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Author Topic: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2  (Read 386537 times)

Offline Rick Plant

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Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #6280 on: June 10, 2023, 06:40:37 AM »

Trump is facing 38 counts laid out in the DOJ’s indictment, including the unlawful retention of defense information

“This is the first time in American history that a former president has been criminally indicted by the Department of Justice,"
@NorahODonnell says


Read the full Trump indictment on mishandling of classified documents

Trump haphazardly stashed military secrets throughout his home, indictment says

The unsealed indictment charges Trump with 38 felony counts, including 31 counts under the Espionage Act of “willful retention” of classified records.

A federal indictment unsealed Friday charges former President Donald Trump with 37 felony counts stemming from an investigation into the presence of a trove of classified information at his Florida estate and other locations after he left office.

Prosecutors led by special counsel Jack Smith allege that Trump arranged to remove a massive collection of highly sensitive classified material — much of which consists of intelligence about the “defense and weapons capabilities” of the United States and foreign countries — to his private residence as he left the White House in January 2021.

He had aides stash those records in boxes that also included personal items and ordered them shipped to his estate in Mar-a-Lago at the end of his tenure, according to the indictment. The charging document also says that on at least two occasions, Trump showed classified records to visitors without security clearances at his golf club in Bedminster, New Jersey — including the map of a military operation to a representative of his political committee.

As the Justice Department began inquiring about the records stashed at Trump’s home, the indictment alleges, Trump ordered an aide — Walt Nauta — to begin moving boxes with classified records to obscure them from investigators. Trump did this without informing his attorney, who was preparing to search Trump’s property in compliance with court-authorized subpoenas to recover the records.

Trump is facing 31 counts of violating the Espionage Act through “willful retention” of classified records and six counts related to his alleged effort to obstruct the investigation. Nauta was also charged with five felonies, including obstruction of justice and making false statements to the FBI.

“We have one set of laws in this country,” said Smith, briefly addressing the media after the unsealing of the indictment. “They apply to everyone.”

The evidence arrayed by the Justice Department paints a devastating picture of an ex-president intent on squirreling away national military secrets at his homes, irrespective of potential consequences. Trump, who took office in 2017 after a campaign in which he lambasted Hillary Clinton for jeopardizing classified information on an unsecured email server, is portrayed as haphazardly stashing documents in different corners of his home — with open access to employees of his club.

At one point in December 2021, Nauta found several boxes toppled in Trump’s Mar-a-Lago storage room, with papers strewn about the floor, including some labeled as “Five Eyes” intelligence — a reference to the group of nations that are most closely allied with the United States and engage in a higher level of intelligence sharing. Nauta took two photos of the spill and shared them with another Trump employee.

If Trump is ultimately tried and convicted on the 37 counts, he faces a potentially lengthy prison term. Each count of willful retention of records carries a maximum 10-year sentence, while the six obstruction charges each carry a 20-year maximum sentence. False statements charges each carry a five-year maximum.

The indictment is Trump’s second in the past three months. He also faces a 34-count indictment in New York for allegedly falsifying business records in connection with hush money payments to a porn star to prevent her from alleging an affair in the final weeks of the 2016 election. And two more criminal probes could result in further charges: a second probe by Smith of Trump’s bid to subvert the 2020 election and an investigation by Atlanta-area district attorney Fani Willis, also about Trump’s election gambit.

The indictment lists 31 specific documents Trump is accused of intentionally withholding from federal officials after they requested the return of all national security records: 21 of the documents are described as Top Secret, nine as secret and one as lacking any classification marking but involving “military contingency planning of the United States.”

Throughout the indictment, prosecutors emphasize that Trump was aware of the significance of protecting classified information, highlighting statements he made throughout his presidency about the seriousness of upholding laws related to national security secrets. They also repeatedly showed him to be a hands-on manager of the records in question, personally directing the packing and movement of boxes.

