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Offline Rick Plant

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Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #4096 on: July 14, 2021, 03:15:33 PM »
We had 4 years of 'total incompetence' during Criminal Donald's corrupt and criminal regime. Gen. Milley knows Criminal Donald is a lunatic and was never mentally fit to be in office. And a right wing scumbag family were all arrested  for attempting to overthrow the US Government.   

General Milley warned he was 'surrounded by total incompetence' in the waning days of Trump presidency

In the waning days of President Donald Trump's administration, Gen. Mark Milley was cautioned by a longtime friend that it was very clear that he was surrounded by incompetence, wrote the Daily Mail.

The tale is in the new book I Alone Can Fix It, by Washington Post reporters Carol Leonnig and Philip Rucker. Milley, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs, got a warning call from a friend on Election Night 2020.

"You're surrounded by total incompetence," the friend, a retired military officer, warned in the note. "There's fourth-rate people at the Pentagon. And you have fifth-rate people at the White House."

The friend also explained that Milley was "an island unto yourself right now. You are not tethered. Your loyalty is to the Constitution."

Milley had reportedly been wary of Trump's attempts to use the military for political purposes after he joined part of the former president's entourage to the church across the street from the White House for a photo-op after Park Service officers tear-gassed Black Lives Matter protesters.

Michael Bender's book describes the scene as Milley watched Ivanka Trump lift a Bible from her $1500 Italian leather handbag for him to hold up as a prop for his photo-op. Milley stormed off, later apologizing to the country for involving himself when his job has traditionally been nonpartisan.

The book also revealed that Defense Secretary Mark Esper begged NBC News to kill a story about him being fired by Trump because it could have "worrisome repercussions" amid election turmoil. Esper was another adviser who was opposed to troops on American streets during Black Lives Matter protests.

"He was worried about what Trump might try to do with the military if he was not at the helm," wrote Rucker and Leonnig. "Esper warned Kube that publishing her story could result in a more compliant acting secretary of defense, which could have worrisome repercussions."

Five members of a north Texas family were charged in connection with the Jan. 6 insurrection

Kristi Munn, of Borger, and other family members traveled to Washington, D.C., for the "Stop The Steal" rally promoted by former president Donald Trump, according to a relative of the woman's fiancé who notified the FBI three days after the riot.

"Washington D.C. here we come," Kristi Munn posted on Facebook, tagging family members who traveled with her. "#StopTheSteal #TrumpIsMyPresident."

Agents examined screenshots from Munn's Facebook and Snapchat accounts the relative had made showing six family members, including a minor child who has not been charged, at the U.S. Capitol, and investigators then examined social media accounts belonging to other family members.

"POTUS HAS REQUESTED YOUR ATTENDANCE WASHINGTON DC JANUARY 6TH 2021," posted relative Tom Munn on his own Facebook account. "Our President has only asked two things from us, so far... #1 Vote #2 January 6, 2021."

Tom Munn also posted a photo of the pickup truck and trailer camper, which was festooned with a QAnon sign, that they used to travel to Washington, along with updates from shortly after the riot.

'Made it back to the hotel about an hour ago," Tom Munn posted. "Have lots of pics and video to follow . . . the DC police opened up on a small group climbing the scaffolding, with gas grenades . . . The only damage to the capital building was several windows and sets of doors. Nothing inside the capital was damaged. I can tell you, patriots NEVER made it to the chamber. There was no violence in the capital building, the crowd was NOT out of control . . . they were ANGRY!!!"

Kristi Munn also posted updates from the event on her own Facebook page, where she similarly denied the violent actions seen in multiple videos from the siege.

"These women stormed OUR capital and demanded OUR House and Country back!!!!" Kristi Munn posted. "They did not brake [sic] burn threaten swear push touch or hurt another American there today but they damn sure made their voice hear [sic]!!!"

Investigators identified all of the family members shown on surveillance and other video climbing through broken windows into the Capitol during the riot, and they also appeared in various livestream videos recorded that day inside the building.

Subsequent social media activity confirmed their presence inside the building, including one Facebook conversation between Kayli Munn and another relative who asked how the march had been.

"F***ing great!" Kayli Munn said. "Holy sh*t we were inside the f***ing capital!"

Cell phone location data obtained in a search warrant further confirmed their presence inside the Capitol as Trump supporters attempted to stop the certification of Joe Biden's election win.

