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Author Topic: The KGB Impersonated Oswald in Mexico to Connect Castro to the Assassination  (Read 22027 times)

Offline Anthony Frank

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Furthermore, as you point out, the Warren Commission exonerated Cuban and the Soviets from any role. They said Oswald alone - with no foreign help - assassinated JFK. So what's the purpose of falsifying a visit?

My book makes it clear that KGB officers inside the CIA assassinated JFK and that a KGB officer impersonated Oswald at the Soviet and Cuban embassies. They needed to connect the Soviet Union and Cuba to President Kennedy’s assassination so that LBJ would fear the possibility of a nuclear war.

My book clearly lays out the need to establish a Soviet/Cuban connection.

“Chief Justice Earl Warren admitted that Johnson established the Warren Commission seven days after the assassination because Johnson came to have a profound fear that Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev and Cuban Premier Fidel Castro were behind the assassination. President Johnson feared that their involvement could get the United States into, in Earl Warren’s words, ‘a nuclear war.’

“The retired Chief Justice was interviewed in December 1972 and stated that when he went to the White House on November 29, 1963, President Johnson ‘told me he felt conditions around the world were so bad at the moment that he thought it might even get us into a war; a nuclear war.’”

“When President Johnson called Senator Richard Russell on November 29 to enlist him for the Warren Commission, he pointedly told Russell, ‘We’ve got to take this out of the arena where they’re testifying that Khrushchev and Castro did this and did that and chuck us into a war that can kill 40 million Americans in an hour.’”

“Warren met with the Commission staff on January 20, 1964, and a staff memorandum from the meeting states that Warren ‘discussed the circumstances under which he had accepted the chairmanship of the Commission.’ Warren told the staff that ‘rumors’ that were ‘circulating in this country and overseas’ had to be ‘quenched, or the rumors ‘could conceivably lead the country into a war which could cost 40 million lives. No one could refuse to do something which might help to prevent such a possibility.’”

The Warren Commission was obviously given a “no conspiracy” mandate based on the claim that Oswald went to Mexico an visited the Soviet and Cuban Embassies.

I am not surprised that KGB officers would maintain that it was actually Oswald in Mexico. They certainly would not be admitting that their KGB colleagues assassinated President Kennedy and that a KGB officer impersonated Oswald in Mexico as part of the plan.
« Last Edit: July 09, 2021, 03:20:35 AM by Anthony Frank »

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Offline Gerry Down

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Re: Oswald Was Never in Mexico
« Reply #17 on: May 27, 2021, 02:34:13 AM »
My book makes it clear that KGB officers inside the CIA assassinated JFK and that a KGB officer impersonated Oswald at the Soviet and Cuban embassies. They needed to connect the Soviet Union and Cuba to President Kennedy’s assassination so that LBJ would fear the possibility of a nuclear war.

This doesn't seem to make sense. You are saying the KGB assassinated JFK and made no effort to conceal this but in fact they actively planted evidence so LBJ would know it was them who assassinated JFK?

All this seems like alot of work. Why wouldn't the KGB just send LBJ a postcard saying we assassinated JFK?

Offline Anthony Frank

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This doesn't seem to make sense. You are saying the KGB assassinated JFK and made no effort to conceal this but in fact they actively planted evidence so LBJ would know it was them who assassinated JFK?

On the contrary, the KGB’s objective was to blame anti-Castro Cubans for the assassination. Oswald’s alleged Mexico visit caused LBJ to fear a nuclear war due to Soviet and Cuban involvement, which would cause Johnson to establish the Warren Commission with a “no conspiracy” mandate.

The following excerpts from my book should give you some understanding.

“Nicholas Katzenbach, a CIA officer operating with an “official cover” as Deputy Attorney General, initiated the push for a Presidential Commission on Saturday, November 23, one day after President Kennedy’s assassination.

“Katzenbach continued to push for a Commission on Sunday, and his three-day effort culminated in a memo to the White House on Monday, November 25, stating, ‘The public must be satisfied that Oswald was the assassin; that he did not have confederates who are still at large; and that the evidence was such that he would have been convicted at trial,’ which means Katzenbach’s proposed Commission would have a ‘no conspiracy’ mandate and be tasked with making a case for the deceased Oswald being the lone assassin.”

