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Author Topic: The First Shot  (Read 191180 times)

Offline John Iacoletti

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Re: The First Shot
« Reply #72 on: October 01, 2020, 10:17:58 PM »

"The gentleman wearing a hat, Ernest Brandt"  38:40

A circle drawn on a copy of Willis 5 doesn't prove anything either.  Especially about who's who in the Zapruder film.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: The First Shot
« Reply #72 on: October 01, 2020, 10:17:58 PM »

Offline Allan Fritzke

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Re: The First Shot
« Reply #73 on: October 01, 2020, 11:20:13 PM »
This film with synchronized sound also shows the crowd of witnesses running up the knoll--

Enjoyed this enhanced French video that was posted.   

My opinion still remains that the first shot was fired at the JFK when he was obscured behind the sign just prior to Z225.   No one ever comments about the 2 people who were eye witnesses to the first shot visible from Z225 and on.  The one was wearing the blue jump suit (bald or hairless?)  and the one behind appeared to be a colored guy with suit and hat (RHS of frame) standing next to or right behind him.   The blue jump suit man's hand goes from a clapping position to behind the back and then returns back to front.  Must have had a little itch to scratch!  There faces were blurred and unrecoverable in film enhancement.  Were these 2 ever interviewed?   They are not present in any other films to my knowledge.  To me, the first shot was low caliber, possibly even a dart gun.  Judging from JFK posture in later frames, his cheeks became puffed and he was having difficulty breathing.   It is difficult to say if these 2 individuals even were turning their heads to continue to watch the Presidential procession at the time as they are heavily "redacted".  They are prime witnesses and their actions are suspect.  Most other characters in the film are almost motionless on the sidelines, save the running girl!

I still go out on a limb to say that all Zapruder Films were tampered with.  If you allow Hollywood to have its day and allow for extreme video editing of select frames (in the area of Z313-Z316 and on), you can create a story. 

Take those frames out and you can see a different picture from the film anomalies present at Z322 and Z330.   (Look closely at the French video at 0:44 seconds (Z322) and continue with windshield light aberration at  Z330.  Doesn't it look like the French film shows a projectile coming in from front as JFK's hand is being raised?  Is that a film scratch?  Was there really a light aberration at Z330 coinciding with an obvious red smear on the President's head?  Jacqueline is horrified at about Z336 and decides to jump from back of car to save herself - not scrape up brain matter as some would have it!   Obviously there is a quick reaction from her different than what her reaction is just after Z313 where she is showing increased concern for her husband - not yet, total horror.  If such a blast occurred as shown in Z313, she would be rubbing the blood splatter out of her eyes as evidenced from the "cloud" surrounding her and leaving much quicker.  We see no evidence of that!  The horrified face became apparent much later.   

Lets say you believe Z313 to be the first kill shot.  High powered rifle shots would force your body movement in the direction of the muzzle blast, not against it.  Everything goes against reality here.  Such a headshot, would have rendered the President "nerve" less and his hand would not have moved up in a defensive posture.  He would have collapsed forward - end of story.

And of course, the obvious.  The First Lady was never allowed to give her rendition of the sequence of events and where she thought the gunfire came from. How many shots were fired and what in her opinion she saw?  Why did she react and attempt to jump out of back?  Obviously she was horrified at what she just witnessed and seemed to have clear eyed vision of what just took place.   She didn't climb out on the trunk blindly.  She obviously didn't feel protected at JFK's side and feared for her own life.   She likely had quick thoughts that she could be the next victim in this crime scene - a need to keep her mouth shut if she saw too much and may be a loose end.   Her side of the story has never being told.  She may have rightly feared for her own life and the safety of her children.  An inside job and her knowing that would have a great influence on her future well being no doubt.

Logic progression of Zapruder Film, shows the President raising his arm in self defense, not a reaction from a bullet striking him from behind. He was conscious enough to see what was happening and John Connally was conscious enough to duck down momentarily below the seat back (see video). The front SS agent ducked as well.   Connally's head later came back above seat line after what I believe were 2 rapid shots - indicating he had not lost consciousness.  Follow the French film closely and see what I say is true.  Connally's head is visible in the corner behind the driver for many frames later as they go into the tunnel.