Kristi Munn, Tom Munn, Dawn Munn, Josh Munn and Kayli Munn were each charged with illegally entering a restricted government building with the intention of stopping official business and using threatening language in the Capitol to disrupt a session of Congress.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #4096 on: July 14, 2021, 03:15:33 PM »

Offline Richard Smith

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Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #4097 on: July 14, 2021, 07:41:25 PM »
What's sick and disgusting is an individual like you continuing to make false attacks against me. 

Nowhere am I "celebrating" the death of anyone. I think it's tragic how people are listening to this right wing disinformation on vaccines and dying because of it.

This woman was fed lies by the right wing media and GOP politicians about the vaccine and she believed them. She was a nurse so she should have known better. The vaccine lies these right wingers are promoting is killing off their own supporters and allowing the virus to mutate into a more deadly variant.

That is not "politicization", that is a fact.

Right wingers have politicized COVID-19 and vaccines right out of the gate calling it a "hoax", telling their followers not to wear masks and not to follow stay at home orders, and now they are telling them not to get vaccinated. 

The GOP is a death cult wanting their own supporters to get sick and die by purposely lying to them.         

You posted a picture of a young woman who died from the virus and referred to her as a "moron" among other insults suggesting that she deserved to die.  You are a very sick person.  Putting that disgusting act aside, we are now at almost 500 pages just on this thread alone of your seemingly endless hate-filled Trump rants.  That is indicative of someone in the midst of a severe compulsion disorder.  It is also very creepy.  Find a normal person and tell them that you fill a JFK assassination forum with tens of thousands of long, hate filled rants on Trump every single day and ask that person to assess your mental state.  Here is a hint - it's not good. 

Offline Rick Plant

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Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #4098 on: July 15, 2021, 02:23:20 AM »
Another corrupt Trump associate has been convicted and is headed to prison. Criminal Donald will be indicted himself in the coming months.

Banker convicted of bribery for plot to land Trump administration job: Stephen Calk used the federally insured bank he ran "as his personal piggybank to try and buy himself prestige and power,” Manhattan U.S. Attorney Audrey Strauss said

A former Chicago bank executive was convicted Tuesday in a scheme to arrange $16 million in loans for former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort in exchange for a high-level position in the Trump administration.

Stephen Calk, the former CEO of The Federal Savings Bank, was found guilty of financial institution bribery and conspiracy to commit financial institution bribery after a three-week trial in Manhattan.

“Calk used the federally-insured bank he ran as his personal piggybank to try and buy himself prestige and power,” Manhattan U.S. Attorney Audrey Strauss said in a statement. “Today’s verdict sends the message that corruption at the highest levels of federally regulated financial institutions will be prosecuted by this office.”

Calk’s lawyer, Paul Schoeman, did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

In a scheme that stretched from July 2016 to January 2017, Calk worked to approve multiple high-risk loans for Manafort, who urgently needed them to avoid foreclosure on several properties.

While the loans were pending approval, Calk provided Manafort with a ranked list of positions he desired. At the top were the two head positions at the U.S. Treasury, followed by secretary of Commerce and secretary of Defense. The list also included 19 high-level ambassadorships to countries such as the United Kingdom, France, Germany and Italy.

Manafort received three separate Federal Savings Bank loans in December 2016 and January 2017 for homes in New York City, Virginia and the Hamptons, New York.

As part of his efforts to secure Calk a position in the Trump administration, Manafort emailed Calk’s resume to Jared Kushner. Calk eventually got an interview at Trump Tower, but he was never offered any job within the administration.

Calk, 56, faces up to 30 years in prison. His sentencing was set for January 2022.

Special counsel Robert Mueller's office charged Manafort with tax evasion and violating federal lobbying laws, among other crimes, for concealing millions of dollars he earned representing pro-Russian political figures in Ukraine.

He was convicted after a jury trial in Alexandria, Virginia, and pleaded guilty to related charges in a separate case in Washington, D.C.

