coincidentally this would be about when Betzner and Willis heard a 1st shot fired. Betzner suggesting heard shot close after he had just started rewind his camera from snapping shot at Z186, and Willis about Z205, thought the 1st shot was nearly simultaneous with and actually caused him click the camera button.
Also coincides pretty close to the abrupt halt of Willis girl at Z195. Yes she was slowing down before that, but she actually does not abruptly halt until Z195.
Speculative firing sequence of shots:
If there is 1 shooter in Daltex with supressed rifle, 2 shooter on 6th floor TSBD, 1 with 30.06 rifle at SW window and 1 with an MC rifle at SE window, then the sequence would be:
1st shot at Z195 fired by SE shooter MC rifle, went high or was hangfire and the shooter reoriented his rifle while reacting to that hang fire, and the round buried into the green of Dealey plaza or flew over the Triple overpass and buried 300 yds other side. Did the man seen in photo bending down near the manhole cover at the uprooted grass recover this round?
2nd shot at Z223 by Daltex shooter, a supressed shot, which wasnt really heard by limo occupants and why they seem confused at Z223 why one man in followup car is still grinning, and why Charles Brehm and others still clapping even though 2 shots been fired and JFK is reacting. The Daltex shooter rifle w/silencer could be carried in small suitcase possibly by Jim Braden to 3rd floor Daltex bldg. This shot went thru both JFK and JC, was not an MC bullet, and was possibly found, described as a pointed shaped bullet by the original finder, but after placed in envelope, later that round replaced with an MC bullet, CE 399.
3rd shot fired from SE shooter with MC rifle attempting get hit, missed. or bounced, hit curb near Tague. This was the SE shooter 2nd shot fired at Z285 approx, or about 70/18 frames/sec 0= approx 4.0 sec after 1st MC shot at Z195
4th shot the head shot, by the SW shooter, with the 30 06 rifle with large scope that Arnold Rowland had seen earlier at 12:15. The SW shot that lines up much better with the entrance exit wound path as per exit that would be closer to the v notch wound above JFK eyes in the autopsy photo and also consistent with a radial fragmentation lines seen in the lateral X ray of JFK skull leading to that same v notch point. This shot fired at Z312-13. heard as the 3rd shot and approx 2 sec after Z285.
So sequence of 3 heard shots occurs in about 6 seconds spaced:
POW............4sec.........POW..2sec..POW, thus matching majority earwitness describing this pattern.
the Z223 shot was not heard by most earwitness, but possibly by Euins who was closer to Daltex who thought he heard 4 shots.
But all i have to offer as any substantiation for the 3 shooter theory with 1 using suppressed rifle is:
A. Jim Braden coincidentally in the Daltex bldg on 3rd floor at time of shooting.
B. 3 shots heard by most earwitness spread over 5 to 6 secs and last 2 much closer than 1st and 2nd.
C. CE 399 and the bizarre chain of custody and the fact bullet is so minimally deformed.
D. The juxtapostion and seemly lack of reaction of most of the Dealey plaza nearby witnesses even as late as Z255 , like Charles Brehm, Mary Moorman, Jean Hill, and the grinning man in the followup SS car seen in Altgens photo 6.. This lack of reaction seems to be incompatable with 2 loud shots supposedly already fired by Z223, imo.
E. Harold Norman right below 6th floor TSBD SE window hears 3 shots not longer in duration than 6 seconds given his own demonstration over many years.
F. Head shot trajectory matches much better from SW window than SE window, given the approx 45 degree turn of JFKs head and his slumping leftward towards Jackie as seen in Moorman photo, as well as the Nix film.