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Author Topic: ?  (Read 44243 times)

Offline Alan J. Ford

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Re: ?
« Reply #152 on: August 27, 2021, 06:52:23 PM »
Summer of '63, down in New Orleans...

Mr. LIEBELER - When you talked to Oswald on the street that day, did he give you any idea who was paying him to hand this stuff out?
Mr. ANDREWS - No; he just said, "It's a job."

A job?

Hmm... a job? ... merely performing his employee duties for/with whom he worked...lest we forget
the Federal Bureau of Investigation destroyed documents relating to the wrongly-accused after President Kennedy's death...

Begs the question, Why?

The same reason those multiple interrogations over a three day period are void of audio & video recordings. "Oh what a tangled web we weave/When first we practise to deceive" -- Sir Walter Scott

MUCH easier to to create a hastily contrived script mired in the stench of horse manure to Frame an innocent party than admit to the sum of all fears a coup d'ι·tat in the land of the free...

He didn't attempt a ride on a phantom bus & cab ride either....Mr. Mentesana's home video records the wrongly-accused's presence still in Dealey Plaza looooong after the manufactured false-narrative says otherwise.

There's a major difference between manufactured "evidence" and the plain simple Truth. 


JFK Assassination Forum

Re: ?
« Reply #152 on: August 27, 2021, 06:52:23 PM »

Offline Walt Cakebread

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Re: ?
« Reply #153 on: August 27, 2021, 07:01:33 PM »
Oh, my!, Mr. Cakebread, that's quite a bombshell revelation. Care to share your *source revealing the possibility of the Bureau having personnel in the Texas Theatre? There's been some exemplary work done by other researchers covering the wrongly-accused's activities down in New Orleans, making the case he had ties to Bureau personnel.

As far as you know, to save me some poking around, Was Mr. Barrett in New Orleans during the Summer of 1963?

There were three FBI agents in the Texas theater at the time that Lee was apprehended..... THIS IS A FACT!    The obvious queston is: What the hell were they doing there??   Lee allegedly  entered the theater without buying a ticket. ( probably not true ) ....But I'm compelled to ask; would that be a federal crime?   

But let's say that Lee was being pursued by the DPD as a suspect in the shooting of JD Tippit  ...  Does the FBI get involved in the affairs of the local police ??     And I'd like to know where FBI agent James Hosty got all of the information about Lee Oswald just minutes after Lee was dragged from the theater.

 Briefly and in a nutshell .......
Just minutes after Lee's arrest Hosty told A DPD detective, Jack Revill, "Jack, A communist named Lee Oswald has shot the President. We knew that he was capable of doing it, but didn't think he would"

Bottom Line .... FBI agents at the theater.... Hosty blurting out that the FBI knew that Lee Oswald was capable of committing the assassination..... 

It would appear that Lee Oswald  "working" with the FBI .... and was in a hurry to get to the theater to meet with his agent and find out what the FBI wanted him to do if JFK had in fact been shot....

Offline Alan J. Ford

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Re: ?
« Reply #154 on: August 27, 2021, 07:03:13 PM »
Mr. WHALEY. "I never saw what they had in there. It was all written out by hand. I signed my name because they said that is what I said."

Bill Whaley ( God rest his Bullshippng soul ) Was illiterate.   He couldn't read......    The hapless fool got in over his head when he bragged to his fellow cabbies that he had unwittingly transported the assassin to Oak cliff.    And had the investigation been a true investigation the cops would have known that Whaley was BS- ing.  He said he picked up his passenger at 12:30....  Lee Oswald was at the TSBD at 12:30.

Whaley said that his passenger was wearing a BLUE  JACKET and BLUE trousers..... Lee was not wearing a Jacket ... And his shirt was reddish brown with a BUTTON DOWN COLLAR...and his trousers were dark gray. 

Lee Oswald was NOT in Whaley's cab that day.....