The other major character that was never questioned was the man rolling into the grass beside Altgens.  Altgens never winced and his picture likely taken at the time never publicized.    This man next to Ike was never questioned as to who he was and why he did a rollover move next to the car at precisely the same time of the shooting.  One frame clearly shows that this man's face could never be enhanced  (Z351 is a prime example!)   The Warren Commission who would have saw the Zapruder film were not even a bit concerned to find this guy and interview him.  

Why was the car removed from the crime scene without being investigated?  Why was the windshield changed?  Wasn't that forensic evidence?     It seems the windshield story had an ongoing adjustment fabricated as the story progressed and people "claimed" to have seen holes in windshield - that had to be sidestepped and put to rest.    Some even go so far as to say it was gravel.  Obviously it could not have been bullets coming from the TSBD as that is not reason to hide!  All smells of fabrication and coverup after the fact.  Even Nellie Connally's window half rolled up and sun visors flipped all the way up raises concern and makes you wonder if that was standard operating procedure.  Similarly why bubble top wasn't used for protection - everyone loved him!

Why was it necessary that the assassin had to be at the TSBD building only when all people in films were seen clearly running towards the grassy knoll?   Are we to believe that herd mentality cut in and only a select few heard shots from behind. ie. TSBD? and everyone instinctively ran for the hills?  Why was the lead car waiting under the overpass? The Presidential limousine obviously slowed down, maybe almost stopped so that the secret service agent could run up from behind and jump on the back!   

I listened to the audio tape of one reporter on the scene that day.   He astutely observed and stated on that day that there were 2 shots in quick succession.  Obviously a contradiction to a bolt action sniper rifle.  If it was a semi automatic  handgun, it would make sense and make the shots come in about a second apart and placed with accuracy one after the other.   Just my opinion.  FWIW   

Offline John Tonkovich

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Re: The First Shot
« Reply #74 on: October 02, 2020, 01:38:41 AM »
Have you been reading this thread John? It is about the first shot striking JFK. Read the last few posts.  ::)
Well, Dan, since SS, FBI, etc., in their initial surveys completed by Mr. West in late 1963 located the first hit at Z207, why exactly do you feel the need, 57 years later, to reexamine what was/is already known.
If you go the EF - no need to join; I lurked there for several years, separating the wheat from the chaff - and look at Tom Purvis' work, perhaps you will see how Mr Specter and friends tried to cover up these surveys. And you might also see why this was done.
Also, either you, and/or others on this thread keep bringing up Z190 as the first  shot.. I believe Mr Speer's name has been invoked.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: The First Shot
« Reply #74 on: October 02, 2020, 01:38:41 AM »

Online Dan O'meara

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Re: The First Shot
« Reply #75 on: October 02, 2020, 02:53:22 AM »

Z227 is too blurred to use. The slumping that so many witnesses mention may be the one between Z226 and Z228. The level of his head drops an inch or so. I don't believe it's a reaction independent of the proposed double-hit in the Z220s, but rather a continuation of him reacting beginning Z225-226.

Could be Kennedy was trying to get his hands to his throat wound but nerve damage affected the control of his right hand, so it ended up at his chin.

Excellent graphic Jerry, not seen that before. I think the first obvious reaction occurs at z226 but there is a hint it's just beginning in z225 but it's hard to say. I agree that the way JFK's hands bunch into fists hints at nerve damage, as does the way his elbows extend upwards in such an extreme way (IMO). It's my opinion that JBC is showing an extreme reaction by z226 which, to me, suggests both men are shot through with the same shot (not a popular opinion, I'm sure).
At the moment I'm trying to find reliable information on reaction and reflex times to extreme stimuli (not as easy as I thought it might be). It should then be possible to pinpoint a reasonable estimate for the moment of impact of the first shot.

Online Dan O'meara

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Re: The First Shot
« Reply #76 on: October 02, 2020, 04:33:59 PM »
Somebody said the Connally jacket pluck takes a few frames to exhibit, so Z222 or Z221/Z222 for bullet arrival and transit. In describing the SBT scenario, I go with Z220s (or early-Z220s) rather than a specific frame for impact.

