My proposed answer to these very questions is already stated quite explicitly in my previous post (Reply #461).
If you have a better explanation as to why the first Ruth Paine Exhibit was numbered 270, I'm all ears
You claim to want serious discussion but when I ask you some questions you refer back to the exact post which made me ask the questions in the first place.
You can not explain why curtain rods, allegedly found at the TSBD, were already marked 275 and 276 nor do you say who marked them, when they were marked and why.
You claim a TSBD employee found those rods, yet when asked you do not provide his name
I have no idea why the Ruth Paine evidence numbers started with 270 and why it matters. You can speculate as much as you like but it will not get you anywhere.
I'm truly trying to understand what it is you are actually saying. Clearly the DPD document of 15 March 1964 demonstrates a discrepancy with Ruth Paine's testimony on 23 March 1964. Obviously, there is no way that Howlett could take the curtain rods from the shelf in the garage during the testimony, because the DPD document shows they were in DPD custody until at least the next day.
I'm not sure what it is you are trying to say. Is your claim that those curtain rods were indeed removed from Ruth Paine's garage and submitted for testing on 15 March 1964? Or are you claiming that those curtain rods were not removed from Ruth Paine's garage at all, but instead were found at the TSBD with the evidence numbers somehow already attached to them?