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Author Topic: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2  (Read 388205 times)

Offline Joe Elliott

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Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #3392 on: January 17, 2021, 03:23:22 AM »
Folks, this is what you call a LOSER. This fraud pulled scams like this his whole miserable life. Now he will finally be held accountable for his crimes as he will be in prison.   

Trump spent weeks rehearsing election night victory lies for aides: report

On Saturday, Axios reported that outgoing President Donald Trump's efforts to steal the election were "premeditated" before any of the ballots were reported — and that he planned ahead of time to declare premature victory if it looked like he was ahead in enough states.

Trump is not crazy like a fox. Trump is crazy like a crazy fox.

Trump was planning multiple options since at least September 29, when he told the Proud Boys to “Stand Back and Stand by”.

He decided to try many paths to victory, figuring he just needed one of them to work. All of them were unlikely.

•   Advocate voting in person, while Biden advocated mail in ballots, to avoid COVID-19. Then he could suppress the mail in ballots and get an edge.

This one mistake may have doom him. Lots of people, generally Democrats but sometimes Republicans intend to vote on Election day, but end up not doing so. Held up at work, feeling sick, feeling tired, a child gets sick. The expansion of mail in ballots was a huge factor in the record number of both Republican and Democratic voters (not all Republicans answered the call to avoid mail in ballots). But the Democrats benefited from this more, because of this one Trump blunder.

And, this effort backfired. The U. S. Postal Service slowed its service, which should invalidate many of the mail in ballots. The Secretary of State of some states, like Georgia, adjusted to the changing circumstances, by extending the deadline. The sort of things Secretary of States do due to unforeseen circumstances, like hurricanes.

•   Rushing in his appointment of a Supreme Court justice. He though this should work. Three of the justices would now be Trump appointees. At least a couple of others were quite conservative. This fell flat. Not one Supreme Court Justice came to his aid to suppress the election. People tend to project a lot. He didn’t realize that judges don’t think the same way he did.

•   Hope the lower Federal judges would come through for him. Some of them were Trump appointees. Same result.

•   Declare victory on Election night. This is really lame. Like this is going to work? The official results come in a few days later and he thinks that is not going to change anything?

•   Work on state governors and officials to help him out. Some of the were Republicans. Not just Republicans but Republicans that he helped get elected. Again, not everyone thinks like Trump.

•   Work on Republican legislatures. Same result. Again, not everyone thinks like Trump. At times, they would go through the motions of helping him. To get favor with the Trump base. But no real effective help.

•   Work on Republican Senators and Congressmembers. Again, lots of going through the motions of overturning the election, but never anything that is actually going to work.

•   His final card, calling upon the Proud Boys and their cohorts. The only group that would actually try to keep him as President. As crazy a plan as any from this Crazy Fox President. Maybe meant more for getting revenge then somehow allowing him to remain as President. But who knows? He is pretty far gone.

With all this time spent on scheming, is it any wonder he wasn’t able to prepare a better vaccine roll out plan?

Never mind the 5 who died at the Capitol. The real cost of all this scheming is the thousand and thousands who die each day, and the many tens of thousands who die each week the vaccinations are delayed, because not enough planning was made.

« Last Edit: January 17, 2021, 03:49:52 AM by Joe Elliott »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #3392 on: January 17, 2021, 03:23:22 AM »

Offline Joe Elliott

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Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #3393 on: January 17, 2021, 03:43:07 AM »

Will the arrested rioters turn against Trump?

Yep. Pretty soon. Right after January 21.

Until then, they will hope will come through for them and pardon them. But he won’t. He doesn’t want to imply it was his fault, he wants to imply it was their fault.

By January 21, it will start to become clear to them that they are just tools. Dull tools at that. Then it will be interesting to hear what they have to say.

Offline John Tonkovich

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Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #3394 on: January 17, 2021, 04:09:11 AM »
You don't much sense in your rhetorical posts.   You would make a really good LHO.   So it is okay to allow ANTIFA or BLM or Ayatollah Khamenei to post uncensored hate speech unhindered including a call to incite violence.   At the same time you censor the call for election integrity as a violent threat and harmful disinformation when you want to make sure your vote counts.  Sure does look unbiased and without agenda!  The NYPost makes a credible newspaper article about Hunter Biden's laptop pre-election and they are censored for it - no  freedom of press.  In that case it was called "harmful disinformation"!  Basement Joe has never denied any of it and refuses to make even a comment on it because it could be used against him.  It is not denied as false but rather part of a Russian disinformation campaign - plausible deniability - never forced to make a statement!   The most honest POTUS you would ever want!

Again, You must love BigTech Facebook, Microsoft, Twitter, Google, Amazon and Apple as they are controlling the social space and what the peasants are allowed to see and their unbiased and unabashed censoring!   This power should be taken out of the hands of the plutocrats.   The censorship that took place prior to and after elections proves that the country is on the wrong path and 1st amendment has been replaced by MSM propaganda.  This is what Communism did for their countries - take the blinders off Rick.  The country is in trouble big time.   The Chinese are laughing and happily push America on the path to destruction where there are no morals, values and ethics and soon will collapse and be replaced by a new form of world government.  RIP
Uh, the NY Post published their piece on Hunter Biden.
Private companies chose not to put it on their private sites. That's called free enterprise. 
Do you not understand free enterprise?