Manafort was sentenced to 7½ years in prison but was pardoned by then-President Donald Trump in December 2020.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #4098 on: July 15, 2021, 02:23:20 AM »

Offline Rick Plant

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Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #4099 on: July 15, 2021, 03:05:37 AM »
You posted a picture of a young woman who died from the virus and referred to her as a "moron" among other insults suggesting that she deserved to die. You are a very sick person. Putting that disgusting act aside, we are now at almost 500 pages just on this thread alone of your seemingly endless hate-filled Trump rants. That is indicative of someone in the midst of a severe compulsion disorder.  It is also very creepy.  Find a normal person and tell them that you fill a JFK assassination forum with tens of thousands of long, hate filled rants on Trump every single day and ask that person to assess your mental state.  Here is a hint - it's not good.

Do you mean the virus that Criminal Donald called a "Democrat hoax" and the right wing media called "fake"? That virus?

You believed those lies and so did every right winger that listened to them. Those lies have already killed hundred of thousands of Americans and more are dying each day because of it. These fraudulent liars need to all be held accountable for their purposeful disinformation that's causing massive death and illness in our country. And now they are purposely lying about the vaccines and closing down vaccination centers, so people won't get vaccinated and more people can get sick and die, thus spreading the virus which will then mutate into a more deadly variant. The GOP and the lying right wing media is causing this to happen.     

Yes, she was a moron for listening to the sick and twisted lying right wing media that is purposely spreading lies about the vaccines so people won't get vaccinated. Those lies are killing people. If she got vaccinated she would still be alive today. That is an absolute fact, but you purposely lied accusing me of "celebrating her death" and stating she "deserved to die". That is an absolute lie. I never ever said that. Moderators really need to crack down on your blatant slander you are posting against me and give you a suspension. You've done this on multiple occasions. 

Instead of personally attacking me for posting the facts and the truth, you should attack your right wing media, the GOP, and your orange criminal messiah for pushing blatant lies that are killing Americans each day. Instead, you falsely attack me because you simply can't handle the truth.       

There is nothing "hate filled". Everything is factual about what the MAGA thugs, Criminal Donald, The GOP, and the lying right wing media are doing in regards to lying about COVID-19, the vaccines, and the illegal coup to overthrow the US Government. It's also none of your business what or where I post. This is a Trump conspiracy thread and I'm posting far right wing conspiracies that Trump and right wingers promote. Again, you simply can't handle the truth and you're still angry Criminal Donald lost the election, so you attack me personally instead because you are unable to defend your position and the lies of the far right....that's not good.       

Offline Joe Elliott

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Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #4100 on: July 15, 2021, 05:46:07 AM »

Tennessee Republicans' war against childhood vaccinations reached a new level on Tuesday after Tennessean reported that the state's health department "will halt all adolescent vaccine outreach – not just for coronavirus, but all diseases – amid pressure from Republican state lawmakers."

The halt to child vaccine programs comes just one day after Tennessee's top vaccine official was fired for what she claimed were her efforts to promote COVID-19 vaccinations for teenagers.

Incredible. The anti-vaxers are having an incredible influence on certain state governments and the people.

Is it any wonder that more than half the people think there was a conspiracy to kill JFK? If you can convince people to not get vaccinated, you can convince them of a conspiracy theory. Nonsense can be sold to the masses very effectively.
« Last Edit: July 15, 2021, 05:48:41 AM by Joe Elliott »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #4100 on: July 15, 2021, 05:46:07 AM »

Offline Rick Plant

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Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #4101 on: July 15, 2021, 08:05:37 AM »
What we all knew what Criminal Donald attempted to do is finally being reported and it's being told by our top military Generals. Criminal Donald tried to launch a coup to illegally remain in office and he had help from his MAGA thugs who stormed and attacked our Capitol. And the right wing media along with seditious GOP members continue to spread "The Big Lie" that the election was stolen which is further inciting these right wing lunatics. Top Democrats and our military leaders were worried Criminal Donald would try to launch a nuclear strike to remain in power. It's also being reported that Criminal Donald wanted to execute the "leaker" who told the truth about Criminal Donald hiding in a bunker like a coward. And right wingers are ok with all of this because they hate America and democracy wanting to be ruled under a fascist dictatorship with Criminal Donald as their Führer. This mentally deranged lunatic needs to be brought up on treason and locked away in an insane asylum. 

Top general feared Trump's 'brownshirt' supporters would state a coup

In Phil Rucker and Carol Leonnig's new book, I Alone Can Fix It, spends ample time talking about President Donald Trump's White House through the eyes of several people watching as the end drew near. One such person was the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs, Gen. Mark Milley, who revealed the horrifying scene that unfolded in the final days of the Trump administration, the Washington Post reported.

