So, right wingers have a new bogus attack against President Biden. What else is new, right?
You know it's total propaganda when far right wing "Twitter influencers", the right wing media, and MAGA Republicans all parrot the same phony scripted talking points. That's called the right wing echo chamber.
Their new ridiculous and bogus attack is feigned outrage because President Biden tapped into the Strategic Oil Reserves to lower gas prices for American consumers. They are accusing the president of depleting the reserves. But that's what happens during a time of an emergency. That's what the reserves are for.
Plus, it's their own fault that President Biden had to tap into the reserves in order to lower gas prices in the first place.
Back in May, Democrats wrote a bill that President Biden proposed to go after the Big Oil companies who were purposely gouging American consumers with their artificially inflated gas prices for profit.
The bill was brought to the House floor for a vote...and guess what happened?
Well, if you guessed that EVERY single House Republican voted against the "Big Oil and Gas Price Gouging Bill" you win the Big Prize.
Here is the final House vote below.

So, as you can see EVERY single House Republican voted against lowering gas prices for Americans by voting against this important bill.
To make matters worse, Senate Republicans blocked this bill from becoming law. They wanted gas prices to remain high because they believed that high gas prices would help them politically in November.
All the phony outrage Republicans were displaying for gas prices was nothing but political theatre.
House Republicans and Senate Republicans had the opportunity to do something about high gas prices by voting for a bill that lowered gas prices.
But what did they do instead? EVERY single House Republican voted 'NO" on the bill and Senate Republicans blocked the bill from being voted on.
So, from their actions, Republicans didn't care to lower gas prices at all when they could have. Instead, they falsely attacked President Biden for political theatre. That's why these Republicans are nothing but frauds. They have no solutions or intentions to fix problems that arise. All they want to do is obstruct so things get worse which gives them a talking point to attack Democrats with.
After Republicans refused to lower gas prices for Americans, President Biden had no choice but to tap into the Strategic Oil Reserves to bring down the costs of gasoline.
And guess what? President Biden's swift action worked because gas prices are at their lowest level since Putin started his illegal war in Ukraine which also drove up prices.
The fact that gas prices are lowered, angers these right wingers so they now need a new line to attack Biden with, so they attack him for tapping into the Strategic Oil Reserves.
These right wingers are really pathetic and a bunch of frauds. They couldn't have cared less that gas used to be high or anything about the oil reserves. They just need to find something to attack Biden for to push their political propaganda.
They whined about high gas prices but voted against lowering gas prices for Americans.
They are now whining about tapping into the Strategic Oil Reserves all because they voted against lowering gas prices.
So, you can see that Republicans create nothing but problems.
No matter what President Biden does to help Americans, the radical right will find some bogus propaganda talking point to attack him with.
And if these radical MAGA Republicans are "angry" over the Strategic Oil Reserves being used, then they can blame themselves for voting against a bill that would have lowered gas prices instead of having to use the reserves to lower gas prices.
That's why Republicans are nothing but propaganda frauds. No solutions. Only phony talking points to attack and whine.