Indeed it is, but you're reason for misrepresenting Rowland's words is not clear.
Is this the same thing Jerry was doing, twisting Rowland's testimony in order to discredit him as a witness, which in turn somehow casts doubt on whether Rowland even saw a man with a rifle.
Like Jerry, do you also believe Rowland saw a man holding a pop bottle with a telescopic sight on it?
Try to focus
And show us where I 'misrepresent' Rowland's words
Mr. SPECTER - And what is your best recollection as to how close to the window he was standing?
Mr. ROWLAND - He wasn't next to the window, but he wasn't very far back. I would say 3 to 5 feet back from the window.
Mr. SPECTER Is there any other aspect of the affidavit which you gave, which you have just observed, which is at variance with your current recollection of what you saw and heard on that date?
Mr. ROWLAND - Here it states we were at the west entrance of the sheriff's office, that is just a general approximation, we were 25 feet from there, in fact.
Mr. SPECTER - Are there any other portions of it which vary from your current recollection?
Mr. ROWLAND - I don't remember saying definitely that he was back about 15 feet. In fact, I think I said, as I said now, 3 to 5 feet, because from my point of view if he was back 15 feet I couldn't have even seen him.
He actually
did say 15 ft in this TexHist statement
did not say 3-5 ft in this TexHist statement
[EDIT: Clarified the above 2 lines