An hour ago we have now crossed 12 million coronavirus infections.
This was the fastest 3 million new cases we have ever had during the pandemic. 12,046,903 is the current total.
Yesterday's death numbers have been revised to 1,971 instead of 1,964.
Today's current death total is 1,814 and the day isn't even over yet. 170,228 new infections today and it was at 40,000 when I posted earlier this morning. So, over 130,000 more people had positive cases in 12 hours.
Most likely today's infection and death rate will surpass yesterday's totals.
Health experts said by next week we will reach over 200,000 infections per day along with 2,000 deaths. They were accurate and its happening a week earlier than expected.
They predicted more dire results as the last two days in November and the first week of December is slated to have 300,000 infections with 3,000 deaths per day. The infection rate will rise by the million about every 3 days.
Donald Trump is illegally holding up Biden's transition so more Americans will die because of it and his GOP thugs are playing right along as America becomes more ravaged with infection.
All these new numbers prove that the coronavirus death rate is not "dropping" and the infection rate is not "leveling off". Infections are increasing by the hundreds of thousands and the death rate is rising by the thousands each day.