Of course a much simpler explanation that I suggest is a better fit with the trajectory is that CE399 passed through JFK and stuck in JBC's thigh. 3 shots, 3 hits fits all the evidence including the fact that Oswald fired all 3 shots.
It doesn't fit with all the evidence does it though.
The Z-film is evidence.
It proves, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that bullet passing through JBC, shattering his wrist did not occur in the z270's.
Not to mention it is a physical impossibility a shot from the TSBD could have passed through JBC and hit his wrist in front of his chest around the z270's because of his seated position.
It fits "all the evidence" you want it to fit.
You rely almost totally on contradictory eye-witness accounts.
And as for the neck-to-thigh shot...
Apart from the physical impossibility of it, try to explain how the bullet, barely slowed down after passing through JFK, doesn't pass through JBC's leg.
How does the bullet just fall out of his leg?
"All the evidence"?
A first shot through the oak tree in the z190's? I don't think so.
Explain how, in frame z222 we see JBC's shirt cuff above the limo door and in z223, 0.055 seconds later it has disappeared down beneath the door.
Coincidentally, the beginning of the incredibly rapid movement of his arm in the following frames.
Explain the right side of JBC's jacket suddenly bulging forward at the same moment, the part of his jacket we know a bullet passed through.
"All the evidence"?