and lobbed threats at employees, although it is not known at this time whether his motivation was related to the Mar-a-Lago search.
Watch:Feds drop subpoenas on multiple GOP offices inside Pennsylvania Capitol: reportAfter the FBI raided Mar-a-Lago on Monday and seized the cellphone of Rep. Scott Perry (R-PA) on Tuesday, the DOJ is now reportedly dropping subpoenas inside the Pennsylvania state Capitol.
"Federal investigators delivered subpoenas or paid visits to several House and Senate Republican offices in the Pennsylvania Capitol on Tuesday and Wednesday, according to multiple sources," PennLive reported on Wednesday. "At least some of the individuals receiving subpoenas were told they were not targets of an investigation, according to at least six sources reached by PennLive, but that they may have information of interest to the FBI. All of the sources had been briefed on the investigative moves in some way, but demanded anonymity in order to discuss them."
GOP leaders did not confirm whether members of their caucuses were subpoenaed.
"The information being requested centered around U.S. Rep. Scott Perry, R-Pa., and the effort to seek alternate electors as part of former President Donald Trump’s efforts to remain in office after the 2020 election, several sources said," PennLive reported. "Perry, a York County Republican in his 5th term in the House, has come under as much scrutiny as any Pennsylvania office-holder over his involvement in Trump’s efforts to stay in power after his 2020 election loss to Joe Biden. The primary focus on Perry from multiple congressional investigations that have played publicly has been his connection to former Deputy Attorney General Jeffrey Clark, one of the few Department of Justice officials who appeared to be sympathetic to Trump’s false claims that the vote in several swing states had been rigged against him."
State Sen. Doug Mastriano, who is now the GOP nominee for governor, was considered by Trump campaign to be the "point person" for the alternate electors slate, The New York Times reported in July.
PennLive noted, "The Trump slate included a number of well-known GOP luminaries, including former congressman Lou Barletta, Allegheny County Republican Committee Chairman Sam DeMarco III, Comfort, the current vice-chair of the Pennsylvania Republican State Committee, and Andy Reilly, one of Pennsylvania’s members on the Republican National Committee."
Read The Full Report: https://www.pennlive.com/news/2022/08/fbi-delivers-subpoenas-to-several-pa-republican-lawmakers-sources-say.html‘Trump should watch his back’ because Mar-A-Lago search shows ‘his buddies could be wearing a wire’: Barbara McQuadeAn informant reportedly told the FBI where they could find classified documents Donald Trump had stashed away at Mar-A-Lago, and now the former president is purportedly consumed by mistrust.
The FBI executed a search warrant Monday at Trump's private club in Florida, which was reportedly prompted by a confidential human source, and MSNBC's Joe Scarborough said the ex-president is taking a close look around his inner circle.
"Who told the FBI what documents Trump was hiding and where they were located?" the "Morning Joe" host said. "Trump world is reportedly trying to figure out who flipped ... Donald Trump is worried he may have a rat or multiple rats in his midst. He is wondering if his phones are tapped, or even if his buddies could be wearing a wire."
Former U.S. attorney Barbara McQuade agreed that Trump should be concerned about his allies providing information to investigators as multiple cases move forward against him.
"If this is an ongoing investigation, as it appears to be, then it would be appropriate to continue to collect evidence," McQuade said. "So the ways those are done are through listening devices, surveillance techniques, confidential informants, consensual monitoring. To use those techniques requires court oversight. They're not planting bugs on their own, they're not tapping his phones without great scrutiny by a court. So just as we saw for this search, it required a court to review and determine whether there was probable cause to believe that a crime had been committed and that evidence of that crime would be found on the scene."
"To engage in any of the other investigative techniques would also require court oversight," she added, "so I'm sure Merrick Garland is doing this by the book. He has told us so. By all appearances, he is doing so. But I think you're right, if we know there is an informant who shared this information -- which is not surprising. It is often the way that the government learns about misconduct in cases, someone who is close to the wrongdoer shares that information. But i think Donald Trump does need to watch his back. Sound like the rats are fleeing the ship."