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Author Topic: Victoria Adams’ view from the fourth floor window  (Read 11687 times)

Online Royell Storing

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Re: Victoria Adams’ view from the fourth floor window
« Reply #16 on: July 15, 2020, 10:22:19 PM »

  When you are forced into claiming "psychological", your position Immediately becomes DOA.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Victoria Adams’ view from the fourth floor window
« Reply #16 on: July 15, 2020, 10:22:19 PM »

Offline Thomas Graves

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Re: Victoria Adams’ view from the fourth floor window
« Reply #17 on: July 15, 2020, 10:32:09 PM »
  When you are forced into claiming "psychological", your position Immediately becomes DOA.

You don't think being startled by supersonic "crack" and a nearly simultaneous muzzle blast in a virtual echo chamber could have an effect on how one perceives and, more importantly, remembers the same loud sounds which come unexpectedly (at least regarding the second shot) about six and eleven seconds later, respectively, muddled as they were with their own reports, echoes and reverberations ... and, finally, all-too-human sounds of shock and disbelief?

--  MWT  ;)

PS  Speaking of psychological, how's your buddy Donald Trump doing today?  Still aceing those "What day comes after Tuesday" cognitive exams?
« Last Edit: July 15, 2020, 10:41:06 PM by Thomas Graves »

Online Royell Storing

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Re: Victoria Adams’ view from the fourth floor window
« Reply #18 on: July 15, 2020, 10:38:04 PM »

   Watching the emphatic Old Man Euins tell/demonstrate the 3 shot sequence he heard, does Not indicate someone suffering from any degree of Assassination Psychosis. 

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Victoria Adams’ view from the fourth floor window
« Reply #18 on: July 15, 2020, 10:38:04 PM »

Offline Thomas Graves

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Re: Victoria Adams’ view from the fourth floor window
« Reply #19 on: July 15, 2020, 11:34:54 PM »
   Watching the emphatic Old Man Euins tell/demonstrate the 3 shot sequence he heard, does Not indicate someone suffering from any degree of Assassination Psychosis.

Speaking of "Assassination Psychosis" ...

Which were you first interested in -- Roger Stone's urging Russian Mafia-money launderer Trump to start running for president back in 2005 or so, or anti-"Deep State" / anti-CIA JFK assassination (etc, etc, etc, etc) ...


... promulgated and spread by the KGB as far back as early 1964?

Did you, at a certain point, find that Trump's candidacy/presidency and these oodles and gobs of anti-CIA conspiracy theories were strangely ... mutually reinforcing?  (They are.)

--  MWT  ;)
« Last Edit: July 15, 2020, 11:50:07 PM by Thomas Graves »

Online Royell Storing

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Re: Victoria Adams’ view from the fourth floor window
« Reply #20 on: July 15, 2020, 11:44:40 PM »

  Getting back to Euins, he was photographed back in the railroad yard where he was eventually transported to the TSBD via a DPD 3 Wheeler. Some people believe they have also spotted Euins in pics of the South side of Elm St shortly after the assassination. I would be interested in the route Euins took to arrive at the railroad yard. What/Who Euins saw as he traveled down the Elm Extension or down Elm St and then across the Knoll would be interesting and possibly supply/corroborate individual Time Lines. Perhaps Euins saw Lovelady and Shelley?

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Victoria Adams’ view from the fourth floor window
« Reply #20 on: July 15, 2020, 11:44:40 PM »

Offline Thomas Graves

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Re: Victoria Adams’ view from the fourth floor window
« Reply #21 on: July 15, 2020, 11:50:52 PM »

Watching the emphatic Old Man Euins tell/demonstrate the 3 shot sequence he heard, does Not indicate someone suffering from any degree of Assassination Psychosis.

Amos Euins was quite accurate about everything (as confirmed by witness Patricia Ann Donaldson and others), except for, due to the echoes of the concrete gully known as Dealey Plaza, the time interval between the second and third shots (about 5.5 seconds).

(Chief Curry, who was riding in the lead car just this side of The Triple Underpass, suggested it was about two seconds, so go figure ...)

But, speaking of "Assassination Psychosis" ...

Which were you first interested in -- Roger Stone's urging Russian Mafia-money launderer Trump to start running for president back in early 1998, or anti-"Deep State" / anti-CIA JFK assassination (etc, etc, etc, etc) ...


... promulgated and spread by the KGB as far back as early 1964?

Did you, at a certain point, find that Trump's candidacy/presidency and these anti-CIA conspiracy theories were strangely mutually reinforcing?  (They are.)

Why do you suppose that is?

--  MWT  ;)
« Last Edit: July 16, 2020, 12:09:18 AM by Thomas Graves »

Online Charles Collins

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Re: Victoria Adams’ view from the fourth floor window
« Reply #22 on: July 18, 2020, 02:33:57 AM »
Victoria Adams spoke to detective James R. Leavelle of the DPD on 2/17/64. This is part of her statement: "When the President got in front of us I heard someone call him, and he turned. That is when I heard the first shot."