And when DOJ came calling to recover them, the indictment notes that Trump — speaking to his attorney — made at least two references to Clinton and her lawyer’s claim that he had deleted her emails before responding to a Justice Department subpoena. Trump’s lawyer, per the indictment, memorialized those exchanges, as well as another in which the lawyer said Trump appeared to instruct him to remove any documents that might be particularly incriminating.

The indictment notes that in June 2022, after Trump orchestrated the last-minute removal of boxes from rooms that DOJ was likely to inquire about, he delayed his trip from Mar-a-Lago to Bedminster in order to greet investigators at his home and pledge to be an “open book.”

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #6280 on: June 10, 2023, 06:40:37 AM »

Offline Rick Plant

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Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #6281 on: June 10, 2023, 11:36:11 AM »
Morally bankrupt': Former Defense Secretary shreds Trump over national security failings

Former President Donald Trump's disrespect for the security of classified information really amounts to a disrespect for the men and women behind that classified information who put their lives on the line for the country, argued former Bill Clinton Secretary of Defense William Cohen on CNN Friday.

This came after the release of the 37-count indictment against the former president secured by special counsel Jack Smith.

"When you read the transcript of the former president saying to a room full of just people who were there to hear from him and suck up to him, none of whom had security clearances, saying, you know, this is highly confidential, it's secret. This is secret information. Look. Look at this, and showing them a document," said anchor Anderson Cooper. "I mean, did you ever imagine a president, or somebody who had been president, would do that?"

"Well, Anderson, I felt that he was unfit to be president, unfit to be commander in chief, from the very beginning," said Cohen. "I felt that initially and I didn't vote for him, and I spoke out against him because I saw his character shining through, how he criticized John McCain not being a hero, how he embarrassed a reporter who had a disability, how he actually criticized a Gold Star family during a convention."

Trump's behavior throughout the 2016 campaign, Cohen continued, "told me that the care he was lacking in character and was morally bankrupt."

"And as far as dealing with our men and women who serve us, he's in Arlington National Cemetery looking over the gravesites with John Kelly, General John Kelly, whose son is buried there and said, what was in it for all these people?" added Cohen. "What was in it was the fight for democracy, which is something he apparently doesn't really understand."


Prosecutors getting Trump's lawyer notes says 'all you need to know' about the case: ex-DOJ official

The fact that the government was able to pierce the barrier of attorney-client privilege and obtain Donald Trump's lawyer's notes tells you "all you need to know" about the strength of the prosecution's case, a former DOJ official said Friday evening.

In a wide-ranging interview on MSNBC's The Last Word with Lawrence O'Donnell, former Acting Solicitor General of the United States Neal Katyal suggested that the prosecution's ability to work within the courts to get access to traditionally barred materials says a lot about how the trial will unfold.

Katyal echoed the sentiments of Andrew Weissman, a veteran federal prosecutor who worked on the special counsel investigation into Trump's ties to Russia, who said earlier on the same panel that the "gold" in the indictment "was revealed by having pierced the attorney-client privilege" and that it "relates to the obstruction charges."

"The basic rule is, attorney-client privilege is sacrosanct until and unless you as the client are trying to solicit a crime that your lawyer is participating in," Weissman said. "So that is not something that is privileged and you obviously need to go to a judge, and the judge has to agree that you established that."

Following Weissman's comments, Katyal elaborated even further, saying the key point was the overriding of attorney-client privilege.

"I think Andrew makes the very important point," Katyal said, adding that "what ultimately was litigated and brought to this very respected judge in Washington, D.C., and then ultimately to our nation's second highest court, the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia circuit, should attorney-client privilege in the current notes be given over to prosecutors?"

He further said the courts "took the radical step, really unique, of saying that this is so serious, this crime, and Trump was using his attorney to try to commit it," that it warranted the departure.

"They basically pierced attorney-client privilege," he added. "That to me, Lawrence, says that all you need to know about this case."

Katyal further noted that, because "this is such a serious matter, and Trump's actions were so lawless," that attorney-client privilege ultimately had to be pierced.

