Let me get this straight.
You said: When Rich says "we turned off of Houston Street onto Elm Street" you need to believe he is saying they are still in the process of turning. But he's not, he's saying that, at the moment of the first shot, the VP security vehicle had turned off Houston Street and was now on Elm Street.
So I asked:
So are you saying that the car could not be off Houston and on Elm without having completed the full 120 degree turn?
And you said:
I am clearly saying that, according to the occupants of the VP security car, the turn from Houston onto Elm had been completed.
But the problem is all Rich said was: "We turned off of Houston Street onto Elm
Street and that was when I heard the first shot." Now you admit that the car could turn off Houston and be on Elm without making the full 120 degree turn but you still insist that Rich is saying that he completed the 120 degree turn.
I understand how the English language works.
Rich does not say - "As I was turning off Houston onto Elm"(as at z195)
He uses the past tense - "We turned off Houston onto Elm" (as at z223)
I have explained this point at length. You are in denial.
Well, according to your diagram, which is 1.7 seconds after z195, Mrs. Cabell would not have looked directly up at the SN. She was past that point already. Besides, it would take a few frames - 150 ms. at least, which is 3 frames - to react and a frame or two to look up and see the rifle, so you really have to compare z228 at the very earliest.
At z223 Cabell has not past the point where she can look directly up at the SN.
This is denial on your behalf.
Again, I am not saying that the motorcade evidence in itself excludes a first shot at z223. It just doesn't exclude a first shot at z195.
It has been comprehensively demonstrated that the Tyler/Speer evidence refutes a first shot at z195.
You are just in denial about it.
I notice you have not addressed the fact that according to Pat Speer's analysis, which you seemed to agree with in November last year, the motorcade evidence allows a first shot in the z190-z224 window.
On November 7th I wrote this:
"My journey through the evidence has led me to this point -
1st shot z223
2nd shot z313
3rd shot yet to be firmly established but it must follow the "shot, pause, two shots closer together" pattern."So if evidence does not agree with one's analysis, the evidence is wrong, not the analysis. Ok. I get it.
This reveals the depth of your denial.
You put forward the statements of Phil and Linda Willis as evidence.
I put forward the statements of 10 witnesses who all corroborate each other as to the position of their vehicles at the time of the first shot.
I compare this matrix of interlocking evidence with the Mark Tyler 's mapping program.
This program is the result of a colossal effort to synthesise as much evidence as possible - the complete video record, the complete photographic record, hundreds of witness statements etc.
There has hardly been a greater effort to collate such a vast amount of evidence which can then be presented in such a seemingly simple way.
On one side of the scales is this colossal amount of evidence supporting a first shot at z223.
On the other are the statements of Phil and Linda Willis.
You do the math(s)