Willis provided the after-bracket. You just don't accept his evidence. That's fine. I do. The reason I accept it is that it fits with the rest of the evidence and there is no evidence-based reason to reject it. In particular it fits with Linda Willis' recollection and Rosemary Willis' head turn at z204-207:

Without Willis you have almost zero evidence for a shot before z200. You accept it because you have to.
Because you have the last shot as the headshot and the first shot as the one that causes JFK's hands to move towards his throat you have no option but to believe the first shot must have been somewhere between z190-z200. As Zeon pointed out, you simply don't have enough time for the three shots otherwise.
It's the worst kind of research - you have to make the evidence fit, so you grab on to the few crumbs you can find in the copious testimonial record and ignore everything else.
Willis had a financial incentive to have people believe he had taken a photo of the first shot. The truth is the camera was probably still held up in front of his face when the first shot happened one second later.
Just one second after his picture was taken the actual shot happened!His evidence should be treated with the utmost caution as he had an ulterior motive for claiming he took the pic as a reaction to the first shot - it made his picture more valuable.
But you grab on to him with both hands because you have almost nothing else.
I have presented a wealth of evidence that refutes a shot before z222/223. Unlike you I don't need to grab onto anything I can find.
You have the assassin firing through the oak tree - you will never get around that.
Do you think that he paid Rosemary to do that? or that he paid Linda to say that? Or TE Moore to say that it occurred by the time JFK had reached the Thornton sign? etc....
Did Daddy Willis pay his daughters to go along with his money-making scheme? I doubt it.
"In particular it fits with Linda Willis' recollection..."In another post you wrote:
"Linda Willis said that JFK was between her and the Stemmons sign when the first shot occurred. She was standing behind and just to the left of Phil Willis who took this photo at z202 when JFK had just passed between him and the Stemmons sign:"
Linda's got a really good memory of the moment of the first shot, she had the presence of mind to note where her father was and where she was in relation to him, and where JFK was in relation herself and a recognisable stationary object.
It's a really impressive recall. It's almost as if she had a picture of it.....hold on a second:

She did have a picture of it!
And little Rosemary...come on, Andrew. That's been dealt with about a dozen times on this thread. Are you really that desperate?
Of course you are.
And good old T E Moore, stood hundreds of feet away directly behind the motorcade as it drove down Elm, with all those cars in between himself and the limo and no way of accurately gauging where the limo was in respect to the Thornton sign. Weak sauce indeed.
Why not use eyewitness testimony from someone who was really close up to the limo at the time of the first shot. Mary Woodward, perhaps, and her multiple statements that the first shot occurred after the President had turned forward after waving at her and her friends.
Yet more evidence refuting a shot before z200.
I know by now you will simply plow on with your tatty collection of dubious eyewitness accounts because you have no choice.
It is clear that you have presented all the arguments you have and they have all been dealt with in this thread.
If you have something new, let's hear it.