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Author Topic: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2  (Read 386579 times)

Offline Rick Plant

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Re: Donald Trump Indicted!
« Reply #6272 on: June 09, 2023, 01:13:03 AM »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Donald Trump Indicted!
« Reply #6272 on: June 09, 2023, 01:13:03 AM »

Offline Rick Plant

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Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #6273 on: June 09, 2023, 04:05:45 AM »
The DOJ’s seven criminal charges against Donald Trump have been revealed, and let’s just say that they’re as ugly as we were expecting. There’s the “willful retention of documents” under the Espionage Act, as expected. There’s also making “false statements” to investigators, which is a great tack-on charge with very high odds of conviction, in case the main charge falls through. Then there’s this charge: “conspiracy to obstruct.”

By legal definition, a conspiracy involves two or more people. For Trump to be indicted for “conspiracy to obstruct,” it means that he and others are accused of participating in this criminal conspiracy. In other words, there’s another shoe dropping here. This could mean that Trump’s underlings are also being indicted for “conspiracy to obstruct.” Or it could mean that those who have cut cooperation deals or immunity deals are the co-conspirators. But there’s clearly more coming here.

In any case, remember that today’s charges are just in the DOJ classified documents case. We’re still waiting to see what charges the DOJ brings against Donald Trump in Jack Smith’s separate January 6th probe, wire fraud, and so on. This is just the beginning.

What’s important is that today’s charges start the clock for Donald Trump’s federal criminal trial (or his first federal criminal trial, if it doesn’t all get folded into one trial). Jack Smith and the DOJ no doubt chose this timing on purpose, to make sure they had plenty of time to get the trial, conviction, and sentencing out of the way, well before the 2024 election. But let’s remember that more DOJ charges against Trump are almost surely coming down the road.

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Re: Donald Trump Indicted!
« Reply #6274 on: June 09, 2023, 04:23:25 AM »
When it was reported that the DOJ criminally indicted Donald Trump on “at least” seven felony charges including the Espionage Act and obstruction, the question was whether the rabbit hole went any deeper. Now it turns out the DOJ may have also indicted Trump for witness tampering.

Donald Trump’s attorney Jim Trusty appeared on CNN and revealed that Trump has also been charged under 18 USC 1512 which is the criminal code for witness tampering. He went on to hypothesize that one of Trump’s Mar-a-Lago aides may have flipped.

Of course we’ll have to wait until Trump’s arraignment on Tuesday to know the full charges, unless the DOJ unseals it first. But this just keeps getting worse for Trump by the hour.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Donald Trump Indicted!
« Reply #6274 on: June 09, 2023, 04:23:25 AM »

Offline Rick Plant

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Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #6275 on: June 09, 2023, 06:30:25 AM »
BREAKING: Trump indicted in classified documents probe

Donald Trump has been indicted in the classified documents probe by a federal grand jury connected with his mishandling of over 100 classified documents that were found last year at his Mar-a-Lago resort in Florida. This makes the twice-impeached former president the first former president to face federal criminal charges. Rachel Maddow, Nicolle Wallace and more join Joy Reid on this historic breaking news.


Offline Rick Plant

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Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #6276 on: June 09, 2023, 08:38:26 AM »
Donald Trump indicted on 7 counts in classified documents probe

Donald Trump has been indicted on seven charges relating to mishandling classified government documents and obstructing justice, according to CNN. Specific charges have not been revealed as of press time, although it has been confirmed that Trump will be traveling to Miami, Florida to respond to the charges, suggesting that will be the venue of the case.

It makes him the first sitting or former president ever to face a federal indictment.

The charges came after Trump's legal team met with Department of Justice officials on Monday, including Special Counsel Jack Smith who has been leading two separate investigations into Trump since November last year. They involve Trump's handling of classified documents and attempting to reverse the election result of 2020.

Monday's meeting had been considered by many insiders to be the last step before an indictment decision.

This is the first federal indictment for Trump, though he's facing charges in New York State involving hush money payments to Stormy Daniels, an adult star he's accused of having an extra-marital affair with.

The former president is also under investigation in Georgia over allegations he played a part in an attempt to overturn the 2020 result and that he tried to have the state's electoral college results awarded to him.

The documents investigation first came to public view when the FBI searched his Mar-a-Lago home in August last year. Reports since included that he'd obstructed justice by not returning them when asked.

Earlier this month, CNN reported that Smith had a recording of Trump talking about possessing one of the documents that involved plans to attack Iran. Other reports, again by CNN reported he'd had staff move documents before the FBI search, and that prosecutors were suspicious about a flood in a room that held servers for Mar-a-Lago's security system.