An excellent summation there, Mr. Cakebread, rather exemplary research on your part, especially noting the many challenges to the Whaley circus, and more specifically to the authentic colours worn by the wrongly-accused instead of Whaley's fabricated concoctions.

Off here for now, back next week the good Lord willing. Best to all to remain safe, well,  healthy and free of exposure to any emerging variants of COVID-19. There's a major difference between the plain simple Truth (facts); and manufactured "evidence" amid a hastily contrived script mired in the stench of horse manure to Frame an innocent party.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: ?
« Reply #154 on: August 27, 2021, 07:03:13 PM »

Offline Alan J. Ford

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Re: ?
« Reply #155 on: August 27, 2021, 07:05:45 PM »
There were three FBI agents in the Texas theater at the time that Lee was apprehended..... THIS IS A FACT!    The obvious queston is: What the hell were they doing there??   Lee allegedly  entered the theater without buying a ticket. ( probably not true ) ....But I'm compelled to ask; would that be a federal crime?   

But let's say that Lee was being pursued by the DPD as a suspect in the shooting of JD Tippit  ...  Does the FBI get involved in the affairs of the local police ??     And I'd like to know where FBI agent James Hosty got all of the information about Lee Oswald just minutes after Lee was dragged from the theater.

 Briefly and in a nutshell .......
Just minutes after Lee's arrest Hosty told A DPD detective, Jack Revill, "Jack, A communist named Lee Oswald has shot the President. We knew that he was capable of doing it, but didn't think he would"

Bottom Line .... FBI agents at the theater.... Hosty blurting out that the FBI knew that Lee Oswald was capable of committing the assassination..... 

It would appear that Lee Oswald  "working" with the FBI .... and was in a hurry to get to the theater to meet with his agent and find out what the FBI wanted him to do if JFK had in fact been shot....

Back next week, Mr. Cakebread, to read your contribution fully, gotta go. Godspeed.

Offline Alan J. Ford

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Re: ?
« Reply #156 on: August 30, 2021, 06:11:21 PM »
There were three FBI agents in the Texas theater at the time that Lee was apprehended..... THIS IS A FACT!    The obvious queston is: What the hell were they doing there??   Lee allegedly  entered the theater without buying a ticket. ( probably not true ) ....But I'm compelled to ask; would that be a federal crime?
But let's say that Lee was being pursued by the DPD as a suspect in the shooting of JD Tippit  ...  Does the FBI get involved in the affairs of the local police ??     And I'd like to know where FBI agent James Hosty got all of the information about Lee Oswald just minutes after Lee was dragged from the theater.

 Briefly and in a nutshell .......
Just minutes after Lee's arrest Hosty told A DPD detective, Jack Revill, "Jack, A communist named Lee Oswald has shot the President. We knew that he was capable of doing it, but didn't think he would"

Bottom Line .... FBI agents at the theater.... Hosty blurting out that the FBI knew that Lee Oswald was capable of committing the assassination..... 

It would appear that Lee Oswald  "working" with the FBI .... and was in a hurry to get to the theater to meet with his agent and find out what the FBI wanted him to do if JFK had in fact been shot....

My, my, my...not one (1) agent present in the Texas Theatre, not two (2) agents, but three (3) G-men present in what the wrongly-accused considered a "safehouse". No wonder the Federal Bureau of Investigation destroyed documents relating to the wrongly-accused after President Kennedy's death...

Mr. Hosty's name and phone number was actually found in the wrongly-accused's address-book, not to mention his superior--Mr. Shanklin (Gordon)-told him to destroy a letter the wrongly-accused wrote to him. Those of us reading along here could easily bet the farm there wasn't anything in that letter incriminating the wrongly-accused at all, as much as bombshell revelations revealing information the Bureau did not wish to be viewed for public-consumption.  IF there was anything incriminating in that letter it would have been flashed across all of the major newspapers around the country & worldwide in large bold print. Mr. Shanklin's order to destroy its contents is rather telling.