“Katzenbach’s memo to the White House also states that a perspective should be proffered ‘which will satisfy people in the United States and abroad that all the facts have been told, and that a statement to this affect be made now . . . . We should have some basis for rebutting the thought that this was a Communist conspiracy.’”

“The simple fact is that no matter what the Warren Commission found out, they would abide by their instructions to tell the American public that there was no conspiracy to assassinate President Kennedy.”

“The CIA initially supplied President Johnson and the Warren Commission with information that implicated Castro in the assassination, and they later told the Warren Commission that anti-Castro Cubans were responsible for assassinating President Kennedy. The anti-Castro Cubans’ alleged motive was to blame Castro for the assassination and thus provoke a U.S. invasion of Cuba.”

“Soviet KGB officers inside the CIA were more than happy to orchestrate a grand production blaming anti-Castro Cubans for assassinating President Kennedy.”

“In Katzenbach’s memo to the White House on November 25 as he pushed to establish a Presidential Commission, he not only said that the Commission should establish “some basis for rebutting the thought that this was a Communist conspiracy,” but also that the Commission needed to rebut the idea that it was ‘a right-wing conspiracy to blame it on the Communists.’

“When the Warren Commission was formed, covering up the CIA’s information that anti-Castro Cubans killed President Kennedy was just as important as covering up the CIA’s initial information implicating Castro in the assassination.”

It’s all in my book. Click the link.
« Last Edit: July 09, 2021, 03:10:06 AM by Anthony Frank »

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Online Charles Collins

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Re: Oswald Was Never in Mexico
« Reply #19 on: May 27, 2021, 01:04:31 PM »
On the contrary, the KGB’s objective was to blame anti-Castro Cubans for the assassination. Oswald’s alleged Mexico visit caused LBJ to fear a nuclear war due to Soviet and Cuban involvement, which would cause Johnson to establish the Warren Commission with a “no conspiracy” mandate.

The following excerpts from my book should give you some understanding.

“Nicholas Katzenbach, a CIA officer operating with an “official cover” as Deputy Attorney General, initiated the push for a Presidential Commission on Saturday, November 23, one day after President Kennedy’s assassination.

“Katzenbach continued to push for a Commission on Sunday, and his three-day effort culminated in a memo to the White House on Monday, November 25, stating, ‘The public must be satisfied that Oswald was the assassin; that he did not have confederates who are still at large; and that the evidence was such that he would have been convicted at trial,’ which means Katzenbach’s proposed Commission would have a ‘no conspiracy’ mandate and be tasked with making a case for the deceased Oswald being the lone assassin.”

“Katzenbach’s memo to the White House also states that a perspective should be proffered ‘which will satisfy people in the United States and abroad that all the facts have been told, and that a statement to this affect be made now . . . . We should have some basis for rebutting the thought that this was a Communist conspiracy.’”

“The simple fact is that no matter what the Warren Commission found out, they would abide by their instructions to tell the American public that there was no conspiracy to assassinate President Kennedy.”

“The CIA initially supplied President Johnson and the Warren Commission with information that implicated Castro in the assassination, and they later told the Warren Commission that anti-Castro Cubans were responsible for assassinating President Kennedy. The anti-Castro Cubans’ alleged motive was to blame Castro for the assassination and thus provoke a U.S. invasion of Cuba.”

“Soviet KGB officers inside the CIA were more than happy to orchestrate a grand production blaming anti-Castro Cubans for assassinating President Kennedy.”

“In Katzenbach’s memo to the White House on November 25 as he pushed to establish a Presidential Commission, he not only said that the Commission should establish “some basis for rebutting the thought that this was a Communist conspiracy,” but also that the Commission needed to rebut the idea that it was ‘a right-wing conspiracy to blame it on the Communists.’

“When the Warren Commission was formed, covering up the CIA’s information that anti-Castro Cubans killed President Kennedy was just as important as covering up the CIA’s initial information implicating Castro in the assassination.”

It’s all in my book. Click the link.

A few snippets from the reviews of your book:

" So if the CIA was so sinister and so skilled at killing people, why didn't they simply kill Anthony Frank?

