So requiring people not to engage in political conduct while they are on the job and in company uniform is somehow "fascism"? If Colin Kaepernick wants to dishonor the national anthem and the flag, let him do it on his own time, not when he is on the job and in uniform. It's that simple. That has been a standard rule in the federal government and in the business community forever. It is not "fascism" to tell people that they cannot engage in political conduct while they are on the job.
I attended K thru 12 with the same girl, Denise R. This was from 1967 to 1980, in Los Angeles. Every morning, the national anthem was played over the loudspeaker, the flag was raised on the outdoor flag pole - except for rainy days, Ithink, I'm not totally sure - and the pledge of allegiance was recited. All students stood for this. - in retrospect- rather strange, nationalistic oath taking...except for Denise. Now, it was explained to us youngsters, early on, that Denise R. was, gasp!, a Jehovah's Witness, and therefore not required to participate, on personal religious grounds.
Amazingly, life went on, I became - gasp!- friends with this Kaepernick of her time, as did many other children...because no one really cared about the whole fascist pageantry.
PS I think we children understood the Constitution better than most adult Americans do now.