I published this article on my JFK site a few weeks ago. It has proved to be one of the most popular articles on my site. The article presents 20 key facts about JFK's murder that can be read in 8 minutes. References for each fact are presented after the list of facts. Here are a few of the facts:
1. The ammunition that struck JFK in the head did not behave like the type of ammunition that the alleged assassin, Lee Harvey Oswald, supposedly used. Also, Oswald allegedly used 6.5 mm bullets, but the rear entrance wound on the skull was only 6.0 mm wide, so it could not have been made by a 6.5 mm bullet.
2. One of the three bullet shells that were reportedly found near the window from which Oswald allegedly fired could not have been used to fire a bullet during the shooting because it had a sizable dent in it. This means Oswald could have only fired two shots, but at least three shots were fired during the assassination.
10. Richard Case Nagell, a U.S. military intelligence agent and a CIA contract agent, told government investigators and private researchers that in late 1962 he became aware of a plot to kill JFK that involved elements of the CIA and anti-Castro Cubans, that Oswald was a U.S. intelligence operative, and that he warned Oswald a few months before the assassination that he was being set up to take the fall for JFK’s murder. Jim Wilcott, a former CIA finance officer, has confirmed that Oswald was a U.S. intelligence operative. Wilcott reported that he processed several CIA payments to Oswald when Oswald was in Japan.
11. In 2017, documentation was discovered that revealed that an extra bullet was found in JFK’s limousine by two Navy petty officers on the night of the assassination. The petty officer who found the bullet confirmed the account, and Dr. James Young, a Navy doctor who attended the autopsy, has confirmed that he received the bullet from the petty officer. The bullet disappeared after it was given to one of the autopsy doctors.
12. Three scientists with expertise in radiology have examined the JFK autopsy x-rays and have determined through optical density measurements that they have been altered.
19. Eyewitness accounts, photos, declassified files, and the Zapruder film indicate that six shots were fired at JFK’s limousine. The lone-gunman theory only allows for three shots.
20. In 1995, the Assassination Records Review Board discovered that the Secret Service had illegally destroyed all of their records regarding security arrangements for President Kennedy’s other trips in the fall of 1963. When Congress passed the JFK Assassination Records Collection Act of 1992, the National Archives advised the Secret Service not to destroy such records, but the Secret Service destroyed them anyway—and tried to conceal this from the Review Board. Destroying those records made it impossible to compare the security arrangements for the Dallas trip with the arrangements made for JFK’s other trips that fall.
20 Key Facts About the JFK Assassination in 8 Minutes