Bill Pascrell, Jr. @BillPascrellThe speech Pres Biden just gave is one of the most extraordinary orations ever by a US President. Every word. The republican party today is an unprecedented threat to our democracy and all of us need to see it, say it, and fight it. Pascrell is 100% correct.
The Republican Party has been hijacked by a bunch of violent far right wing radical extremists.
Hate groups such as the Ku Klux Klan, neo Nazis, and white supremacist hate groups have become the base of MAGA Republicans.
Far right wing violent militia groups are praised by Trump and his MAGA's in Congress.
QAnon conspiracy theorists are running for political office as Republicans. Some currently hold seats as Republicans.
MAGA Trump supporters violently beat Capitol Police officers with dangerous objects used as weapons. Some even brought guns to the Capitol in an attempt to overthrow the government and end democracy.
This is who the Republican party is today and any decent Republican who objects to what is happening to the party is viciously attacked and banished from the party at the behest of Donald Trump.
This isn't a political party, it's a far right wing extremist religious conspiracy cult that's taking away freedoms and rights from the American people.
MAGA Republicans lost the 2020 election to Joe Biden. Donald Trump became angry that he lost in a blowout so he refused to leave office and made up election lies and conspiracies in order to illegally stay in office. Republicans in government peddled those same election fraud lies including the right wing media like Faux News trying to illegally keep Trump in power.
When that didn't work, they attempted a coup by violent force to overthrow the government to illegally keep Trump in power.
And these same election fraud lies still continues today by the radical right. When they win an election everything is ok, but when they lose, they scream "voter fraud" trying to steal an election they lost.
This is what you see happening in fascist countries, so it's appropriate to call MAGA fascists because they are indeed promoting fascism.
Their attempt to undermine our free and fair elections is being done on purpose because they only want to have elections that they win.
QAnon conspiracy theorists like Doug Mastriano, who is running for the Governor of Pennsylvania, has already stated that he will seek to overturn elections that Republicans lose if he wins. He is not the only radical right winger who has said that. There's several MAGA Republicans who are running for Secretary of State in several states who have said the same thing. They said "if Republicans lose they will seek to overturn elections they lost".
That is not a democracy, that is fascism. Their goal is to put their own people in power even when they lose and that is exactly what happens in authoritarian countries.
President Biden spoke clearly about the danger and threat MAGA represents to our democracy. We already witnessed it first hand on January 6th when they tried to end our democracy. These are the same people who want to control our government so they can shove their conspiracy theories and radical religious fanaticism down our throats.
Look at what MAGA has done to women by taking away their right to control their own bodies. And these are the same MAGA's that refused to wear a mask during the worst part of the pandemic to keep a virus from spreading. These MAGA's are forcing women to give birth even when their life is in danger all because they claim that's what their evangelical religion dictates.
MAGA is the minority of the country but they are forcing their radical extremism on to the majority of Americans who reject it.
MAGA QAnon freak Lauren Boebert said she "is tired of this separation of church and state junk".
And that quote from her represents the danger to our democracy that President Biden spoke about last night.
These MAGA's don't respect our Constitution, freedoms, or our democracy. Our nation is founded on the separation of church and state. MAGA's like her want to end democracy and force us to live how they want us to live based on their extreme ideology. That is fascism folks, and MAGA Republicans are very open about it.
That's why MAGA promotes and invited the fascist leader of Hungary Viktor Orban to speak at their right wing political conferences. Tucker Carlson can't get enough of the fascist leader Orban as he slobbers over him on television. MAGA Republicans want to turn America into a fascist country like Hungary where only they have the power to rule.
When you see a political party like the MAGA Republicans using violent force to overthrow the government to steal an election, that is fascism.
When you hear MAGA Republicans saying they will overturn election results they don't like to keep their own people in power, that is fascism.
When you hear MAGA Republicans saying they are "tired of separation of church and state junk" and want to force their own beliefs on you saying "that's how you have to live your life", that is fascism.
So, MAGA Republicans have no business getting angry when they are called "fascists" because that is exactly what they are.
In order to save our democracy, this fascism must be defeated at the ballot box.