My hopes for this week.
Starting on Tuesday, they are able to determine, before the day is out, that both Republican candidates lost. And lost by as wide as margin as possible. If I lived in Georgia, I would want to send a message. The strongest message I could. Turn control of the Senate, as well as the House, over to the Democrats. To let them know that I am enormously upset with them, for trying to overturn an election. With bogus claims that never stand up to manual recounts (over 5,000,000 in the country, mostly in Georgia) or to signature checks of mail in ballots (150,000 in one Georgia country). Once these checks failed to find anything, it was time to stop the malarky. They haven’t stopped the malarky. So, it is time to send them a message.
I can’t believe that all Georgia Republicans are mindless Trump fans. Some of them must be upset about this. If five per cent of the Republicans in Georgia take action, that should more than kill to chances of both Republican candidates, both of whom have fully backed Trumps efforts to overturn a valid election. I’m leaving the party in any case. Too many Senate and House members are supporting this for me to stay. But if Georgia lets me down, I know I am making the right choice.
I don’t care if 99 per cent of the Senate and House members who are going along with this are just going through the motions. They have no intention of really seeing Trump prevail. Pretending Is still unacceptable. It undermines the public’s trust in elections. They seem to think that holding their office, or maybe taking the next step up, is more important than maintaining the people’s faith in fair elections. Men have died to uphold the principles of Democracy, at Omaha Beach and other places. These politicians are more important than them? I will use my vote, from here on out, to frustrate them. Ted Cruz, Josh Hawley, Tommy Tuberville, and a host of others, will never get my vote if they run for President or Vice President. I will vote for Bernie Sanders if I have to.
I would love it if many congressmen come to realize by Tuesday evening, that they may have made a serious mistake. It’s probably only a pipe dream, but we shall see.