Nice disinformation.
Frazier was not questioned "nine hours" after the assassination happened.
Frazier left work after it was shutdown for the day and headed directly to the hospital to visit his step father.
On the way to the hospital he learned that Oswald was a suspect in the assassination.
Frazier was at the hospital no more than 20 minutes before the detectives took him to the station for questioning and that was in the afternoon. He was being interrogated all evening long.
According to your bogus claim, Frazier wouldn't have been interrogated until 10:30 PM and that is blatantly false. He was let go at midnight.
Please read my posts Rick. Frazier did not go immediately to the hospital. That story is bogus.
Mr. BALL. You brought Ruth Paine and Marina down to the police department, did you?
Mr. ROSE. Yes; we took Ruth Paine and Marina and Marina's two children in our car and also the blanket--I carried it.
Mr. BALL. And the rest of that day you spent in inquiring for and looking around for Wesley Frazier?
Mr. ROSE. Well, we came on back to the city hall and we took Ruth Paine and Michael Paine and Marina Oswald to the homicide office, but it was so crowded that we transferred them to the forgery bureau office next door, and then someone came over and I believe it was the Detective Senkel, to take affidavits from them and I immediately started trying to locate Wesley Frazier. We were told that he would be at Parkland Hospital, but we checked through Parkland and there was no Fraziers there and I started a heck of the clinics and the doctors' offices in Irving, and I located through one of the nurses, I believe, or talked to someone on the phone there that Mr. Frazier was in the hospital there at Irving Clinic, so I called Detective McCabe in Irving and that Wesley was the one that had brought Lee Oswald to work that morning.
Why didn’t Rose simply call LMR to determine the hospital once Parland wasn’t the one?