"We have to pierce attorney-client privilege, the most sacred privilege in Anglo Americana law going back centuries upon centuries. That to me is why I listened to Jack Smith's press conference today, and the most important words he said were to all Americans: read the indictment."


'Bumbling mafia don': legal expert explains how Trump made the prosecution's case stronger

Donald Trump acted like "the most bumbling mafia don in the history of mafia dons" when he coordinated the obstruction alleged in the confidential documents case, national security attorney Brad Moss said Friday night.

Moss, who said on Thursday that Trump is facing the legal challenge of his life with a legal team that isn't up for the job, was part of a panel discussing the case on MSNBC's The Last Word with Lawrence O'Donnell. Moss accused Trump of "showing off documents" and being carless in other ways.

"He's talking about it to a staffer from the political action committee. He's talking about it to the ghost writers of Mark Meadows," Moss said. "He's getting these subpoenas and acting like the most mafia don in the history of mafia dons. He was joking and talking to his lawyer like, can we say that we don't have anything?"

No, Moss said, you either "comply with the subpoena or move to quash it."

"I don't see a lot of substantive defense that Donald Trump will make at trial," according to Moss.


Offline Rick Plant

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Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #6282 on: June 10, 2023, 12:04:12 PM »
Trump allies are morons. They believe criminal indictments will help Criminal Donald become more "popular" as they blame others for Donnie's crimes. These people are truly deranged. But MAGA suckers will keep sending Donnie their hard earned money. And anyone could have had access to these top secret classified documents at Donnie's residence putting the entire world at risk. That's how serious this is.   

Trump allies thought indictment was a big political boost — until they saw the charges: analyst

Donald Trump's associates were initially hopeful that his being indicted in the Mar-a-Lago classified documents case would be a good thing for him, by giving him a boost to his fundraising and polling — but they were horrified when they actually got a look at the indictment and realized he was on the hook for 37 charges including Espionage Act offenses and obstruction, reported Kristen Holmes on CNN Friday.

"What are you learning about the mood in Trump World tonight, now that they know he's been indicted, now that they've had a very riveting read and a very damning read in this indictment?" asked anchor Erin Burnett.

"We spent the day talking about Trump's orbit," said Holmes, adding that "there was a shift in the mood in Trump World."

"As we reported last night, some of these Trump advisers were feeling really bullish," said Holmes. "They were talking about how good this was going to be politically. I had one person tell me that they were happy that the indictment came before the fourth quarter was over because they were looking for a fundraising boost like they saw after that Manhattan indictment. Today it seemed to shift a little bit. Even this morning Trump played golf with a representative. Allies were calling Trump World trying to shore up support for the president. Once the charges were revealed, it took a shift once people started weighing what was in the document. It went from being political to legal. The legal implications of these charges. What is this going to mean? What is a trial actually going to look like? As you noted, how is this going to affect the election?"

"I had talked to a number of advisers who said, yes, this might help him win the GOP nomination," continued Holmes. "There is no doubt this will rile up the base. However, what is this going to do for a general election? It seems as though it wasn't a small handful of advisers I had spoken to, that a larger group that this perspective was starting to sink in. As we talk about the shifting view, looking at the legal aspect. As you noted, this is a day when Trump is rebuilding his entire legal team. He has two top lawyers who have resigned and he is looking at Miami-based lawyers right now. We know he is scouting that out."

"I have been talking to a couple of sources down in Florida who have heard about calls being made," Holmes added. "Something to keep an eye on. They are taking this seriously, and it really does seem as though the gravity has sunk in of the charges."

Never secured in any way': Reporter says anyone at Mar-a-Lago could have seen defense secrets

Former President Donald Trump's indictment for allegedly concealing classified information in boxes at Mar-a-Lago and demanding his attorneys destroy evidence subpoenaed by a federal grand jury is an unprecedent in American history.

