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Author Topic: Then went inside with the curtain rods  (Read 141970 times)

Online Dan O'meara

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Re: Then went inside with the curtain rods
« Reply #824 on: March 18, 2021, 12:43:12 AM »
Oh boy, I was just trying to explain to you how it would have worked, but even that, it seems, was way over your head.

Just to let you know, at no point have I stated that Frazier didn't undergo a polygraph test.

I know, you just called it "not a real polygraph test"

The point I was making concerns the "conversational" tone of the reported polygraph. Taking the report at face value it doesn't seem like a real polygraph test as I understand one.

The "conversational" tone was what Drain wrote in his report after talking to Lewis. It was not a report of the actual polygraph test.

Give me a break. All you're doing is going along with the highly selective WC narrative.

"All you're doing is going along with the highly selective WC narrative."

The arguments I'm presnting lead there own way. Just because it's what the WC concluded is of no relevance.
« Last Edit: March 18, 2021, 12:45:25 AM by Dan O'meara »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Then went inside with the curtain rods
« Reply #824 on: March 18, 2021, 12:43:12 AM »

Offline Alan Ford

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Re: Then went inside with the curtain rods
« Reply #825 on: March 18, 2021, 12:44:26 AM »
You can't explain it either! Here are your own words:

"Why Lt Day took it upon himself to write a different release datum on a copy of the document is the only thing I can not explain."

Yet you still accept it as valid! You choose to ignore the glaring falsification of this document. I don't.

Again with Mr O'Meara's shameless McAdams-style sleight of hand: Let's spin the fact that there were shenanigans with the release date as meaning the document is somehow LESS damning for the official story

Online Dan O'meara

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Re: Then went inside with the curtain rods
« Reply #826 on: March 18, 2021, 12:49:28 AM »
Again with Mr O'Meara's shameless McAdams-style sleight of hand: Let's spin the fact that there were shenanigans with the release date as meaning the document is somehow LESS damning for the official story


Oh Alan. I love the way you admit there were "shenanigans" with the document then criticise me for putting some kind of spin on it.

The document is damning because it reveals clear tampering with the processing of evidence. Isn't that enough for you?

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Then went inside with the curtain rods
« Reply #826 on: March 18, 2021, 12:49:28 AM »

Offline Alan Ford

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Re: Then went inside with the curtain rods
« Reply #827 on: March 18, 2021, 12:52:40 AM »
I can explain and easily accept the original of the document, which shows that Howlett submitted curtain rods for fingerprinting testing on 03/15/64 and collected again on 03/24/64. That's a valid document.

And one that was not made public until decades after the assassination.

Now! The crucial point is that the document makes clear that the rods were submitted to lab for fingerprint testing specifically for Mr Oswald's prints. This tells us where the rods were found: Texas School Book Depository, the one place where the finding of rods with a forensic link to Mr Oswald would be highly (indeed explosively) significant.

Offline Alan Ford

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Re: Then went inside with the curtain rods
« Reply #828 on: March 18, 2021, 01:01:02 AM »

Oh Alan. I love the way you admit there were "shenanigans" with the document then criticise me for putting some kind of spin on it.

The document is damning because it reveals clear tampering with the processing of evidence.


The documents are damning because they reveal
-------------i) clear tampering with the processing of evidence
-------------ii) proof that two curtain rods were submitted for testing FOR MR OSWALD'S PRINTS eight days BEFORE two curtain rods were extracted on-the-record from Ms Paine's garage
Your McAdams-style attempt to use i) to neutralize the disaster (for you and your WC apologist buddies) presented by ii) is quite pathetic, though hardly surprising at this stage. What you have on your hands here is a DOUBLE whammy against the claim that no curtain rods were found in the Depository after the assassination.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Then went inside with the curtain rods
« Reply #828 on: March 18, 2021, 01:01:02 AM »

Online Dan O'meara

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Re: Then went inside with the curtain rods
« Reply #829 on: March 18, 2021, 03:00:01 AM »

The documents are damning because they reveal
-------------i) clear tampering with the processing of evidence
-------------ii) proof that two curtain rods were submitted for testing FOR MR OSWALD'S PRINTS eight days BEFORE two curtain rods were extracted on-the-record from Ms Paine's garage
Your McAdams-style attempt to use i) to neutralize the disaster (for you and your WC apologist buddies) presented by ii) is quite pathetic, though hardly surprising at this stage. What you have on your hands here is a DOUBLE whammy against the claim that no curtain rods were found in the Depository after the assassination.

"proof that two curtain rods were submitted for testing FOR MR OSWALD'S PRINTS eight days BEFORE two curtain rods were extracted on-the-record from Ms Paine's garage"

So, by your own logic the document "proves" the rods were released on the 24th and the 26th!

Your little ego-trip of being "the person who first pointed out the release dates anomaly" is blinding you.

Online Dan O'meara

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Re: Then went inside with the curtain rods
« Reply #830 on: March 18, 2021, 04:00:33 AM »

Look at this picture of Oswald's room.
Three windows are visible but there is a fourth window just off to the right of the picture.
There is something very obviously wrong with the idea that Oswald took the two curtain rods for his bedroom.

Offline Colin Crow

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Re: Then went inside with the curtain rods
« Reply #831 on: March 18, 2021, 06:44:06 AM »

I'm trying to determine the earliest the investigating authorities were round at the Randle house.

The best I can find is the above report stating Rose and Stovall went there after picking him up at Irving PD (around 5:35pm according to the FBI report you posted), searching his car, then going to the house (around 6pm??)
It's interesting to note Rose and Stovall say they got the info about WBF's location from LMR but when did that happen?

At around 27.20 Frazier clearly states that when he went directly home and his sister was watching coverage of the assassination on TV. They both said it was a horrible thing and that the TSBD was involved. Then he turned it off!

At 31.20 there is interesting exchange about the curtain rods. Up until questioning by police he never associated the "curtain rod package" with the crime. It seems the cops asked if he was carrying a package anf Frazier mentions curtain rods for the first time.

At 32.30 He claims the cops went to his sister's house first – asked his mother  - she said up at hospital with his sister.

1.01.11 Frazier said he thinks he heard of Tippit death from mother after got home. She had TV on.

Has anyone tried listening to this interview other than me? It is most enlightening and is clearer with earbuds. Not the easiest but most of the dialogue can be made out.

I am wondering if McCabe and his buddy were needed at the Irving hospital for jurisdiction. Like the deputies were needed for the Paine's house. Homicide cops were restricted. Would this explain Frazier's inserting Rose and Stovall only into his arrest and initial escape attempt?
« Last Edit: March 18, 2021, 07:46:45 AM by Colin Crow »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Then went inside with the curtain rods
« Reply #831 on: March 18, 2021, 06:44:06 AM »