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Author Topic: ?  (Read 44234 times)

Offline Jerry Organ

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Re: ?
« Reply #104 on: August 02, 2021, 10:23:10 PM »
Appreciate your contribution to the discourse, Mr. Organ, however I personally don't believe the Bureau only had access to a single tape-recording machine, given how many field-offices they had all around the country. Do you have something those of reading along may reference confirming that the Bureau had only a single tape-recording machine?

You're the one taking mention of the borrowing of one machine and turning it into "vast resources". Please verify the number of recording machines and what field offices they were at?

Again, the reason no audio & video footage is readily available for public consumption has less to do with securing the necessary equipment for those multiple-interrogations than to void/suppress any means to display the wrongly-accused's complete innocence.

Wrong. The policy then was to make written notes. Professional-quality audio recording equipment (not counting wiretaps and "bugs") didn't become widely used in law enforcement for some years to come. Video recording even later-on.

Police in the UK still use analogue audio cassettes to circumvent claims that digital recordings can be altered. ("Who, what, why: Why do police still use cassette tapes? Link )

    "After their introduction into interview rooms in 1988, it was not until
     1991 when the tape recording of interviews became "standard police
     practice" - the same year that the MP3 encoding format was invented."

1988 was the same year that the first US State (Alaska) mandated that suspect interviews be recorded.

    "For members of law enforcement well-versed in the practice, it may
     come as a surprise to learn that, as of 2017, only 25 states (including
     Washington, D.C.) are legally required to record their custodial inter-
     views, with two others having adopted statewide policies voluntarily.

         The number of states with interrogation recording requirements has
     increased dramatically since 2003 (when only Alaska and Minnesota
     required it) because research proves time and again that it’s a valuable
     investment for both law enforcement agencies and the communities
     they protect."

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: ?
« Reply #104 on: August 02, 2021, 10:23:10 PM »

Offline John Mytton

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Re: ?
« Reply #105 on: August 04, 2021, 12:56:11 AM »
Last thought today, be safe everyone as COVID-19 rears its menace leaving the following link here for further review later this week...

Given the immense popularity of this equipment even as early as circa 1950's, IF Captain Fritz genuinely wanted to record those multiple-interrogations, he could have made an appeal to the general public for use of one. Whether it's the Bureau, the general public, etc., there was no genuine effort to secure the means to create audio & video sharing during those multiple-interrogations... very telling considering the magnitude of the case being "investigated".

Audio & video sharing for public consumption was simply voided at all cost because the wrongly-accused was telling the plain simple Truth. It was much easier to Frame him by putting words into his mouth (he said this, he said that; he did this, he did that) after he drew his last breath.

Brief recap:
*The wrongly-accused did Not board Mr. McWatters' bus, let alone request a bus-transfer.
*The cab driver--with a penchant for just guessing up "evidence" proclaims he only signed what he was told he said...
*Then there's the plain simple Truth (the wrongly-accused standing outside the front-entrance on the front steps when the cowardly ambush of a duly elected representative of the People took place; being seen by more than a few TSBD employees by a small storage room on the first floor; coming to the aid of Inspector Sawyer; and, pointing out where a rookie news reporter could find a phone as he himself stepped outside the front-entrance doors into the Autumn crisp air, venturing down Elm Street towards his supervisor, and standing w/the same for 5-10 minutes (thanks to Mr. Mentesana's home video footage).

It was much easier to Frame him by putting words into his mouth (he said this, he said that; he did this, he did that) after he drew his last breath.

Really? They could have invented absolutely anything but the best that they could come up with to incriminate Oswald was a 5 minute bus trip to nowhere? WOW!

But anyway enough of the fantasies, let's recap what we learnt from the interrogations;

Oswald denied ordering the rifle.
Oswald claimed he never owned a rifle.
Oswald claimed he only took his lunch to work.
Oswald denied that the backyard photo was him.
Oswald denied carrying a a long package to work on the 22nd.
Oswald denied putting said package on the back seat of Frazier's automobile.
Oswald lied about living at Neely street, obviously because that's where the BY photo was taken.
Oswald wouldn't spill the beans even when he was about to draw his last breath.

For someone the interrogators were trying to frame, they sure were not very good at it.


Offline John Iacoletti

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Re: ?
« Reply #106 on: August 04, 2021, 08:19:00 PM »
Only a true witch would deny being a witch.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: ?
« Reply #106 on: August 04, 2021, 08:19:00 PM »

Offline Alan J. Ford

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Re: ?
« Reply #107 on: August 06, 2021, 08:21:41 PM »
Didn't apply to Homicide Captains, you must have your notes mixed up:

Mr. FRITZ. I can remember the thing that I said to him and what he said to me, but I will have trouble telling you which period of questioning those questions were in because I kept no notes at the time, and these notes and things that I have made I would have to make several days later, and the questions may be in the wrong place.