The Joint Chiefs had a moment where they actually discussed resigning, one-by-one if they were ordered by Trump to do something illegal or dangerous. Trump grew increasingly volatile as Jan. 20 grew closer and the

"It was a kind of Saturday Night Massacre in reverse," the Washington Post writers describe, according to a CNN excerpt.

It's a shocking tale, in large part because military members don't disobey orders, especially from the commander-in-chief.

Milley was afraid that Trump was about to stage his own coup.

"They may try, but they're not going to f*cking succeed," he said. "You can't do this without the military. You can't do this without the CIA and the FBI. We're the guys with the guns."

He attended a briefing about the "Million MAGA March" that was planned in Washington to protest Trump's loss.

"Milley said he feared an American equivalent of 'brownshirts in the streets,' alluding to the paramilitary forces that protected Nazi rallies and enabled Hitler's ascent.

Many of Trump's supporters assumed that the military would have their back if they did stage an attack. Interestingly, there were many military members and veterans who attacked the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, despite their oaths to uphold the Constitution.

Two days after Jan. 6 Milley and Pelosi spoke about the attacks, and she reminded him of the oath he swore. She asked him to "review precautions for preventing an unstable president from initiating war by ordering a nuclear strike." It's a fact that many were pontificating about in columns and on cable news, but behind the scenes, the top leaders of the United States were genuinely fearful that Trump might try to launch nuclear weapons to stay in the White House.

"Ma'am, I guarentee you that we have checks and balances in the system, Milley said. He then walked her through the process.

Milley described "a stomach-churning" feeling when he heard Trump spout the complaints about the 2020 "election fraud." Milley drew "a comparison to the 1933 attack on Germany's parliament building that Hitler used as a pretext to establish a Nazi dictatorship," the Post described.

"This is a Reichstag moment," Milley told his aides. "The gospel of the Führer."

'This is a Reichstag moment': General Milley legitimately feared Trump would launch a 'coup'

On CNN Wednesday, anchor Anderson Cooper and reporter Jamie Gangel revealed stunning new information from Carol Leonnig and Philip Rucker's new book "I Alone Can Fix It," detailing the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff's efforts to defend the country from former President Donald Trump in his final days.

"CNN has obtained a series of excerpts, each really more alarming than the next," said Cooper. "In this one, general Mark Milley, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, is reassuring his deputies about preventing a coup attempt. Quoting now from the book. 'They may try but they can't effing succeed,' he told them. 'We're the guys with the guns.'"

Gangel went on to explain that Milley was "shaken by Trump's behavior and planned with other military leaders to prevent him from trying to stay in office.

"They believed there really could be a coup attempt by Trump," she said. "Milley views Trump as the classic authoritarian leader with nothing to lose.' And he's quoted as saying 'This is a Reichstag moment,' Milley told the aides."

Watch below:

Trump wanted to execute leaker who revealed he hid in White House bunker during protests: Former president reportedly became obsessed with finding whoever was behind the embarrassing revelation

After media outlets reported in May 2020 that then-President Trump was rushed to the White House underground bunker amid protests outside the building, Trump reportedly told some of his advisers that whoever leaked the information to the press “should be charged with treason” and “executed,” according to a new book.

The New York Times and other news outlets in May reported that Trump was held in the White House’s underground bunker, which was previously used during terrorist attacks, as hundreds of protesters gathered outside the building, shouting expletives at the president and hauling bricks and bottles following the police killing of George Floyd.

Wall Street Journal reporter Michael Bender writes in his new book, “Frankly, We Did Win This Election: The Inside Story of How Trump Lost,” that the president complained about the leak of information regarding the bunker during a meeting with top military, law enforcement and West Wing advisers.

“Trump boiled over about the bunker story as soon as they arrived and shouted at them to smoke out whoever had leaked it. It was the most upset some aides had ever seen the president,” Bender writes, according to an excerpt obtained by CNN.

The book says that Trump yelled, “Whoever did that, they should be charged with treason!” and “They should be executed!”

The book is set to be released on Tuesday.

Bender writes that then-White House chief of staff Mark Meadows “repeatedly tried to calm the president as startled aides avoided eye contact.”

“I'm on it. We're going to find out who did it,” Meadows reportedly told Trump.

