The point I'm making is that he would have no reason to deny bringing curtain rods to work.
Maybe it was the truth. All we have to go on that Oswald ever even
mentioned curtain rods is Frazier's say-so.
If curtain rods had been found at some point it would be of some significance
That's why Alan is pursuing his hypothesis. If curtain rods were found in the Paine garage on March 23 and had never been moved, then what curtain rods were submitted into evidence on March 15, and where were
they found?
Agreed. It's just another of those small pieces. Significance is put on Oswald breaking his routine the night before the assassination because he had a rifle stowed in the Paine garage and it was established a rifle was used in the assassination. Breaking his routine to collect curtain rods seems like a
excuse when he could have got them Friday night. Through various testimonies it was established the curtain rods were still there but the rifle was missing. This is of great significance to those who believe Oswald was involved in the assassination.
I know it is. Because they will glom on to any little speculation and conjecture and call it "evidence". Curtain rods could very well be a "BS excuse", but it doesn't just follow that it is a BS excuse for fetching a rifle to kill the president. And no, we don't actually know that he "had a rifle stowed in the Paine garage" on the 21st. That's an assumption too.
Turning to Mr Von Pein:
That's your first mistake. He's a propagandist.
"Mrs. Johnson stated that when the Dallas, Texas, Police searched this room following Oswald's arrest, they bent the rod which held the drapes and curtains. Consequently, she stated, she had the old rod taken down and replaced it with a traverse rod and aqua-colored acetate drapes. A traverse rod and acetate drapes replaced the lace curtain which was on the end wall window."
Admittedly, the photo is of poor quality, but those look like the old lace curtains to me. And "she had the old rod taken down" implies that she didn't do that herself. This doesn't look at all like what Johnson is quoted as describing in J. Edgar's helpful memo.