LOL. Yes, he should have run to the podium and shouted "Every man for himself. We are all doomed." And instilled widespread panic. Wow. I thought the dem party line was that Trump was too dumb to understand the risks and ignored the "scientists"? Instead now we learn he was one of the first to appreciate the dangers! While Crazy Nancy, Old Joe, and Negligent Cuomo were telling people it was alright to attend rallies, parades in Chinatown, and come to NYC in March because the virus was overblown. Trump was apparently way ahead of those nitwits who are now blaming him for not acting soon enough. Incredible. Thankfully, Fauci put the record straight this week. This is desperation taking over in light of falling cases and deaths and the economic recovery. And what better day than 9/11 to reflect on Trump's success against ISIS? That situation was out of control under Obama. Now you never hear a word about any terrorists. So much winning!
LOL. Yes, he should have run to the podium and shouted "Every man for himself. We are all doomed." That's the idiotic Trump defense.... It's a pathetic insult because it's demonstrates a contempt of the American people, who he seems to believe can't handle the truth. It's complete BS.
He just should have told the truth. That's what the European politicians did and there was no panic there, no chaos. They made it perfectly clear what needed to be done and the people understood and did it. A large part of Europe went into total lockdown and the results were far better than those in the USA.
The bottom line is a simple one, and Joe Biden pointed it out correctly; Trump lied about covid-19 and played it down because he did not want to hurt the economy and the stock market. He could care less about the avoidable deaths it caused.
I thought the dem party line was that Trump was too dumb to understand the risks and ignored the "scientists"? He clearly was to dumb to understand the risks because he took them regardless of what the scientists said and the result was chaos and lots of deaths that could have been avoided. What kind of idiot does purposely ignore the scientists when he privately admits that they are right?
Instead now we learn he was one of the first to appreciate the dangers! And we already know that he purposely took the risks those dangers posed and lied to the people for months! How do you call a guy who knows that covid-19 is 5 times more dangers than the common flu yet still tells the people it's the same as the flu? There is only one word and it starts with a L
While Crazy Nancy, Old Joe, and Negligent Cuomo were telling people it was alright to attend rallies, parades in Chinatown, and come to NYC in March because the virus was overblown. Oh please....
Pelosi, Biden and Cuomo were not President of the United States. They did not have all the information the President has....and the President was
Donald Trump. The guy who is now on record as knowing in February just how dangerous covid-19 is and said nothing!
Thankfully, Fauci put the record straight this week. Actually, just now he did;
This is desperation taking over in light of falling cases and deaths and the economic recovery. Yeah right.... The only one who is getting desperate is Trump!
And what better day than 9/11 to reflect on Trump's success against ISIS? That situation was out of control under Obama. You clearly don't know a thing about history!
Now you never hear a word about any terrorists.Don't you ever get tired of your crap being debunked all the time, "Richard"?
Oh... before I forget; how's the deep state conspiracy doing?