Befor I bother replying to your questions (and I will), the ones that would enable you to classify me have you used your "research skills" to answer my question. So far, it seems you might be one but there is still time for me to change my mind.
Answer which of your questions. You mean this question?
Still looking for an answer to this.
So those who truly don’t believe in large scale conspiracy to assassinate are called what?
Still waiting.
I already answered this question. And I will answer it again.
Those who believe in a Large-Secret-Enduring Conspiracy are LSE-CTers.
Those who believe in a Small-Secret-Enduring Conspiracy are SSE-Cters.
And in the JFK assassination case, those who don’t believe there was any conspiracy are LNers.
And, again, I don’t think there are any real JFK SSE-CTers. I think all JFK CTers are LSE-CTers.