The HSCA reported:

    "By Zapruder frame 207 when President Kennedy is seen going behind
     a sign that obstructed Zapruder's view, he appears to be reacting to a
     severe external stimulus. This reaction is first indicated in the vicinity of
     frame 200 of the Zapruder film. The President's right hand freezes in the
     midst of a waving motion, followed by a rapid leftward movement of his
     head. There is, therefore, photographic evidence of a shot striking the
     President by this time."


The President's head appears to be pointed the same way in Z207 and Z225, do the "rapid leftward movement of his head" could be a misinterpretation. I don't see the right hand freezing either.

Totally agree with everything written here:
First shot: early z220's
Second shot: z313
Third shot: ?

I strongly suspect a third shot miss which brings its own problems - two strikes then a miss seems a bit dodgy so will have to give it some thought.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: The First Shot
« Reply #76 on: October 02, 2020, 04:33:59 PM »

Online Dan O'meara

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Re: The First Shot
« Reply #77 on: October 02, 2020, 07:08:34 PM »
JFK's reaction to being shot seems strange in a couple of ways. Firstly, he doesn't 'clutch' at his throat as one might expect, instead his hands clench into fists which he seems to jam under his chin. Secondly is the way his elbows extend upwards in quite an extreme way. For a second or so he seems to go rigid, his elbows extended upwards. To me this seems more like a reflex than a straightforward reaction to an external stimulus. The difference being that a reflex is quicker than a reaction.

“The average reaction time for a visual stimulus is about 250 milliseconds. The average reaction time for an auditory stimulus is about 170 milliseconds and for a touch stimulus 150 milliseconds.” []

If we assume the average reaction to a touch stimulus is 150 milliseconds we can use this to get a rough estimate of when JFK was first hit. Before that, it must be established when JFK first reacted to being shot. As I stated in an earlier post, as JFK begins to emerge from behind the Stemmons sign (z224) we can see his right hand in a slightly raised position. I argued that, as he was coming to the end of his last wave I couldn't draw anything conclusive about this hand position (ie: he was already reaching for his throat) and that the movement of his left arm/hand was a much truer indication of when he reacted to being shot. It appeared to me that the most obvious reaction began at z226 but there seemed to be a hint of movement at z225. In the clip below i would like to focus on JFK's right hand. It is known that after being shot his hands clench into fists which he thrusts under his chin. The clip below shows the moment his right hand clenches shut into a fist:

It seems clear to me that his hand is beginning to close in z225 and fully closes shut in z226. From this I conclude that his very first reaction to being shot can be seen in z225.
Each Zapruder frame represents, approximately, a timespan of 55 milliseconds. If we accept the reaction time to a touch stimulus as 150 milliseconds this means the stimulus (the shot) cannot have occurred more than 4 z-frames before the reaction. That is to say, the shot to which JFK is reacting cannot have occurred before z221, particularly if it is a reflex reaction. It is also worth noting that a reflex reaction is much quicker than a normal reaction to a stimulus. As such it can be expected that the first shot hit JFK z221 to z224.
« Last Edit: October 02, 2020, 07:15:24 PM by Dan O'meara »

Online Dan O'meara

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Re: The First Shot
« Reply #78 on: October 02, 2020, 10:32:22 PM »

Maybe so. Just that Kennedy's hands sometimes ended up in a clutched position anyway.

What doesn't come across in the Gif I posted showing JFK's 'hand clench' is the speed his hand slams shut. Because I often look at various videos(particularly Zapruder) in slow motion, it distorts my perception of how quickly events take place. His hand goes from a fairly open position to closed in 110-165 milliseconds. It's amazingly quick. In one instant he seems to be in a fairly relaxed, unsuspecting state and then slams his hand shut in a fraction of a second. I did this Gif to try and demonstrate the speed things are happening but I'm not sure if it captures it correctly:

I have no way of measuring it but I'd be surprised if I could do it any quicker, the difference being I would be expecting it.