According to Bender, Trump “repeatedly asked Meadows if he’d found the leaker.”

Meadows reportedly became “obsessed” with tracking down the source.

Bender wrote that people who heard Trump’s warning “had interpreted the outburst as a sign of a president in panic.”

Offline Rick Plant

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Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #4102 on: July 15, 2021, 09:21:58 AM »
Incredible. The anti-vaxers are having an incredible influence on certain state governments and the people.

Is it any wonder that more than half the people think there was a conspiracy to kill JFK? If you can convince people to not get vaccinated, you can convince them of a conspiracy theory. Nonsense can be sold to the masses very effectively.

The GOP is now a cult. In fact it is a death cult. There is no more Grand Old Party anymore. It's been taken over by white supremacists, neo nazis, and radical conspiracy theorist Qanon lunatics who all worship one orange criminal named Donald Trump. If a Republican happens to speak out against the insanity, they will crucify that person and viciously attack them and try to strip them from their positions. That's what they did to Liz Cheney who is a right winger herself but even they are too extreme for her taste. 

The bad thing about it is these anti vaxxers hold important positions in state government and they are voting to close down vaccination centers and the laws they pass are affecting the health and lives of their constituents. Their decisions are all based on bogus Qanon conspiracy theories that hold no merit whatsoever.

Not only that, the right wing media (which dominates radio, cable, and local ABC, NBC, ABC television affiliates)  religiously parrots these lies about the vaccines and the sheep who watch daily believe every single word of it. Having Qanon lunatics like Lauren Boebert and Marjorie Taylor Greene in Congress spouting anti vaccine rhetoric doesn't help and only adds to the disinformation. Even worse, these Qanon lunatics are now running for office at local and state levels trying to infiltrate our government positions with their Qanon lunacy.   

These conspiracy theorists will believe any nonsense that is thrown at them which also makes it dangerous when you have a lunatic like Donald Trump giving them orders because they will do whatever he says. The insurrection is a perfect example of that. Trump told them to go to the Capitol and they did as they were viciously beating police officers, breaking inside the Capitol in a violent mass mob, and chanting to kill members of Congress they didn't like. And once again, it was all based on another lie and conspiracy theory. Criminal Donald lost the election in a blowout and he made up "The Big Lie" that the election was stolen from him and his henchmen made up bogus conspiracy theories. Now these right wing congressmen who were afraid for their lives that day are now spreading new conspiracy theories along with the right wing media that an insurrection never happened. It's all on video and the MAGA thugs are being arrested but they still want to lie about it and again the sheep who are watching believe all their lies.   

Yes, the GOP is now just a dangerous death cult because they have no regard for human life. They don't care that the lies they tell are killing Americans. They don't care that wearing a mask, social distancing, and getting vaccinated will save lives. They are against that and broadcast lies encouraging people not to wear masks, social distance, and not to get vaccinated. 

Right wingers were even calling to sacrifice senior citizens to the virus early last year. Now failed Governor and Trump stooge Ron DeSantis is refusing to have children wear masks in school to protect them from getting COVID and spreading it to their family. A woman in Missouri recently died from COVID-19 because she refused to get vaccinated. Do you know how she got infected? Her kid contracted the virus in school and it infected her family. And we had right wingers all crying for schools to re-open during a pandemic so more mass infections and deaths will happen. Like I said before, these right wingers have no regard for human life and live each day based on lies and bogus conspiracy theories. What a way to live.     

Offline Rick Plant

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Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #4103 on: July 15, 2021, 03:10:58 PM »
Exclusive: More information is coming out about the mentally ill and incompetent Russian stooge Criminal Donald who was installed by the Kremlin but right wingers refused to believe it. Since he can no longer tweet because he was banned on Twitter, we will see an angry press release today where he will write in all caps...HOAX! 

Kremlin papers appear to show Putin’s plot to put Trump in White House:  Exclusive Documents suggest Russia launched secret multi-agency effort to interfere in US democracy

Vladimir Putin personally authorised a secret spy agency operation to support a “mentally unstable” Donald Trump in the 2016 US presidential election during a closed session of Russia’s national security council, according to what are assessed to be leaked Kremlin documents.

The key meeting took place on 22 January 2016, the papers suggest, with the Russian president, his spy chiefs and senior ministers all present.

