That moment when Greer "turned the first time" is definitely NOT when you would have it ("which he does at z278-80") because we see Greer's shoulder angle at Z268 and his hair line at Z273 consistent with succeeding frames showing Greer turned back.
How long do you think Greer is looking back? He is driving the car. He can't look for much more than a second. We can see the second turn where he begins to turn his head rearward beginning at z304 and he turns forward by z320. So his turn back and forward takes 15 frames. If you apply that timing to the first turn, in which he faces forward by z293-95, he would have begun his rearward turn around z278-280.
There is another reason to conclude that his first turn began at that point. He said the second shot was just BEFORE his first rearward glance when he saw Gov. Connally falling. That is what he described seeing when he turned back. That occurs from z278 to z290. That is what Greer said he saw when he first looked back after the second shot. He did not say that he saw JBC turned or sailing forward (which he appears to do from about z272-278). He said he saw him falling back, which means his turn back was at that time.
"The first shot was fired as we were going into an underpass.
The first shot was fired, I glanced from the taillight of SS 100-X,
at the President and it appeared that he had been shot because
he slumped to the left. Immediately he sat up again. At this
time the second shot was fired and I observed hair flying from
the right side of his head. With this, simultaneously with the
President's car, we stepped on the gas. I released the siren at
that time. I did hear three shots but do not recall which shots
were those that hit the President."
-- Samuel A. Kinney Report
What Kinney is calling the "second shot" is merely the first of two he can definitely associate with events. In this case, it could just as well be the fatal head shot, that most place as being the last shot. The "hair flying from the right side of his head" is placed "simultaneously" with him stepping on the gas and releasing the siren, which is generally placed about or immediately after the fatal head shot.
Kinney's "first shot" has all the indications of being the slumping seen in the Z220s.
That could as well be the second shot in a typical LN three-shot scenario.
Yes, Kinney terming the head shot the "second shot" works in favor of your Theory and would convince many who might not look into the context of it.
Greer, much less Kinney, could not possibly see to where the President's hair flutters in the Z270s. They're more likely, IMO, describing pieces of scalp with hair attached flying away from the explosive head wound.
Well, that may be your take. I don't see how Hickey or Kinney could both imagine seeing something they couldn't see and then have what they couldn't see show up in the zfilm.
In any event, Clint Hill and the consensus of Secret Service Agents that Blaine interviewed seem to stand firmly by the 3 shot, 3 hit scenario with the second shot coming as Clint Hill stepped off the running board. Now perhaps we are all bat-spombleprofglidnoctobuns crazy as you contend. But at least I am in good company. And it fits with these bodies of consistent evidence:
1. shot pattern 1........2......3 described by 40+ witnesses
2. JFK reacting to first shot by moving left, slumping left, clutching chest etc (20+ witnesses)
3. JFK not smiling and waving after the first shot (ie. observed by no one)
4. the location of the first shot being noticeably later than z160 (Betzner, Hughes Croft)
5. the location of the first shot being around z190-200 (Willis, Woodward and a host of others along Elm St.)
The only thing it conflicts with is the belief that JBC is reacting to being hit in the torso/back by z225. So maybe he wasn't.