What 'manipulation' might that be? You wouldn't happen to be calling Ball's frustration with Markham's quirky manner of response sinister by any chance, now would you..
Mr. BALL. Did you recognize the man from his clothing or from his face?
Mrs. MARKHAM. Mostly from his face.
Mr. BALL. Were you sure it was the same man you had seen before?
Mrs. MARKHAM. I am sure.
Mr. BALL. Now, what time of day was it that you saw this man in the lineup?
Mrs. MARKHAM. I would say it was four, a little after.
Mr. BALL. That was four in the afternoon?
Mrs. MARKHAM. I was so upset I couldn't even tell you the time. In fact, I wasn't interested in the time.
Now go ahead and tell us Markham had all her wits about her that afternoon @Tippit..
You clearly don't have any knowledge about how prosecutors can work when they don't get the answer they want from a witness.
Mr. BALL. Did you recognize anyone in the lineup?
No, sir.Mr. BALL. You did not? Did you see anybody--I have asked you that question before did you recognize anybody from their face?
From their face, no.Mr. BALL. Did you identify anybody in these four people?
I didn't know nobody.Mr. BALL. I know you didn't know anybody, but did anybody in that lineup look like anybody you had seen before?
No. I had never seen none of them, none of these men.Mr. BALL. No one of the four?
No one of them.Mr. BALL. No one of all four?
No, sir.Mr. BALL.
Was there a number two man in there?Mrs. MARKHAM. Number two is the one I picked.
A clear case of leading the witness. Not allowed in court as it is witness manipulation!
It is amazing just how clueless you truly are.
Btw, in your previous post (before you edited it again) you falsely claimed about Markham that
she said "the Tippit thing happened at around 4pm" and that she wasn't interested in time;
She also said 'number two'. She also said the Tippit thing happened at around 4pm (after earlier saying she left her house just after 1pm) and that she wasn't interested in the time. She also said she was nervous. Now tell us she had all her wits about her during testimony.
Seems it came down to her emotional response, fair lineup or not.
In this post your have exposed yourself as a liar, as she was actually talking about the line up being at 4pm and it is fully understandable that she wasn't interested in the time, at that moment, having seen a man being shot earlier that day.
Why do you want to be taken seriously, when you misrepresent evidence or refuse to even present any to back up your bogus claims?