The bottom line is that if you believe only half of what the author presents as evidence it should scare the bejesus out of you. Worth the time to read but you'll have to decide how much is believable

This is a poor excuse for a book claiming to examine the CIA’s continued efforts to subvert the United States government for its own ends. With virtually no supporting evidence Mr Frank adopts a scattergun approach of claiming both CIA and KGB affiliation for virtually every character he presents. From the Secret Service to Barry Goldwater he informs us JFK was surrounded by double agents determined to engineer his death on 22nd November 1963. Absolute nonsense. HOWEVER - I do want to add that the points he makes surrounding the actions of Secret Service officers the night before the attack and during the actual assassination ARE pertinent. Their slowness to react - or their failure to do anything to protect the President in fact - is highly questionable and requires further investigation. I do not believe however that an unsubstantiated leap to membership of the KGB is warranted, proven or even helpful in assisting the search for the truth.

Where is his specific evidence that the "KGB" controlled assets within the CIA????
Reviewed in the United Kingdom on October 2, 2020
What strange statements he makes! He says that key CIA personalities, including George H. W. Bush was controlled by the KGB!!! Also that the KGB controlled other assets within the CIA and Secret Service and it was therefore the KGB that was responsible for, inter alia, the assassination of JFK and the attempted assassination of Ronald Reagan! The only evidence he cites is the uncovering in 1984 of KGB infiltration of the CIA. That's it! Quite ridiculous statements

Online Richard Smith

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Re: Oswald Was Never in Mexico
« Reply #20 on: May 27, 2021, 02:45:15 PM »
If they're framing Oswald for going to Mexico City why did they, e.g., the FBI, say he denied going there when asked? He's dead, he can't refute the allegation.

If the FBI et al. framed him they would say, as part of this plan, that he admitted to going there. They're not going to say that he denied it. Why would they do that? If the purpose was to frame him then frame him: have him say he admitted to it. Again, he's dead, he can't deny it.

And what does going to Mexico City do to "frame" Oswald for anything?  Anyone can go there.  Many people do.  Oswald was already a known political nut job.  Marina confirmed that Oswald was trying to get to Cuba.  So his visit to the Cuban embassy doesn't add much to framing him for anything.  It seems entirely pointless as part of any planned "framing" of Oswald.  I'm not so sure why CTers struggle so mightily against Oswald's presence in Mexico City.  Why do they believe the conspirators conjured up this fake story?  It's not unlike Oswald's presence on the bus after the assassination that they believe was faked for some unspecified purpose that seemingly adds nothing to the plot.
« Last Edit: May 27, 2021, 08:03:56 PM by Richard Smith »

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Re: Oswald Was Never in Mexico
« Reply #20 on: May 27, 2021, 02:45:15 PM »

Offline Bill Chapman

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Re: Oswald Was Never in Mexico
« Reply #21 on: May 27, 2021, 07:29:35 PM »
And what does going to Mexico City do to "frame" Oswald for anything?  Anyone can go there.  Many people do.  Oswald was already a known political nut job.  Marina confirmed that Oswald was trying to get to Cuba.  So his visit to the Cuban embassy doesn't add much to framing him for anything.  It seems entirely pointless as part of any planned "framing" of Oswald.  I'm not so sure why CTers struggle so mightily against Oswald's presence in Mexico City.  Why do they believe the conspirators conjured up this fake story?  It's not unlike Oswald's presence on the bus after the assassination that they believe was faked for some unspecified purpose that seemingly adds nothing to the plot.

CTers struggle so mightily feebly

Online Richard Smith

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Re: Oswald Was Never in Mexico
« Reply #22 on: May 27, 2021, 08:08:26 PM »
Sure, approved by Richard HIMSELF.

Like Oswald's well documented rifle, ROFL.

The LN clown show never ends.

No substance - check.

Personal insult - check.

Your standard contribution.  How about you change this endless leitmotiv and try to have a discussion?  Let me start you off.  "The conspirators faked Oswald's presence in Mexico City because [here you provide the reason that your fantasy conspirators wanted us to believe Oswald was in Mexico City]."

Offline Bill Brown

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Re: Oswald Was Never in Mexico
« Reply #23 on: May 27, 2021, 08:25:17 PM »
This is a great documentary.  The Mexico City talk begins at 1:01:30

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Oswald Was Never in Mexico
« Reply #23 on: May 27, 2021, 08:25:17 PM »