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Author Topic: The First Shot  (Read 131149 times)

Offline Walt Cakebread

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Re: The First Shot
« Reply #1224 on: April 29, 2023, 04:17:15 PM »
I'm assuming you're talking about the moment JFK is shot for the first time causing his fists to go up to his throat. The question is, if we assume there are three shots from the TSBD, which shot is this - first, second or third?
IMO the shot that caused JFK to raise his fists to his throat occurred at z223. The opening post of this thread is an assertion that no shot took place before z207. Less than one second after this (z223) Kennedy is hit. This leads me to conclude the first shot fired from the TSBD is the one that hits Kennedy in the throat. Quite a number of "ear-witnesses" describe a pattern to the shots - shot, pause, two shots closer together. If this is the case the second shot must be the head-shot with the third shot coming shortly after that.

if we assume there are three shots from the TSBD,

Were there three shots from the TSBD???.....   ASSUME.....

Most witnesses said the second and third shots sounded as if they were very close together....almost as if it was a single shot.

Z350 - Z312 = 38 frames ...... Divided by 14 fps= 2.71 seconds

Nearly 3 seconds apart would NOT sound like a single shot   

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: The First Shot
« Reply #1224 on: April 29, 2023, 04:17:15 PM »

Online Andrew Mason

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Re: The First Shot
« Reply #1225 on: April 29, 2023, 05:12:46 PM »

Problems :

A.The spacing of the 3 shots would be 1..2…..3
Which is opposite what 2/3rds witnesses heard as 1……2..3.
So we should look for evidence of a second shot after the midpoint between the first and last. With the first just before z202 and after z186 and the third shot at z312-313, that puts the midpoint around 250-255.  In order to make a perceptible difference one would expect a second shot around 270 to fit that pattern. If all shots were fired by the same shooter, which is what the three men on the fifth floor said occurred, the second shot would have to be no closer than 2 seconds before the last.

B. A bullet which passed thru JFKs neck and throat and then where did it go?
To answer that, one needs to look at the relative positions of the two men relative to the SN at the time of the first shot. At z186-202, the angle of the car direction to the SN was 13-14 degrees right to left.  At that time, JBC was turned right.  The wound characteristics of the thigh wound indicate that it was a punctate wound from the butt end of an intact missile. A small amount of lead was found embedded in the left femur. CE399 was damaged on only one side on its butt end.

C. A solitary gunman 2nd independent shot to JBC is difficult to explain how JBC is being hit at Z224-226 , (because of the abruptly turning shoulder of JBC in sync with JFKs movement of arms and hands to throat ).  JFK is still obstructing the SE gunmans LOS to JBC at Z225-226.
He was hit later.  The shot pattern and Altgens tells us that there was only one shot prior to z255. 

D. Presuming the notion that the gunman at SE window had approx 5 minutes to study Elm
St , the tree obstruction and light pole, then why would he choose to shoot in the Z 195-205 range thru  branches of a tree even if the foliage was minimal?
The Secret Service film shows that the tree was not that much of an obstruction and that JFK was likely in clear view by z195.

E. The Z film does not appear to indicate that JFK is being hit at Z 195-205
You are assuming an instantaneous reaction?  Many bullets are not even felt.  JFK may be reacting in z226 and after because of the effect of the neck shot.

F. If JFK 1st shot hit from Z210-220, then it’s even more improbable to be just 1 gunman using an MC rifle
Well, a first shot at z210-220 does not fit the shot pattern unless the second shot was less than 2 seconds before the head shot.
« Last Edit: April 29, 2023, 05:14:30 PM by Andrew Mason »

Offline Dan O'meara

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Re: The First Shot
« Reply #1226 on: April 30, 2023, 10:32:34 AM »
if we assume there are three shots from the TSBD,

Were there three shots from the TSBD???.....   ASSUME.....

Hey Walt!
Good to see you're back on the scene.
And good to see you still blundering around, believing every thing you say is a fact just because you've said it.