But also unprecedented is the extent to which the former president put critical national security secrets at risk, as CNN's Kristen Holmes detailed out on Friday — because the photographed boxes of documents were in areas that had essentially no security at all.

"What do we know about how secure or insecure these documents, these classified documents containing important national secrets were when stored at Mar-a-Lago?" said anchor Jake Tapper.

"Well, I reached out to a Mar-a-Lago member when we got these," said Holmes. "We know it's not a house, it's a club that people have access to. But I wanted to know how much access. Were these pictures familiar to them? This is what this member told me. They said they have never seen anything, including that white and gold ballroom on there, locked. The direct quote is, 'Once you are on the property, you can really go anywhere. I do.' Being a private club, they can't really stop you from going into the public spaces. One thing to note, you do have to be a member to go on the property, but you can also be the guest of a member."

"This has been a long-term issue for security around the former president," Holmes continued. "We know that while he was president, his advance team, his body men, they had very specific protocols in place for when members brought an 'unsavory character' as a guest. That is, limit proximity to the president, not boxes in a room with an event. This source said they had taken guests to the ballroom on multiple occasions. Never had an issue going in and out of there. It was never secured in any way."

"The other thing to note, since he has been president, since these documents were there, we know that the protocols have gone wayside," Holmes added. "He had dinner with Kanye West. None of that was vetted by any staff. All of those protocols were no longer in place, which gives you an idea of who could have been on this property."

"Yeah," said Tapper. "And we should note, I said this earlier, go to Google and Google 'Mar-a-Lago intruder,' and you'll see at least two Chinese nationals were caught on the property; one of them was deported back to China. There is another allegation about somebody who appears to have been a con artist. Those are just the three we know about."


JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #6282 on: June 10, 2023, 12:04:12 PM »

Offline Rick Plant

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Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #6283 on: June 10, 2023, 10:50:52 PM »
How much trouble does Trump face from the federal indictment

A court on June 9 unsealed the federal indictment against former president Donald Trump. Two law professors tell the Post what to expect next.


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Re: Donald Trump Indicted!
« Reply #6284 on: June 11, 2023, 05:06:50 AM »
Trump indicted on 37 counts relating to top secret docs kept at Mar a Lago


JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Donald Trump Indicted!
« Reply #6284 on: June 11, 2023, 05:06:50 AM »

Offline Rick Plant

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Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #6285 on: June 11, 2023, 06:34:30 AM »
Michael Cohen points to new signs of Trump's 'state of panic'

Reveling in special counsel Jack Smith's 37-count indictment of Donald Trump on charges ranging from obstruction of justice to very serious Espionage Act violations, former Trump "fixer" Michael Cohen said his ex-boss is showing definite signs of fear.

Speaking with MSNBC host Katie Phang, the former Trump lawyer said the now twice-indicted ex-president's flip-out on Truth Social is a sign that he is in a "state of panic."

"At twelve o'clock midnight Trump is in an absolute panic," Cohen told the MSNBC host. "You may have seen it on his Truth Social, all caps again, which connotes in Trump's speech that he's angry. But it also connotes that he's nervous, that he's in a state of panic."

He continued, "And he starts attacking the Biden administration, he starts attacking the DOJ, he starts attacking the attorney general and why? Again, read my book 'Revenge' and you'll understand why. That's what Donald Trump did during his administration. Donald Trump went ahead, he weaponized the DOJ using a willing and complicit attorney general."

He added, "It's typical Trump deflection."


Former Trump lawyer gives DOJ a tip: Follow 'unholy relationships' with the Saudis

Now that special counsel Jack Smith has slammed Donald Trump with a 37-count federal indictment containing alleged conspiracy and Espionage Act violations, it's time for the Department of Justice to look into the former president and his family's dealing with the Saudi royal family.

That is the opinion of former Trump lawyer Michael Cohen who visited with MSNBC host Katie Phang early Saturday morning to discuss the groundbreaking indictment of a former president.

