There is no credible evidence whatsoever to support the "possibility" that the rifle and shells were planted. Just because you can dream up a completely baseless alternative explanation doesn't result in doubt. No one would ever be convicted of a crime if doubt were created by the mere possibility that evidence was planted. There has to be some credible basis to support that claim. And keep in mind you refuse to admit that you are a CTer. So how would Oswald's rifle and fired bullet casings from that rifle materialize if there was no pre-planned conspiracy?
Can you also tell us what would constitute "evidence" that Oswald's rifle was fired on 11.22.63 that is lacking from the record? It is found on the floor from which shots were fired that day. Shell casings are found by the window from which witnesses saw a rifle at the moment the shots were fired. There is no plausible explanation from Oswald as to why his rifle is found there. It's silly to suggest that wasn't the rifle used that day. Even in your fantasy conspiracy scenario to frame Oswald, the conspirators would obviously have used the same rifle to commit the assassination that they were going to leave at the scene to frame him. Why would they use a different rifle with all the complications that would entail including having to smuggle another rifle out of the building undetected? It defies basic common sense that they would kill JFK with one rifle but leave a different rifle at the scene to frame Oswald for the crime.
There is no credible evidence whatsoever to support the "possibility" that the rifle and shells were planted.There is no credible evidence whatsoever to support the claim that the MC rifle was fired on 11/22/63. All you have is the assumption that it was!
Just because you can dream up a completely baseless alternative explanation doesn't result in doubt. No one would ever be convicted of a crime if doubt were created by the mere possibility that evidence was planted. First of all, this isn't a court of law and secondly, based on the evidence we know, I am convinced that Oswald would likely have been convicted. However, that does not automatically mean that he did it. It just means that the evidence presented points in that direction.
So how would Oswald's rifle and fired bullet casings from that rifle materialize if there was no pre-planned conspiracy? True, but considering all possibilities doesn't make me a CT. Jumping to conclusions, as you do, does make you a LN.
Can you also tell us what would constitute "evidence" that Oswald's rifle was fired on 11.22.63 that is lacking from the record? Again, there is no evidence in the record that the MC rifle found at the TSBD was fired on 11/22/63. There is, however, in the record the fact that the barrel of the MC was not cleared of rust, which is what it should have been had a shot been fired. For some reason you seem to ignore that fact. One can only wonder why...
It is found on the floor from which shots were fired that day. Shell casings are found by the window from which witnesses saw a rifle at the moment the shots were fired. There is no plausible explanation from Oswald as to why his rifle is found there. It's silly to suggest that wasn't the rifle used that day.
It might be silly to your limited brain, but that doesn't make it a fact. If the rifle was planted, the shell casings were also planted which means they do not provide proof that the rifle was fired. And there is no plausible explanation from Oswald, other than his denial of ownership, because he was killed before he could provide any explanation.
Even in your fantasy conspiracy scenario to frame Oswald, the conspirators would obviously have used the same rifle to commit the assassination that they were going to leave at the scene to frame him. Why is that obvious?
Why would they use a different rifle with all the complications that would entail including having to smuggle another rifle out of the building undetected? It defies basic common sense that they would kill JFK with one rifle but leave a different rifle at the scene to frame Oswald for the crime. It is not my problem that your lack of imagination prevents you from answering that question yourself.