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Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #6276 on: June 09, 2023, 08:38:26 AM »

Offline Rick Plant

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Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #6277 on: June 09, 2023, 08:55:39 AM »
'Lock him up': Legal analysts celebrate equal justice with Trump indictment

The former lead prosecutor for Robert Mueller, Andrew Weissmann, predicted that Donald Trump's indictment was coming "in days not weeks," and he was proved correct on Thursday.

His voice joined with many legal analysts who spoke out about the news. In one thread, Ryan Goodman quickly mentioned that a group of legal experts at JustSecurity outlined the specifics of the Espionage Act and how it would work with Trump.

One of the pieces of the story that Weissmann pointed out is that there are many lower-level, very young people who ultimately end up being prosecuted for mishandling classified information. It's for that reason that he felt Trump had to be indicted.

The Nation's legal analyst Elie Mystal agreed, responding to a rage tweet from Sen. Josh Hawley (R-MO) claiming people in power shouldn't be able to prosecute their opponents, even if they broke the law.

"Actually, as I pointed out, if people in power can avoid jail by returning to power, we don’t have a republic. That’s literally how the most famous one died," said Mystal.

Legal analyst Brad Moss also commented with faux mockery: "If DOJ can indict Trump for willful retention of NDI and obstruction, they can indict ANYONE for willful retention of NDI and obstruction. The horror!"

Michigan University Law School Professor Barb McQuade cited New York Times reporting saying that the "charges include conspiracy to obstruct justice. Federal conspiracy law requires two or more people to constitute conspiracy."

She wondered, "Who is/are the co-conspirator(s)?"

Moss speculated it might be "Walt Nauta and maybe Boris are my guesses." But that information has not currently been released.

Florida attorney and attorney general candidate Daniel Uhlfelder tweeted simply: "Lock him up."

In that same vein, "Someone let Trump know the following: You’re going to prison, traitor," civil rights lawyer Andrew C. Laufer tweeted.

One of the things that Alabama University Law School Professor Joyce White Vance mentioned is the importance of cameras in the courtroom for the Trump trial.

"Chief Justice Roberts should immediately amend the rules to permit cameras in federal courts. The American public is entitled to watch the proceedings against Trump in their entirety. Anything less would be an injustice," she tweeted Thursday evening.


Trump charges help to 'preserve the rule of law in America': ex-DOJ official

Former acting solicitor general Neal Katyal took to social media on Thursday evening before speaking to MSNBC's Lawrence O'Donnell about the indictment of Donald Trump.

He confessed that it is a sad moment, not because it is tragic for Trump, but because "it underscores the extreme damage he has done to the institution of the presidency and country as a whole."

Katyal explained that an indictment was the only option that the Justice Department had.

"What kind of message would it send to the people who risk their lives gathering covert information if the government allows someone to behave so recklessly with our nation’s most important secrets?" Katyal asked. "These charges are not only an important step to protect our national security, but also to preserve the rule of law in America. This indictment makes it clear that no person – not even a former president – can brazenly disregard the law without consequence."

He went on to cite Donald Trump's comments on Truth Social in which he confessed he had been indicted, after saying for several days prior that he wasn't being indicted.

"Unfortunately, we can expect that he’ll spew a whole lot of lies about prosecutors and these charges in the days and weeks to come," he said. "Even though charges are an important step in the judicial process, it’s a very early one. There will be an extremely long and complex trial process ahead. Trump will cry foul and claim the courts and government are rigged against him. But make no mistake, he will be afforded the very same presumption of innocence as any other defendant in this country."

When speaking to MSNBC, Katyal went on to say that one of the most important pieces of this is to identify that "it underscores the extreme damage that Donald Trump did to the presidency and to this country as a whole."


Offline Rick Plant

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Re: Donald Trump Indicted!
« Reply #6278 on: June 09, 2023, 09:01:29 PM »
Here it is:

Read: Trump indictment related to mishandling of classified documents

Offline Rick Plant

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Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #6279 on: June 09, 2023, 09:14:38 PM »
The Trump indictment has been unsealed:

- Trump stole classified nuclear secrets

- Trump shared classified military secrets with multiple people, including someone from his fundraising PAC

- Trump caught on tape admitting he hadn’t declassified it before leaving office.

Donald Trump stole classified documents both domestic & foreign, including National Security, Defense, Weapons, and Nuclear Intel secrets putting our national security and the lives of Americans at risk. 

Trump caught on tape admitting he hadn’t declassified it before leaving office.

The DOJ has also indicted Trump aide Walt Nauta. Hence the “conspiracy to obstruct justice” charge, conspiracy being an act that requires two or more people.

The unsealed indictment alleges that “a Trump family member” was texting with Walt Nauta about the boxes? This is bad:

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #6279 on: June 09, 2023, 09:14:38 PM »