Claiming such an inquiry could already be in the process of being pursued, Cohen told the host that Trump as well as son-in-law Jared Kushner appear to have an "unholy" relationship with the Saudis.

"Donald will throw anyone and everyone under the bus in order to preserve his own freedom, in order to benefit himself," the former Trump "fixer" told the MSNBC host.

"I think the DOJ should be, if they're not already, [be] looking at the unholy relationships that exist between Saudi Arabia, Mohammed bin Salman, and Jared Kushner," he explained.

"I mean, this whole two plus billion dollars to an unqualified hedge funder makes no sense to me, and in light of the information that came out, that there was military information on Iran, and we all know what that Saudi Arabia has had with Iranian aggression on their mind for a long time -- who knows what was shown to them? Who knows what was discussed? Who knows what was sold? None of us."

"I do believe that our law enforcement, because we have the greatest law enforcement in the world, they can find anything, and I do believe they will find a lot of information that goes on outside of Trump, even though I do believe he probably had his hands in it, that he certainly knows about it, and chances are, if he had his hand in it and he knew about it, he profited it from it," he charged.


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Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #6286 on: June 11, 2023, 11:52:32 AM »
'Stuck with whatever he can get': Trump has a lawyer 'problem' as he faces off with Jack Smith

Appearing on CNN early Saturday morning, the state attorney for Palm Beach County claimed the lawyer turmoil Donald Trump is experiencing as he heads to Florida where he will be formally charged on dozens of charges from the Department of Justice puts him at a disadvantage.

Speaking with host Amara Walker, prosecutor Dave Aronberg pointed out that the former president has put himself in the position of not having legal representation experienced in dealing with national security issues that are at the heart of the case against him.

Noting that Trump lawyers Jim Trusty and John Rowley walked away less than 24 hours after the indictments were announced, Aronberg said that is a "problem" for the now twice-indicted former president.

With Walker prompting, "There's a high turnover rate of his legal team," Aronberg quickly responded, "The strategy is just to find a lawyer who will take the case in Florida with knowledge in this area."

"The problem is, as respected as his new lawyer is, apparently he's not an expert in the field of national security," he continued. "We lawyers are specialists and you want someone who is used to this stuff, dealing with classified information because they're going against Jay Bratt who's the head of the Department of Justice's Counterintelligence division and you are going against Jack Smith who is a bulldog."

"You want to bring your A-game, and you don't want to bring someone new to this area," he continued. "But this is what happens with Donald Trump. You know lawyers are reluctant to work for him because look at Chris Kise, well-respected former solicitor general, brought on to help Trump, given a $3 million retainer. Trump didn't like his advice. Kise wanted Trump to be cooperative with the DOJ-- Trump rejected it, he sidelined him. He's stuck with whatever he can get."


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Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #6287 on: June 11, 2023, 10:23:58 PM »
Chris Christie @GovChristie

When your own handpicked AG calls your conduct reckless and totally wrong, then you know you’re in trouble. This is what happens when you keep top secret government documents in a spare bathroom at your country club.

Chris Christie says it right. It's a shame that more Republicans can't be like Christie.

These Republicans are screaming and yelling defending Donald Trump's clear treason. But they want to go after and jail Trump's political opponents based on conspiracy theories and phony accusations.

Donald Trump was caught red handed with the goods, which are top secret classified documents and top secret nuclear documents and MAGA Republicans are yelling the "Deep State" is going after Trump. How is anybody "going after" Trump when he had the documents stashed in a shower at his residence? Trump was asked repeatedly to turn over these sensitive documents but he refused. So, are we just going to forget about it and let Trump hold possession of our most sensitive information? That's what these Republicans want. These people are absolutely insane.

Trump was showing off these highly sensitive documents to anyone who came over to Mara a Lago. Top Republican donors, wealthy businessmen, book ghostwriters, you name it were being shown these top secret classified documents by Trump. And none of these people had a top security clearance to view these highly classified documents. Only a select few people are allowed access to these top secret classified documents but Trump was showing these off to private citizens who are not allowed to even be near them. And right wing Republicans feel this isn't a serious matter.

