You're German therefore you're a fascist. Plus you supported Barry's deal with Iran=Aryan=Martin
Martin is a
-German lovin'
-Fascist lovin'
-Iranian lovin'
-Aryan lovin'
-Barry lovin' foooooooooooooooool
Stupid idiot. I'm not German.... But Trump's family came from Germany!
My family came from Austria, and judging by your name your family has Jewish blood, just like mine. Why do you think I asked you when you were last at Jad Washem? But it seems that you are so ignorant of your own family's background that it went completely over your head.
So what happened that you ended up on the wrong side with those Nazi lovers?
And what deal with Iran did I support? Reagan's October surprise and subsequent Iran contra deal... is that what you are talking about. Surely, you supported that, didn't you?