The same reason those multiple interrogations over a three day period are void of audio & video recordings. "Oh what a tangled web we weave/When first we practise to deceive" -- Sir Walter Scott

Appreciate your contribution, Mr. Cakebread, thanks for sharing. The wrongly-accused did Not shoot anybody. Anybody.

« Last Edit: August 30, 2021, 06:12:58 PM by Alan J. Ford »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: ?
« Reply #156 on: August 30, 2021, 06:11:21 PM »

Offline Alan J. Ford

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Re: ?
« Reply #157 on: August 30, 2021, 06:39:02 PM »
Have a wonderful week everyone, this lad will retrace steps back here on Friday, the Good Lord willing.

*self-reminder: (1) reread the following link ---->

"Oh what a tangled web we weave/When first we practise to deceive" -- Sir Walter Scott

(2) try to determine if there is a record of what Dallas television News Station arrived directly on scene and, particularly @ what specific time. Then compare that time w/Mr. Mentesana's home video footage recording, where the wrongly-accused is standing outside w/his supervisor, Mr. Shelley, for 5-10 minutes, and a white news-station? vehicle is captured in the same sequence to his left; and (3) review Mr. MacNeil (Robert's) timeline as well, because it has come to light that he initially got out of his news station vehicle way down near the triple-underpass, ran up the hill to the picket-fence, and climbed over it after observing a DPD officer do the same...looked around for a few minutes and then retraced his steps and headed up Elm towards the TSBD front-entrance, where he & the wrongly-accused crossed paths (12:40? instead of 12:38PM) , if so the wrongly-accused remained in Dealey Plaza much longer than my 12:48PM timeline.
« Last Edit: August 30, 2021, 06:48:32 PM by Alan J. Ford »

Online Richard Smith

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Re: ?
« Reply #158 on: August 31, 2021, 03:41:36 PM »
There were three FBI agents in the Texas theater at the time that Lee was apprehended..... THIS IS A FACT!    The obvious queston is: What the hell were they doing there??   Lee allegedly  entered the theater without buying a ticket. ( probably not true ) ....But I'm compelled to ask; would that be a federal crime?   

But let's say that Lee was being pursued by the DPD as a suspect in the shooting of JD Tippit  ...  Does the FBI get involved in the affairs of the local police ??     And I'd like to know where FBI agent James Hosty got all of the information about Lee Oswald just minutes after Lee was dragged from the theater.

 Briefly and in a nutshell .......
Just minutes after Lee's arrest Hosty told A DPD detective, Jack Revill, "Jack, A communist named Lee Oswald has shot the President. We knew that he was capable of doing it, but didn't think he would"

Bottom Line .... FBI agents at the theater.... Hosty blurting out that the FBI knew that Lee Oswald was capable of committing the assassination..... 

It would appear that Lee Oswald  "working" with the FBI .... and was in a hurry to get to the theater to meet with his agent and find out what the FBI wanted him to do if JFK had in fact been shot....

This is a tired, old tactic.  The FBI was obviously not involved solely on the basis of someone not buying a movie ticket.  That removes all context from this event.  Follow along.  The President of the United States was assassinated in Dallas.  About an hour later a DPD officer is shot in broad daylight a short distance away.  The first such officer to be killed in a several year span.  Anyone with a functioning brain understands that these two events are likely related.  So the search for the assassin shifts to that area.  The FBI has an interested in the person who has just assassinated the President.  They get a report of a suspicious person who has just entered the TT without buying a ticket.  So there is a person acting suspiciously in the vicinity of the Tippit murder.  If this turns out to be the person who killed Tippit, it is also in all probability the same person who assassinated JFK.  A very dangerous individual.  So they respond accordingly.  If Oswald had been innocent, then he just explains himself as the person at the library did when similarly confronted but Oswald does not have that luxury because he is guilty.  No one at the TT has a clue that their suspect is Lee Harvey Oswald or has been a person of interest to the FBI when they make the arrest.  That has nothing to do with the events until his name becomes known to the FBI after his arrest.