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #3394 on: January 17, 2021, 04:09:11 AM »

Offline Joe Elliott

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Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #3395 on: January 17, 2021, 07:35:09 AM »

Two things are amazing about Donald Trump. One, his complete lack of a moral core. Of loyalty to Democracy, among other things. Two, his inability to read other people.

Trump’s schemes were doomed from the start. They would work, if people thought the same way he did. Which he just assumes everyone does. Everyone does not.

He was surprised by how the Republican Governors acted. How the Republican Secretary of State acted. How the judges acted, even the ones he appointed. Even the politicians he misjudged. Oh, yes, they would go through the motions of stealing the election. But they were never actually going to go through with it. But Trump never figured that out. Even now, he still hasn’t figured it out. He thought they all failed him because they all lacked the guts. No. They failed him because their greater allegiance is to Democracy.

The only ones who did his bidding were the Proud Boys and their cohorts. They are similar to Trump and so he was able to figure them out.

He thought he was so much cleverer than everyone else. Instead, he was the fool, the biggest fool. Him and those fools he sent down Pennsylvania Avenue on a Fool’s errand.

How did he do so well in business? Well, everyone is out for the same thing. Maximize profit balanced with minimizing risk. It appears one does not have to be very good at figuring out what makes different people tick. So, he could get by without being insightful about human nature.
« Last Edit: January 17, 2021, 07:36:58 AM by Joe Elliott »

Offline Bill Chapman

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Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #3396 on: January 17, 2021, 01:29:23 PM »
Two things are amazing about Donald Trump. One, his complete lack of a moral core. Of loyalty to Democracy, among other things. Two, his inability to read other people.

Trump’s schemes were doomed from the start. They would work, if people thought the same way he did. Which he just assumes everyone does. Everyone does not.

He was surprised by how the Republican Governors acted. How the Republican Secretary of State acted. How the judges acted, even the ones he appointed. Even the politicians he misjudged. Oh, yes, they would go through the motions of stealing the election. But they were never actually going to go through with it. But Trump never figured that out. Even now, he still hasn’t figured it out. He thought they all failed him because they all lacked the guts. No. They failed him because their greater allegiance is to Democracy.

The only ones who did his bidding were the Proud Boys and their cohorts. They are similar to Trump and so he was able to figure them out.

He thought he was so much cleverer than everyone else. Instead, he was the fool, the biggest fool. Him and those fools he sent down Pennsylvania Avenue on a Fool’s errand.

How did he do so well in business? Well, everyone is out for the same thing. Maximize profit balanced with minimizing risk. It appears one does not have to be very good at figuring out what makes different people tick. So, he could get by without being insightful about human nature.

Good catch, Joe.. very perceptive. I think Trump is on the autistic spectrum. No social filters (grabbing crotches for instance).
« Last Edit: January 17, 2021, 01:50:43 PM by Bill Chapman »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #3396 on: January 17, 2021, 01:29:23 PM »

Online Richard Smith

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Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #3397 on: January 17, 2021, 03:13:48 PM »
Go and ask them if they are.

They didn't say it.  China Joe did.

Offline Paul May

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Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #3398 on: January 17, 2021, 05:07:14 PM »

I have to admit, this coup attempt by a fascist President has totally eclipsed my interest in the JFK assassination debate. Both conspiracy theories touch upon weakening the people’s faith in Democracy, but this “Stolen Election” narrative is an order of magnitude more damaging, in my opinion.

Ultimately, my interest in the JFK assassination debate is fighting against a false narrative that attacks Democracy. And I think this forum should address any conspiracy theory that attacks Democracy. Yes, getting into a debate over a conspiracy debate on something that does not attack Democracy, like whether we need a wall or not, is a bad idea. Building a wall along the border is a dumb idea, but I don’t think doing so attacks peoples believe in Democracy.

In the end, I think the two conspiracy theories are closely related enough to be talked about on the same forum.

It’s time. It’s over cooked.

Offline Joe Elliott

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Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #3399 on: January 17, 2021, 08:19:10 PM »

Closing out this thread on January 20th.


I have to admit, this coup attempt by a fascist President has totally eclipsed my interest in the JFK assassination debate. Both conspiracy theories touch upon weakening the people’s faith in Democracy, but this “Stolen Election” narrative is an order of magnitude more damaging, in my opinion.

Ultimately, my interest in the JFK assassination debate is fighting against a false narrative that attacks Democracy. And I think this forum should address any conspiracy theory that attacks Democracy. Yes, getting into a debate over a conspiracy debate on something that does not attack Democracy, like whether we need a wall or not, is a bad idea. Building a wall along the border is a dumb idea, but I don’t think doing so attacks peoples believe in Democracy.

In the end, I think the two conspiracy theories are closely related enough to be talked about on the same forum.

It’s time. It’s over cooked.

Overcooked? Well, of the first 18 topics on the first page “General Discussion & Debate”, the topics that have attracted the most interest recently, this one topic has had 3,425 posts, while the other 17 topics have a combined 4,012 posts. That is 46% of the posts for these 18 topics. So, this is, I guess, a little overcooked. This topic may have set a record for the most posts in a 6-month period.

Perhaps Duncan can move this topic to “Off Topic”, if it is not too much trouble.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #3399 on: January 17, 2021, 08:19:10 PM »