They agreed a Trump White House would help secure Moscow’s strategic objectives, among them “social turmoil” in the US and a weakening of the American president’s negotiating position.

Russia’s three spy agencies were ordered to find practical ways to support Trump, in a decree appearing to bear Putin’s signature.

By this point Trump was the frontrunner in the Republican party’s nomination race. A report prepared by Putin’s expert department recommended Moscow use “all possible force” to ensure a Trump victory.

Western intelligence agencies are understood to have been aware of the documents for some months and to have carefully examined them. The papers, seen by the Guardian, seem to represent a serious and highly unusual leak from within the Kremlin.

The Guardian has shown the documents to independent experts who say they appear to be genuine. Incidental details come across as accurate. The overall tone and thrust is said to be consistent with Kremlin security thinking.

Vladimir Putin holds a meeting with permanent members of the security council on 22 January 2016 at the Kremlin

The Kremlin responded dismissively. Putin’s spokesman Dmitri Peskov said the idea that Russian leaders had met and agreed to support Trump in at the meeting in early 2016 was “a great pulp fiction” when contacted by the Guardian on Thursday morning.

The report – “No 32-04 \ vd” – is classified as secret. It says Trump is the “most promising candidate” from the Kremlin’s point of view. The word in Russian is perspektivny.

There is a brief psychological assessment of Trump, who is described as an “impulsive, mentally unstable and unbalanced individual who suffers from an inferiority complex”.

There is also apparent confirmation that the Kremlin possesses kompromat, or potentially compromising material, on the future president, collected – the document says – from Trump’s earlier “non-official visits to Russian Federation territory”.

The paper refers to “certain events” that happened during Trump’s trips to Moscow. Security council members are invited to find details in appendix five, at paragraph five, the document states. It is unclear what the appendix contains.

"It is acutely necessary to use all possible force to facilitate his [Trump’s] election to the post of US president,” the paper says.

This extract from a secret Kremlin document gives details of the Russian operation to help an impulsive and ‘mentally unstable’ Donald Trump to become US president

This would help bring about Russia’s favoured “theoretical political scenario”. A Trump win “will definitely lead to the destabilisation of the US’s sociopolitical system” and see hidden discontent burst into the open, it predicts.

The Kremlin summit

There is no doubt that the meeting in January 2016 took place – and that it was convened inside the Kremlin.

An official photo of the occasion shows Putin at the head of the table, seated beneath a Russian Federation flag and a two-headed golden eagle. Russia’s then prime minister, Dmitry Medvedev, attended, together with the veteran foreign minister, Sergei Lavrov.

Also present were Sergei Shoigu, the defence minister in charge of the GRU, Russia’s military intelligence agency; Mikhail Fradkov, the then chief of Russia’s SVR foreign intelligence service; and Alexander Bortnikov, the boss of the FSB spy agency.Nikolai Patrushev, the FSB’s former director, attended too as security council secretary.

According to a press release, the discussion covered the economy and Moldova.

The document seen by the Guardian suggests the security council’s real, covert purpose was to discuss the confidential proposals drawn up by the president’s analytical service in response to US sanctions against Moscow.

Donald Trump after winning the Florida state primary in West Palm Beach, Florida, in March 2016. A report prepared by Putin’s expert department recommended Moscow use ‘all possible force’ to ensure a Trump presidential victory

The author appears to be Vladimir Symonenko, the senior official in charge of the Kremlin’s expert department – which provides Putin with analytical material and reports, some of them based on foreign intelligence.

The papers indicate that on 14 January 2016 Symonenko circulated a three-page executive summary of his team’s conclusions and recommendations.

In a signed order two days later, Putin instructed the then chief of his foreign policy directorate, Alexander Manzhosin, to convene a closed briefing of the national security council.

Its purpose was to further study the document, the order says. Manzhosin was given a deadline of five days to make arrangements.

What was said inside the second-floor Kremlin senate building room is unknown. But the president and his intelligence officials appear to have signed off on a multi-agency plan to interfere in US democracy, framed in terms of justified self-defence.

Various measures are cited that the Kremlin might adopt in response to what it sees as hostile acts from Washington. The paper lays out several American weaknesses. These include a “deepening political gulf between left and right”, the US’s “media-information” space, and an anti-establishment mood under President Barack Obama.

