Oswald is linked to the rifle by the evidence (i.e. documents, prints, photos, witness testimony, serial number, PO box, use of an alias associated with him).
Nope. The only thing that links Lee Oswald personally with a rifle from Klein's (a similar rifle, not an identical rifle) is unscientific and biased handwriting "analysis" of two block letters on a photo of a microfilm copy of a 2-inch order coupon. From microfilm that is now "missing". Everything else is your assumptions.
The rifle is linked to the assassination by overwhelming evidence (i.e. found at the crime scene, fired bullet casings, bullets and bullet fragments from that rifle).
Nope. There is nothing that links that rifle to any bullet that can be demonstrated to have gone through Kennedy or Connally or that puts that particular rifle in Oswald's hands at 12:30 on 11/22/63. Other than your imagination.
Your rebuttal is simply that all this evidence could be faked or planted. That is not a basis to raise any doubt. It is an exercise in applying an impossible standard of proof to the facts and evidence to raise fake doubt.
Nope. The evidence doesn't have to be "fake or planted". It still doesn't demonstrate who pulled the trigger. Not without a giant exercise in assumption and handwaving.