I don't know what you mean by the forest. You can clearly see what my book, "On The Trail of
Delusion, Jim Garrison: The Great Accuser" is all about. You can also go on Amazon and
see the Table of Contents.
Once again, here are the blurbs:
"This book is a perfect example of good reporting -- something too often elusive in the scores of books about the JFK horror story. Scores have manufactured what they called "evidence of conspiracy," have benefited by falsifying facts and manufacturing their own "truth." This book is REAL! I lived every minute of it."
- Hugh Aynesworth, Author of November 22, 1963: Witness to History and JFK: Breaking the News
"On the Trail of Delusion is nothing less than a masterclass on the craft of investigative writing. Brimming with new details about the toxic "Garrison investigation," the lunatic "Permindex" conspiracy theory, and other JFK-related nonsense, Fred Litwin's book is a must-read for all history buffs. On top of everything else, it's wonderfully written and lavishly illustrated. Highest recommendation."
- Gus Russo, Author of Brothers in Arms [with Stephen Molton] and The Outfit
"Garrison must have something, I assumed - wrongly - from 1967 until the collapse of his case in 1969. Fred Litwin has dug up documents that show Garrison's investigation was nothing like his revisionist memoir On the Trail of the Assassins or Oliver Stone's hagiographic film JFK."
-Paul Hoch, First-Generation Warren Commission Critic
"Fred Litwin has conducted his own after-crash review of the Garrison investigation, pinpointing where it went wrong at every step. He has carefully studied the record, and pulls no punches in this fascinating book."
- Dr. Larry Haapanen, Professor at Lewis-Clark State College, Idaho, Former Researcher for the U.S. Air Force's Project Blue Book, and West-Coast Investigator for Jim Garrison
"New Orleans District Attorney Jim Garrison fed a fable to the American people about President Kennedy's assassination. Filmmaker Oliver Stone encouraged Americans to believe it. With On the Trail of Delusion, author Fred Litwin exposes Garrison's attempt to deceive his countrymen as blatant fraud."
- Anthony Summers, Author of Not in Your Lifetime: The Defining Book on the J.F.K. Assassination and A Matter of Honor: Pearl Harbor: Betrayal, Blame, and a Family's Quest for Justice
"If you want to find the real story about the claims Jim Garrison made about the assassination of JFK, don't look to the movie by Oliver Stone, read Litwin's Delusion. Uniquely, he doesn't tell you what to believe, he gives you the evidence that speaks for itself."
- G. Robert Blakey, Former Chief Counsel of the House Select Committee on Assassinations