If the definition is "in relation to the assassination" then I would guess the thousands figure is likely true. Or close. That's kind of a vague definition though. Does a book on JFK's life - the Robert Dallek book for example which discusses the assassination - apply? How about a book on RFK that talks about his reaction to the assassination? What about Robert Caro's book on LBJ? He discusses the assassination and how LBJ reacted to it. But I don't think that's what we are talking about. I would think books "only about the assassination" - English only? - are 1000 or so. But I would also guess (lotta' guessing here) that many or most were self-published or issued by small publishers and not major companies.Amazon books has more than 50 pages with 35 books on each page under the search "JFK assassination." Some are directly about it; others less so. One is about how JFK was killed to prevent him from revealing the alien presence around us. No thanks, I'll wait for the paperback version. Maybe.Amazon link: https://www.amazon.com/s?k=jfk+assassination&i=stripbooks&crid=12NKFMCQCF9XK&qid=1613320035&sprefix=jfk+ass%2Cstripbooks%2C159&ref=sr_pg_1
Amazon...has 50 pages with 35 books on each page under the search "JFK assassination." Some are directly about it; others less so. One is about how JFK was killed to prevent him from revealing the alien presence around us.
Well said as usual.