People who voted for Trump in 2016 are sharing the reasons they'll never do it again
Joanna Taylor
Former Trump supporters are sharing the reasons they won't vote for him again in 2020.
Trump's "lack of statesmanship" and "failure to lead this nation through the pandemic" have left some ex-supporters regretting how they voted in 2016.
The Twitter account Trump Regrets has faithfully retweeted thousands of people publicly retracting their support for the president. Their feed offers a perfect snapshot of Trump's biggest mistakes during the last two and a half years of his presidency.
Most recently, Trump's disastrous handling the coronavirus pandemic has turned former voters against him.
His "lack of statesmanship" have also turned former Trump voters against him and towards Joe Biden.
Trump's response to the Black Lives Matter protests disgusted some voters.
Trump was cautioned by Twitter for "inciting violence" after he tweeted "when the looting starts, the shooting starts"...
His phone call with Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky, which led to his impeachment, angered
Trump was eventually acquitted, despite the House of Representatives concluding that he had obstructed Congress and abused his power by withholding military aid from Ukraine to entice them to investigate the son of his political rival Joe Biden.
Tensions between the US and Iran, which culminated in the assassination of major general Qasem Soleimani, made Trump unpopular.
Trump's relationship with Russia is also a point of contention for former voters.
And finally, appointing judge Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court in spite of the assault allegations made by Dr Christine Blasey Ford against him was the final straw for some.
Of course, we won't really know how powerful Trump's detractors are until 3rd November.
Twitter is a notoriously bad political barometer, no matter how many thousands of people appear to have turned against the president.
But current polls put Joe Biden nine points ahead of Trump, with key swing states like Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin all appearing to support the Democrats – for now.
The race is still far from over, but Trump might have to try a bit harder than mindlessly repeating "we're gonna build a wall" this election cycle now that his opponents have four years of embarrassing mistakes and gaffes to draw on.