The ‘special part’ of a secret Kremlin document setting out measures to cause turmoil and division in America

The paper does not name Hillary Clinton, Trump’s 2016 rival. It does suggest employing media resources to undermine leading US political figures.

There are paragraphs on how Russia might insert “media viruses” into American public life, which could become self-sustaining and self-replicating. These would alter mass consciousness, especially in certain groups, it says.

After the meeting, according to a separate leaked document, Putin issued a decree setting up a new and secret interdepartmental commission. Its urgent task was to realise the goals set out in the “special part” of document No 32-04 \ vd.

Members of the new working body were stated to include Shoigu, Fradkov and Bortnikov. Shoigu was named commission chair. The decree – ukaz in Russian – said the group should take practical steps against the US as soon as possible. These were justified on national security grounds and in accordance with a 2010 federal law, 390-FZ, which allows the council to formulate state policy on security matters.

According to the document, each spy agency was given a role. The defence minister was instructed to coordinate the work of subdivisions and services. Shoigu was also responsible for collecting and systematising necessary information and for “preparing measures to act on the information environment of the object” – a command, it seems, to hack sensitive American cyber-targets identified by the SVR.

The SVR was told to gather additional information to support the commission’s activities. The FSB was assigned counter-intelligence. Putin approved the apparent document, dated 22 January 2016, which his chancellery stamped.

The measures were effective immediately on Putin’s signature, the decree says. The spy chiefs were given just over a week to come back with concrete ideas, to be submitted by 1 February.

Written in bureaucratic language, the papers appear to offer an unprecedented glimpse into the usually hidden world of Russian government decision-making.

Putin has repeatedly denied accusations of interfering in western democracy. The documents seem to contradict this claim. They suggest the president, his spy officers and senior ministers were all intimately involved in one of the most important and audacious espionage operations of the 21st century: a plot to help put the “mentally unstable” Trump in the White House.

The papers appear to set out a route map for what actually happened in 2016.

A matter of weeks after the security council meeting, GRU hackers raided the servers of the Democratic National Committee (DNC) and subsequently released thousands of private emails in an attempt to hurt Clinton’s election campaign.

The report seen by the Guardian features details redolent of Russian intelligence work, diplomatic sources say. The thumbnail sketch of Trump’s personality is characteristic of Kremlin spy agency analysis, which places great emphasis on building up a profile of individuals using both real and cod psychology.

Moscow would gain most from a Republican victory, the paper states. This could lead to a “social explosion” that would in turn weaken the US president, it says. There were international benefits from a Trump win, it stresses. Putin would be able in clandestine fashion to dominate any US-Russia bilateral talks, to deconstruct the White House’s negotiating position, and to pursue bold foreign policy initiatives on Russia’s behalf, it says.

Other parts of the multi-page report deal with non-Trump themes. It says sanctions imposed by the US after Russia’s 2014 annexation of Crimea have contributed to domestic tensions. The Kremlin should seek alternative ways of attracting liquidity into the Russian economy, it concludes.

The document recommends the reorientation of trade and hydrocarbon exports towards China. Moscow’s focus should be to influence the US and its satellite countries, it says, so they drop sanctions altogether or soften them.

Spell-binding’ documents

Andrei Soldatov, an expert on Russia’s spy agencies and author of The Red Web, said the leaked material “reflects reality”. “It’s consistent with the procedures of the security services and the security council,” he said. “Decisions are always made like that, with advisers providing information to the president and a chain of command.”

He added: “The Kremlin micromanages most of these operations. Putin has made it clear to his spies since at least 2015 that nothing can be done independently from him. There is no room for independent action.” Putin decided to release stolen DNC emails following a security council meeting in April 2016, Soldatov said, citing his own sources.

Sir Andrew Wood, the UK’s former ambassador in Moscow and an associate fellow at the Chatham House thinktank, described the documents as “spell-binding”. “They reflect the sort of discussion and recommendations you would expect. There is a complete misunderstanding of the US and China. They are written for a person [Putin] who can’t believe he got anything wrong.”

Wood added: “There is no sense Russia might have made a mistake by invading Ukraine. The report is fully in line with the sort of thing I would expect in 2016, and even more so now. There is a good deal of paranoia. They believe the US is responsible for everything. This view is deeply dug into the soul of Russia’s leaders.”

Trump did not respond to a request for comment.

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