Yes Walt, this thread is based on the assumption there were three, clearly audible shots fired from the SN.
This assumption is based on the following:

Over 160 witnesses [more than three quarters of the 200+ witnesses who gave information about the shots] reported hearing three, clearly audible shots.

At least two witnesses report seeing a man with a rifle pointing towards JFK at the time of the shooting from the SN window. A few others reported seeing just the rifle sticking out [I find the suggestion this is a "decoy" laughable].

Harold Norman, stood directly beneath the SN at the time of the shooting reports the shots as coming from directly above him.

The first officer on the scene [officially] was Mooney, who reported discovering three spent shells in the SN, indicating three shots from that position.The notion that Mooney is some kind of stooge can be dismissed as it is he who also reports Fritz arriving on the scene and picking up the shells before they are photographed by Studebaker [thus destroying the chain of custody and, potentially, tampering with evidence]. Tom Alyea reports the same thing.

I've no doubt you don't have a scrap of credible evidence to support where you think the shots were fired from, but that's never stopped you before. Why go to the trouble of collecting facts when you can just make them up.

Most witnesses said the second and third shots sounded as if they were very close together....almost as if it was a single shot.

A typical Walt "fact".
It is absolutely not true, not the case, not a fact that "most witnesses" said the second and third shots  were "almost as if it was a single shot". Of the 200+ witnesses asked, about a quarter of these reported a shot pattern where the second two shots were a lot closer together than the first two two shots. Of this group, a handful of witnesses described the second two shots as being almost simultaneous.

I am persuaded that the last two shots were really close together, which isn't really convenient for the model I'm proposing.
The first shot is the "throat shot" that passes through both men at z222/z223. Over 40 witnesses describe JFK reacting to the first shot as we see in the Z-film - stiffening up, hands raised to throat area and slumping towards Jackie.
The second shot is the head shot at z312/z313, with a final shot very shortly after this.
But why take this final shot? JFK's head has just exploded.
And why hurry the shot?

Z350 - Z312 = 38 frames ...... Divided by 14 fps= 2.71 seconds

Nearly 3 seconds apart would NOT sound like a single shot

Nowhere have I said that we are to assume the rifle used was the MC.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: The First Shot
« Reply #1226 on: April 30, 2023, 10:32:34 AM »

Offline Dan O'meara

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Re: The First Shot
« Reply #1227 on: April 30, 2023, 10:45:27 AM »
So we should look for evidence of a second shot after the midpoint between the first and last. With the first just before z202 and after z186 and the third shot at z312-313, that puts the midpoint around 250-255.  In order to make a perceptible difference one would expect a second shot around 270 to fit that pattern. If all shots were fired by the same shooter, which is what the three men on the fifth floor said occurred, the second shot would have to be no closer than 2 seconds before the last.
To answer that, one needs to look at the relative positions of the two men relative to the SN at the time of the first shot. At z186-202, the angle of the car direction to the SN was 13-14 degrees right to left.  At that time, JBC was turned right.  The wound characteristics of the thigh wound indicate that it was a punctate wound from the butt end of an intact missile. A small amount of lead was found embedded in the left femur. CE399 was damaged on only one side on its butt end.
He was hit later.  The shot pattern and Altgens tells us that there was only one shot prior to z255. 
The Secret Service film shows that the tree was not that much of an obstruction and that JFK was likely in clear view by z195.
You are assuming an instantaneous reaction?  Many bullets are not even felt.  JFK may be reacting in z226 and after because of the effect of the neck shot.
Well, a first shot at z210-220 does not fit the shot pattern unless the second shot was less than 2 seconds before the head shot.

With the first just before z202 - NOT TRUE

the third shot at z312-313, -NOT TRUE

A small amount of lead was found embedded in the left femur. - NOT TRUE

The Secret Service film shows that the tree was not that much of an obstruction and that JFK was likely in clear view by z195. - NOT TRUE

Many bullets are not even felt.:D :D :D

JFK may be reacting in z226 and after because of the effect of the neck shot. - D'uh. Do you think so.  ::)

Just tidying up the usual lies and misrepresentations.
I've noticed you have assiduously avoided getting involved in the latest method of destroying your dead theory, involving the witnesses stood at the side of Elm, closest to the limo at the time of the assassination, and their recollections as to whether the limo had passed their position or not at the time of the first shot.