Offline Allan Fritzke

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Re: The First Shot
« Reply #79 on: October 03, 2020, 08:08:36 PM »
I really don't see the importance of a clenched fist.  The obvious is his reaction like someone choking or about to gasp for breath.  The motion exhibited show the President in a motion to move his hands towards his neck and the continuance of the frames shows that.    There is an obvious reactive movement to something foreign that just occurred.   He normally would be continuing to wave.  To me, he  felt something hit him and instinctively moved hands to neck area as someone who is choking.  Frames later you can see his puffed cheeks which indicates breathing problems are occurring.  I would agree the shot came while he was hidden behind the sign and he changed his stance from crowd waving. 

I would be more apt to analyze how high his right elbow goes up in reaction.  For example, is this a defensive posture move as a bullet comes from grassy knoll direction to protect himself from a further assault?   His first reaction is not to duck and lower his head behind the seat.   Jacqueline quickly reaches over with both hands and puts her hand on his left arm to stabilize him.  The secondary movement of the crowd running to the grassy knoll should give secondary confirmation of where bullets where coming from.    Who benefits from a single lone nut gunman narrative that is contrary to the crowd's response? 

Reactions at or after Z313 by others in car are much more extreme but coincide more with a frontal/side assault than a rear assault.  Connally and front SS agent duck below seat level.  JFK's head move back with impact not forward.  Connally's head reappears behind driver's post in an obvious defensive move to move left and out of harm's way in the shuffle.   He is still very conscious of his movements and appears to be sitting or kneeling? there after the assassination was completed - his head wasn't in Nellie's lap yet!

In fact, the movement exhibited  at Z313 by the President is an exact same movement to the first shot.   His right elbow raises once more, just weaker.  This time it is a headshot but has exact same reaction exhibited by him.  Notably, the bullet also strikes a hard object (his head) and pushes it back.

The other thing to note is that if this was a mafia hit job and not an inside coup d'etat, you would expect more transparency and a real investigation to ensue.  There is nothing really to hide if it was the mafia and so why were there all the investigative problems/blunders and total lack of congruency - abetted confusion?  These people are not a bunch of bumbling idiots like they would have you to believe!   A totally controlled event including autopsy control, destroying or tampering with evidence , pristine bullets on stretchers found for example and creating statements and narrative as required.    This was total control, well planned and executed.   Car and body removed from Dallas and information released as required to paint a story.  Time is a great healer and so films hidden and released years later.   50 year seal orders placed to protect the guilty.  Most evidence really was shredded anyway and nothing left to hide as it was sanitized early on.   Why the need to protect if a LNer or even if mafia?       

This is a classic example of state controlled media and events - much of what we continue to see today.  Patriot's Act and Homeland Security Act which enacted to allow government to spy on its own people at will.  Was it politicized and used against Trump and his campaign and presidency?     2nd amendment rights are on the way out if they have their way and COVID used as a weapon to create unrest and violence and aid that end.    The scaremonger mentality is being pushed through once more with the help of media.  Do the people control the government or does the government control the people?   A lot of scientific expert opinions .....

I digress!  Clearly, currency is backed only by paper and not gold.  This started with FDR and Executive Order 6102 which banned people from owning gold!    Do the people of a nation benefit from such moves and erosion of their rights?    JFK saw this happening and called it the Military-Industrial Complex - Crony Capitalism for short.   Trump like JFK has no business interfering with their games and exposing the swamp and how they get rich and ride the wave.  Why do those in politics end up getting rich?  Did past Presidents Obama, Clinton, the Bushes and others make their money from Presidential wages or was it by other means?   Obviously you could launch an argument that they were just shrewd investors and used their wages "earned" to get rich - that's a laugh!   Did Biden give his brother choice military contracts in Iraq?

Democracy is nothing more than a facade.   Families run countries.   Whether Democracy, Communism or Socialism,  the scum always floats to the top, rich get richer and poor get poorer and politics has an "end".    Again sorry for the digression.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: The First Shot
« Reply #79 on: October 03, 2020, 08:08:36 PM »