So what is the Source? Claims, Claims, and More Claims. ALL 
You were proven wrong again as always.
Here are polls you will like.
Biden Expands Lead In Another PollA new Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll finds Joe Biden leading the presidential race nationally by 11 points, 51% to 40%.
Trump’s approval rate dropped to 42% to 56%.
Said pollster Peter Hart: “President Trump has hit the trifecta in the misery market. The three key indicators—job rating, personal feelings, attitudes on re-election—are all deeply submerged underwater. They represent the best measure of the standing and political strength of an incumbent president.” Widens Lead to 15 Points NationallyA new Quinnipiac poll finds Joe Biden leading Donald Trump nationally by 15 points, 52% to 37%.
Key finding: Trump’s approval rate is now a dismal 36% to 60% — a 6 point drop in his job approval compared to last month.