Of course it is speculation, just like the crap you present. That was the entire point I was making.
Or did you think that when you speculate it suddenly becomes evidence?
P A T H E T I C. 
My statement about Lee Oswald "interior decorator" is obviously satirical.
Your speculation is serious, or is it?
There is such a thing as "justified" speculation. Things we don't know but can guess based on known or likely prior events.
For example:
-- Where was Oswald going after he left the rooming-house at North Beckley?
-- Would Oswald have been "involved" in the assassination of President Kennedy had Marina agreed to reconcile with him on the evening of 21 November 1963?
There's no evidence that Lee Oswald had inspected an apartment for rent and observed there were no curtains in a room. You just implied this to construct a negative reply.
Based on all that we know: Oswald did not need curtains and therefore did not need curtain rods.
In my opinion: The curtain rod story (attributed to Lee Harvey Oswald) is indicative of a pre-crime "consciousness of guilt".