I reviewed the Tina Towner film and paid close attention to the actions of JFK. In the final few seconds of that film JFK does turn his head toward the TSBD and his right arm raises up and he waves just as the film ends. Just like Victoria Adams said.

Next I used Mark Tyler"s Motorcade 63 animation and paused it approximately where the end of Towner's film is indicated. Then I plotted the location of JFK in the backseat of the limo using the scale of Mark's animation. And placed a convertible with a male character in the backseat in that plotted location (relative to the southeast corner of the TSBD) in my 3-D computer model. Next I viewed the scene (using my 3-D model) as Victoria would have seen it from the fourth floor window. The results were just as Victoria said: right in front of her window and just before going behind the tree is the convertible with the male character. The front portion of the convertible is hidden from her view by the tree limbs but the rear seat and it's occupant are still visible.

Tina Towner has said that she stopped filming just before the first shot. Dale Myers calculated that Towner's film ends just before Zapruder began filming that portion of his film. And in the first portion of Zapruder's film JFK is seen lowering his right arm just after the wave that was begun at the end of Towner's film.

I asked for and received permission from Mark Tyler to post a couple of screenshots that will let you see some of the items I used in the proceedures I have just described.

The Towner film start position:

The Towner film end position:

The view (from the 3-D model 4th floor window) that Victoria Adams was watching the motorcade from:

The free 3-D program that I use has its limitations and mine as its user. But I have used the sniper's nest model to demonstrate several things and it has proven to be accurate. I still need to fine tune things like the dimensions of the tree, but this is close enough to show that Victoria Adams was accurate in her description of what she saw. In the book "The Girl on the Stairs" by Barry Ernest Victoria clarifies her earlier statements and specifically says that she heard the first shot while JFK was hidden from her view by the tree.

Anyway, this appears to me to be further evidence that the first shot happened in the vicinity of Z-133. I believe it probably happened just before Z-133.

If any others with 3-D computer models cares to take the time to verify this work I would greatly appreciate it.

Offline Thomas Graves

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Re: Victoria Adams’ view from the fourth floor window
« Reply #23 on: July 18, 2020, 02:58:04 AM »
Victoria Adams spoke to detective James R. Leavelle of the DPD on 2/17/64. This is part of her statement: "When the President got in front of us I heard someone call him, and he turned. That is when I heard the first shot."

I reviewed the Tina Towner film and paid close attention to the actions of JFK. In the final few seconds of that film JFK does turn his head toward the TSBD and his right arm raises up and he waves just as the film ends. Just like Victoria Adams said.

Next I used Mark Tyler"s Motorcade 63 animation and paused it approximately where the end of Towner's film is indicated. Then I plotted the location of JFK in the backseat of the limo using the scale of Mark's animation. And placed a convertible with a male character in the backseat in that plotted location (relative to the southeast corner of the TSBD) in my 3-D computer model. Next I viewed the scene (using my 3-D model) as Victoria would have seen it from the fourth floor window. The results were just as Victoria said: right in front of her window and just before going behind the tree is the convertible with the male character. The front portion of the convertible is hidden from her view by the tree limbs but the rear seat and it's occupant are still visible.

Tina Towner has said that she stopped filming just before the first shot. Dale Myers calculated that Towner's film ends just before Zapruder began filming that portion of his film. And in the first portion of Zapruder's film JFK is seen lowering his right arm just after the wave that was begun at the end of Towner's film.

I asked for and received permission from Mark Tyler to post a couple of screenshots that will let you see some of the items I used in the proceedures I have just described.

The Towner film start position:

The Towner film end position:

The view (from the 3-D model 4th floor window) that Victoria Adams was watching the motorcade from:

The free 3-D program that I use has its limitations and mine as its user. But I have used the sniper's nest model to demonstrate several things and it has proven to be accurate. I still need to fine tune things like the dimensions of the tree, but this is close enough to show that Victoria Adams was accurate in her description of what she saw. In the book "The Girl on the Stairs" by Barry Ernest Victoria clarifies her earlier statements and specifically says that she heard the first shot while JFK was hidden from her view by the tree.

Anyway, this appears to me to be further evidence that the first shot happened in the vicinity of Z-133. I believe it probably happened just before Z-133.

If any others with 3-D computer models cares to take the time to verify this work I would greatly appreciate it.


Good work!

FWIW, I seriously think JFK might have been waving back to pretty Patricia Ann Donaldson-Lawrence, who was standing in the curving line in the street and is visible not only in Wiegman, but in Towner as well, not far from Stetson Man (who, being tall and dressed in white, serves as a good visual landmark in these clips).

--  MWT  ;)
« Last Edit: July 18, 2020, 06:13:28 AM by Thomas Graves »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Victoria Adams’ view from the fourth floor window
« Reply #23 on: July 18, 2020, 02:58:04 AM »