Prior to assassinating Martin Luther King and Senator Kennedy, KGB officers inside the CIA used the long tentacles of the CIA to foment racial strife as they strove toward their vision of a race war in the 1960s. They promoted vehement opposition to civil rights and integration in Southern Democratic states, and they easily stirred up violence within African American communities.
Summers of violence followed the advent of growth in the civil rights movement in the early 1960s, largely because KGB officers saw racial strife and polarization of society as a means of inciting the masses in the United States. They were behind much of the violence targeting African Americans, including a Ku Klux Klan church bombing that killed four African American schoolgirls in Birmingham, Alabama, in September 1963, and they undoubtedly had inroads with African American militants who would stir up violence and anger within the African American community.
As noted in Chapter 1, “certain corrupt elements” of the CIA were focused on inciting “racial” unrest in the United States, and as such, the CIA’s Operation CHAOS joined with the Domestic Operations Division when it gathered intelligence on “United States Black Militants,” intelligence that would facilitate KGB efforts to promote racial violence.
The Rockefeller Commission, which focused only on
CIA Activities Within the United States, stated, “In 1963 and 1964, civil rights disturbances occurred in Birmingham, Savannah, Cambridge (Maryland), Chicago, and Philadelphia. Early in 1965, serious disorder took place in Selma, Alabama, and in August of 1965 the Watts section of Los Angeles became the scene of massive rioting and destruction. By 1966, news coverage of domestic turmoil had almost become a part of everyday life in the United States . . . . Although severe racial rioting had occurred in United States cities in previous summers, it had never been as widespread or as intense as it became in 1967.”
The information on “massive rioting and destruction” and “severe racial rioting” was in the report of the
Commission on CIA Activities Within the United States because the CIA was behind it all. Otherwise, the information would not be in the Commission’s report
In the “hardest hit” cities of Newark and Detroit, “conditions of near-insurrection developed in ghetto areas.”
The Commission on “
CIA Activities Within the United States” also reported that the 1967 riots were “the worst racial disturbances in the history of the United States.”
Two African American militants, Stokely Carmichael and H. Rap Brown, “called for ‘guerilla warfare’ in urban ghettos.”
The fact that Stokely Carmichael and H. Rap Brown are mentioned in the report of the Commission on “CIA Activities Within the United States” means they were both CIA assets, or more specifically, KGB assets.
On August 6, 1967, KGB asset H. Rap Brown “told a rally in New York that the summer’s racial riots were ‘only dress rehearsals for revolution,’” which clearly means the KGB’s “revolution” was supposed to take place in 1968.
The Commission, which desperately tried to downplay the CIA’s domestic operations, admitted it was “
activities of the Central Intelligence Agency” that caused the Commission to address “political unrest, disturbances, disorder, and violence in the United States.”
It claimed that the CIA “activities” took place only during “the late 1960s and early 1970s,” even though the Commission on “
CIA Activities Within the United States” was specifically addressing profound racial disturbances from 1963 through 1968 and the CIA had been running rampant inside the United States since the early 1950s.
KGB officers inside the CIA looked forward to the years of “rioting” and “destruction” culminating in a race war in 1968. Toward that end, as noted earlier, they assassinated Martin Luther King on April 4, 1968, and they assassinated Senator Robert F. Kennedy on June 5, 1968.
One day after they assassinated Martin Luther King, African American militant and KGB asset Stokely Carmichael proclaimed, “We Negroes must arm ourselves with rifles and pistols and launch an assault on the streets of the cities of the United States in reprisal for King’s assassination.”
The Rockefeller Commission, which, again, focused only on
CIA Activities Within the United States, stated that by the “middle of July, serious racial disorders had occurred in 211 cities.”
In their quest to control the government, the CIA clearly instigated and coordinated rioting across the United States from 1963 to 1968. Renegade CIA officers bent on carrying out the KGB-initiated quest to control the government undoubtedly instigated and coordinated the rioting that took place across the United States in 2020.
The KGB officers failed to realize their “race war” in 1968, and they exhausted all efforts along those lines by killing the two most prominent civil rights leaders of the day.
They did, however, leave a sociologically segregated society in the wake of their efforts. With substantial influence across the political spectrum and with years of terrorist acts culminating in the assassinations of Martin Luther King and Robert F. Kennedy, the KGB officers clearly had a hand in putting an end to integration in the United States.
It’s all in my book. Click the link.