That's why Republicans are not fit to govern. They do not care about our national security or the lives of Americans. They don't care about the risks it poses to other countries either. Since Republicans are not serious about Unted States national security, they have no business holding a government office. Republicans took an oath to defend America and the Constitution of the United States of America, not to take a MAGA oath to protect Donald Trump from putting America and the world in harm's way.                       

Who knows who saw these documents. Someone could have taken a picture of these highly sensitive documents and given them to enemy countries. This directly puts our national security and American lives in danger. Not to mention other countries, because it was revealed that top secret information on other nations were amongst these highly sensitive documents. Nuclear war could break out if the wrong people got hold of these documents. So, Donald Trump put the entire world at risk and right wingers are screaming that it's a "witch hunt" and "partisan politics". No, Trump was caught red handed with the goods and Republicans still don't want him to be prosecuted.

The question needs to be asked, what can Trump do before these Republicans finally say he needs to be prosecuted and imprisoned for his crimes?

Trump committed clear treason by trying to steal the presidency from Biden via a violent coup and insurrection. Republicans say "that's not a big deal". Trump was caught red handed stealing and hiding top secret nuclear documents and Republicans still say "that's not a big deal". So, what can Trump do before these Republicans finally say "it's a big deal". The answer is "nothing" because these right wingers feel Donald Trump can do whatever he wants.       

When are these right wingers going to admit Donald Trump is a brazen criminal who will be in prison for espionage?

They never will because MAGA is a cult and Donald Trump is their cult leader. According to them, Donald Trump can do whatever he wants and he should never have to face the justice system like any other American.                   

If you've seen right wing television in the last couple of days, or the Sunday shows on the main networks, we have right wing Republicans using their usual "whataboutisms". They do this to deflect Trump's treason and try to project fake crimes on Trump's political opponents.

We hear the famous "what about Hillary Clinton? What about Joe Biden?"

Both Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden were never charged with any crime, nor is there any evidence against them that they committed any crimes. Republicans in Congress did several investigations and they all turned up absolutely nothing. So, even after all those phony investigations that Republicans found nothing, they still falsely accuse both of imaginary crimes. After they have nothing on them, Republicans are now falsely accusing the Justice Department of "covering up" when there is no evidence of that. It's all lies and propaganda just for a pathetic attempt to take the heat off Trump's treason.

These right wing Republicans need to end their "whataboutisms" and their over the top outrage and accept that Donald Trump stole nuclear documents which is illegal. They need to accept Trump is a brazen criminal who will face the justice system. Republicans need to end this nonsense and quit protecting a brazen criminal.

The most important part of our government and our leaders is to protect the lives of Americans and our country.

Top secret classified documents are the most important part of our government and national security which affects the lives of Americans and basically the existence of the United States. If top secret classified documents ever got into the wrong hands it could absolutely be catastrophic for us and the world. And we have Donald Trump, a private citizen, hoarding our most top secret classified documents in a shower at his residence and showing them off to his guests. He was recorded on tape discussing these documents admitting they were never declassified after he was publicly lying that they were. Donald Trump stole highly sensitive documents to take home to his residence and Republicans scream "the Deep State and Joe Biden is out to get Trump for political reasons". No, Trump is a brazen criminal who got caught stealing top secret classified documents. That is his own doing. 

So, Republicans want to protect Donald Trump so he can hold our most sensitive information as a trophy piece and for conversation purposes at his parties. Anyone could have access to these top secret classified documents. But Republicans do not care, their only interests is to appease Donald Trump and to protect him from his crimes. Republicans do not take the United States or our national security as a serious matter and they are not fit to govern.

Remember this well when you vote next year. Do you want a political party that jeopardizes our national security and the existence of the entire world? I sure don't. What about you?                                 

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #6287 on: June 11, 2023, 10:23:58 PM »