An excellent point, Mr. Beck, appreciate your astute assessment.

*not to mention we aren't talking about an everyday, run of the mill usual-cases here...we are talking about the crime of the century, the cowardly ambush of a duly elected representative of the People, the highest representative of those People in a once free, open Democracy.

In a genuine investigation no stone would have been left unturned, not a single one; let alone a lame excuse about where on earth could audio & video equipment be secured...

IF those charged w/"investigating" this case wished to investigate this case, they would have quite easily realised the news reporters all around them for those several days, in tow with vast means/ access to all the audio & video equipment they needed. There's no excuse why any of those multiple interrogations were void of audio & video recordings.

Again, the reason why there is no audio & video recordings readily available for public-consumption is very telling. The wrongly-accused was simply telling the Truth (about his genuine whereabouts that afternoon). He was much easier to Frame by avoiding audio & video for public-consumption in favor of inserting words into his mouth after he drew his last breath. 

« Last Edit: August 06, 2021, 08:24:18 PM by Alan J. Ford »

Offline Alan J. Ford

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Re: ?
« Reply #108 on: August 06, 2021, 08:41:25 PM »
Only a true witch would deny being a witch.

Profound, Mr. Iacoletti, as keen as your exemplary research in this case.

Some people just know the difference between a hastily contrived script built on a flimsy foundation of straw as oppose to the rock-solid plain simple Truth. The plain simple Truth isn't an incubator for breeding more and more questions, which, on the other hand, runs rampant amid the hastily contrived script to Frame an innocent much so in a manner that is difficult to control as each falsehood breeds even more...

The wrongly-accused did Not shoot anybody. Anybody.




JFK Assassination Forum

Re: ?
« Reply #108 on: August 06, 2021, 08:41:25 PM »

Offline Alan J. Ford

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Re: ?
« Reply #109 on: August 06, 2021, 09:03:07 PM »
Mr. Mytton,

Still having a difficult time producing any actual, credible evidence bearing the wrongly-accused's own voice describing that phantom bus ride & cab ride eh?

Those of us reading along, Mr. Mytton, we understand why...there's a Major difference between the scripted fantasy of a hastily contrived script mired in the stench of horse manure to Frame an innocent party and actual evidence...

as oppose to manufactured "evidence", which was so much easier to produce after the innocent party drew his last breath. Last chance/opportunity, Mr. Mytton ---->

Share w/us any actual, credible evidence bearing the wrongly-accused's own voice describing that phantom bus ride & cab ride eh?

If you continue to find this challenge rather difficult, there's a reason for that...

the plain simple Truth requires no script...the plain simple truth speaks for itself...only a script requires fantasy-"evidence", manufactured rather than genuine. In fairness to you, those of us reading along await your evidence in the wrongly-accused's own voice.... about that phantom bus ride, bus transfer, yada, yada, yada...

« Last Edit: August 06, 2021, 09:07:03 PM by Alan J. Ford »

Offline Alan J. Ford

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Re: ?
« Reply #110 on: August 09, 2021, 09:16:38 PM »
German native Rudolph Brenk, a general supervisor at Exline-Lowdon
Company and vice-president of the Camera Guild of Texas, an 8mm camera club...Brenk was president of the 18 members of the "Dallas Cinema Associates, Inc.

*Source: exemplary research of Mr. Weisberg (Harold)

Per a white pages telephone search today, Mr. Brenk may still be alive ---->

Rudolph V Brenk from Greenville, TX
Age: 101 years old

What a gold mine IF he still has much of the film the 18 members of the group did not use in their finished product, the Dallas Cinema Associates filming sequence. Of course, they didn't have the benefit of 20/20 hindsight, or being in two places, where a sharp eyed DCA member, with a keen sense of attention-to-detail noticed the man apprehended in the Texas Theatre wore the same clothing (brown shirt & grey coloured pants), filmed earlier upon the man captured in Mr. Mentesana's home movie filming sequence, standing outside down on lower Elm Street w/his supervisor, thus special agent Bookhout's notes revealing the wrongly-accused's assertion to that fact...for, quote, "5-10 minutes".

It's no coincidence that both men are of the same build either. Same hair color. The wrongly-accused did Not board a bus, let alone ask for the manufactured bus-transfer "evidence" planted after that intense physical struggle with five officers. The wrongly-accused was nowhere near, let alone responsible for the events across town at 10th & Patton. Mr. Mentesana's home movie places him still in Dealey Plaza loooong after the  hastily contrived script mired in the stench of horse manure has him "escaping" via a bus, a taxi, hitching a ride upon the exploits of the magic-bullet bs, etc yada, yada, yada.