Are you not embarrassed for yourself at the amount of evidence you have to overlook to keep flogging your dead theory.
I would be.

Online John Iacoletti

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Re: The First Shot
« Reply #1228 on: April 30, 2023, 02:23:57 PM »
If all shots were fired by the same shooter, which is what the three men on the fifth floor said occurred,

I don’t recall any of them ever saying that.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: The First Shot
« Reply #1228 on: April 30, 2023, 02:23:57 PM »

Offline Walt Cakebread

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Re: The First Shot
« Reply #1229 on: April 30, 2023, 05:08:43 PM »
Hey Walt!
Good to see you're back on the scene.
And good to see you still blundering around, believing every thing you say is a fact just because you've said it.

Yes Walt, this thread is based on the assumption there were three, clearly audible shots fired from the SN.
This assumption is based on the following:

Over 160 witnesses [more than three quarters of the 200+ witnesses who gave information about the shots] reported hearing three, clearly audible shots.

At least two witnesses report seeing a man with a rifle pointing towards JFK at the time of the shooting from the SN window. A few others reported seeing just the rifle sticking out [I find the suggestion this is a "decoy" laughable].

Harold Norman, stood directly beneath the SN at the time of the shooting reports the shots as coming from directly above him.

The first officer on the scene [officially] was Mooney, who reported discovering three spent shells in the SN, indicating three shots from that position.The notion that Mooney is some kind of stooge can be dismissed as it is he who also reports Fritz arriving on the scene and picking up the shells before they are photographed by Studebaker [thus destroying the chain of custody and, potentially, tampering with evidence]. Tom Alyea reports the same thing.

I've no doubt you don't have a scrap of credible evidence to support where you think the shots were fired from, but that's never stopped you before. Why go to the trouble of collecting facts when you can just make them up.

A typical Walt "fact".
It is absolutely not true, not the case, not a fact that "most witnesses" said the second and third shots  were "almost as if it was a single shot". Of the 200+ witnesses asked, about a quarter of these reported a shot pattern where the second two shots were a lot closer together than the first two two shots. Of this group, a handful of witnesses described the second two shots as being almost simultaneous.

I am persuaded that the last two shots were really close together, which isn't really convenient for the model I'm proposing.
The first shot is the "throat shot" that passes through both men at z222/z223. Over 40 witnesses describe JFK reacting to the first shot as we see in the Z-film - stiffening up, hands raised to throat area and slumping towards Jackie.
The second shot is the head shot at z312/z313, with a final shot very shortly after this.
But why take this final shot? JFK's head has just exploded.
And why hurry the shot?

Nowhere have I said that we are to assume the rifle used was the MC.

Hi Dan....Thanks for the warm ( and insincere) welcome

Please post actual proof the the three shells ( originally TWO) that allegedly were fired from the SE corner window, were IN FACT fired from that site.

Offline Walt Cakebread

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Re: The First Shot
« Reply #1230 on: April 30, 2023, 05:49:08 PM »
I don’t recall any of them ever saying that.

Nor do I......but perhaps Mr O'meara will post proof that all three men reported that the three shots were all fired by the same shooter.   Or how those three man KNEW a "MAN" ( not a woman) had fired the shots

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: The First Shot
« Reply #1230 on: April 30, 2023, 05:49:08 PM »

Offline Jerry Organ

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Re: The First Shot
« Reply #1231 on: April 30, 2023, 06:31:06 PM »
Nor do I......but perhaps Mr O'meara will post proof that all three men reported that the three shots were all fired by the same shooter.   Or how those three man KNEW a "MAN" ( not a woman) had fired the shots

There was no scent of perfume or sound of high heels.  ::)

Also, the boxes by the window weren't put away.