Offline Walt Cakebread

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Re: ?
« Reply #159 on: August 31, 2021, 05:08:32 PM »
This is a tired, old tactic.  The FBI was obviously not involved solely on the basis of someone not buying a movie ticket.  That removes all context from this event.  Follow along.  The President of the United States was assassinated in Dallas.  About an hour later a DPD officer is shot in broad daylight a short distance away.  The first such officer to be killed in a several year span.  Anyone with a functioning brain understands that these two events are likely related.  So the search for the assassin shifts to that area.  The FBI has an interested in the person who has just assassinated the President.  They get a report of a suspicious person who has just entered the TT without buying a ticket.  So there is a person acting suspiciously in the vicinity of the Tippit murder.  If this turns out to be the person who killed Tippit, it is also in all probability the same person who assassinated JFK.  A very dangerous individual.  So they respond accordingly.  If Oswald had been innocent, then he just explains himself as the person at the library did when similarly confronted but Oswald does not have that luxury because he is guilty.  No one at the TT has a clue that their suspect is Lee Harvey Oswald or has been a person of interest to the FBI when they make the arrest.  That has nothing to do with the events until his name becomes known to the FBI after his arrest.

"The President of the United States was assassinated in Dallas".  About an 33 minutes  later @ 1:06, a DPD officer is shot in broad daylight a short distance away.   "Anyone with a functioning brain understands that these two events are likely related."  HUH??...   Not many people in Dallas thought that there might be a possible connection between the murder of JFK and the murder of J.D. Tippit.  You may be one in a million Mr "Smith"....

"So the search for the assassin shifts to that area." PURE BS... Mr "Smith", The cops converged on 10th  & Patton because a brother officer had been shot.

  "The FBI has an interested in the person who has just assassinated the President."
Really ??... Mr "Smith",, Do you actually believe that the FBI had supernatural powers, and FBI agent  James Hosty immediately knew that " A communist Named Lee Oswald has shot the president. We Knew that he was capable of this, but we didn't think that he's do it"

"They get a report of a suspicious person who has just entered the TT without buying a ticket.  So there is a person acting suspiciously in the vicinity of the Tippit murder."  

 According to James Hosty in his Book  ; Assignment : Oswald .."Sometime prior to 1:25 FBI agent Bob Barrett was on the radio and reporting that a police officer had been shot and killed in Oak Cliff, and he was on his way to check it out"

That's got to be Clairvoyance at work.....  The Dallas Police are still searching the TSBD looking for a gunman , and FBI agent Bob Barret is jumping into a local crime when he should have been responding to the murder of the President.

 If this turns out to be the person who killed Tippit, it is also in all probability the same person who assassinated JFK.  A very dangerous individual.  So they respond accordingly.    

WOW!!    Isn't this a quantum leap in reasoning......What is the basis for the reasoning?   Isn't 20/20 hindsight great?

If Oswald had been innocent, then he just explains himself as the person at the library did when similarly confronted but Oswald does not have that luxury because he is guilty.         Gibberish .....pure gibberish!

No one at the TT has a clue that their suspect is Lee Harvey Oswald or has been a person of interest to the FBI when they make the arrest.  That has nothing to do with the events until his name becomes known to the FBI after his arrest.

No one at the TT knew that the man was Lee Oswald..... At 2:15 FBI agent Howe told James Hosty that the DPD had just arrested Lee Oswald at the Texas Theater.  So about 20 minutes after Lee Oswald was dragged from the theater and BEFORE he'd been questioned The Fbi knew his identity. 

So you believe that the FBI jumps into the fray that ensued when DPD officer Nick Mc Donald grabs a man who allegedly had snuck into the theater without buying a ticket.   Is that a Federal crime?

« Last Edit: August 31, 2021, 05:21:32 PM by Walt Cakebread »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: ?
« Reply #159 on: August 31, 2021, 05:08:32 PM »