Back later this week to reengage, listen & learn. Perhaps by then Mr. Mytton may produce some actual, credible evidence from the wrongly-accused's own voice about that phantom bus & cab ride, rather than continue to rely upon manufactured "evidence" to Frame him. Quite easy to Frame the wrongly-accused after he drew his last breath...He said this. He said that. He did this. He did that.

Contrary to the hastily contrived script mired in the stench of horse manure amid manufactured "evidence" ---->

The wrongly-accused did Not shoot anybody. Anybody.
« Last Edit: August 09, 2021, 09:23:58 PM by Alan J. Ford »

Offline John Mytton

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Re: ?
« Reply #111 on: August 10, 2021, 12:02:29 AM »
German native Rudolph Brenk, a general supervisor at Exline-Lowdon
Company and vice-president of the Camera Guild of Texas, an 8mm camera club...Brenk was president of the 18 members of the "Dallas Cinema Associates, Inc.

*Source: exemplary research of Mr. Weisberg (Harold)

Per a white pages telephone search today, Mr. Brenk may still be alive ---->

Rudolph V Brenk from Greenville, TX
Age: 101 years old

What a gold mine IF he still has much of the film the 18 members of the group did not use in their finished product, the Dallas Cinema Associates filming sequence. Of course, they didn't have the benefit of 20/20 hindsight, or being in two places, where a sharp eyed DCA member, with a keen sense of attention-to-detail noticed the man apprehended in the Texas Theatre wore the same clothing (brown shirt & grey coloured pants), filmed earlier upon the man captured in Mr. Mentesana's home movie filming sequence, standing outside down on lower Elm Street w/his supervisor, thus special agent Bookhout's notes revealing the wrongly-accused's assertion to that fact...for, quote, "5-10 minutes".

It's no coincidence that both men are of the same build either. Same hair color. The wrongly-accused did Not board a bus, let alone ask for the manufactured bus-transfer "evidence" planted after that intense physical struggle with five officers. The wrongly-accused was nowhere near, let alone responsible for the events across town at 10th & Patton. Mr. Mentesana's home movie places him still in Dealey Plaza loooong after the  hastily contrived script mired in the stench of horse manure has him "escaping" via a bus, a taxi, hitching a ride upon the exploits of the magic-bullet bs, etc yada, yada, yada.

Back later this week to reengage, listen & learn. Perhaps by then Mr. Mytton may produce some actual, credible evidence from the wrongly-accused's own voice about that phantom bus & cab ride, rather than continue to rely upon manufactured "evidence" to Frame him. Quite easy to Frame the wrongly-accused after he drew his last breath...He said this. He said that. He did this. He did that.

Contrary to the hastily contrived script mired in the stench of horse manure amid manufactured "evidence" ---->

The wrongly-accused did Not shoot anybody. Anybody.

Back later this week to reengage, listen & learn.

No offence, but you are a certifiable Nut!
Firstly you haven't engaged anyone, all you do is repeat the same worthless mantra post after post and because a recording doesn't exist you are claiming some sort of hollow victory, the excess of self inflated ego on display is staggering.
Secondly you haven't listened to my extremely potent argument that inventing a bus ride to nowhere is illogical and achieves nothing and then you have the audacity to ignore my sensible in depth refutation that the group of diverse interrogators in fact didn't invent anything that may actually have been an advantage in the eyes of the public in convicting Oswald, for instance you have been as silent as a church mouse re the interrogation facts that I outlined above but let me repeat them because they absolutely obliterate any credibility that you have left.

Oswald denied ordering the rifle.
Oswald claimed he never owned a rifle.
Oswald denied going to Mexico in the previous couple of months.
Oswald claimed he only took his lunch to work.
Oswald denied that the backyard photo was him.
Oswald denied carrying a a long package to work on the 22nd.
Oswald denied putting said package on the back seat of Frazier's automobile.
Oswald lied about living at Neely street, obviously because that's where the BY photo was taken.
Oswald wouldn't spill the beans even when he was about to draw his last breath.

And thirdly you will never learn because as I pointed out above, you are a Nut!

Quite easy to Frame the wrongly-accused after he drew his last breath...He said this. He said that. He did this. He did that.

Wtf?, because they invented an irrelevant bus trip that lasted all of a few blocks, you can't be serious, how about if "they" invented;

Oswald admitted owning the rifle.
Oswald admitted hating Kennedy.
Oswald admitted going to Mexico.
Oswald admitted carrying a large package.
Oswald admitted that the backyard photos were actually Oswald.
Oswald admitted as he drew his final breath that he was a double murderer.

But alas they never did which subsequently makes your petty accusation on an inconsequential bus trip utterly pointless.


JFK Assassination Forum

Re: ?
« Reply #111 on: August 10, 2021, 12:02:29 AM »