When you say conspiracy theorists, do you mean the people who know for a fact that Oswald didn't do it, or do you mean the people who think Oswald did it. Because to believe Oswald took 3 shots in 8.31 seconds with an "
UNUSABLE" rifle (see Warren Commission Hearings, vol 3, pages 405, 443, 449 and 451), then ran 100 feet through obstacles, carefully hid the gun, then ran down 5 flights of stairs (125ft) at top speed, another 15 feet to the 2nd floor break room,and ran into officer Baker without showing any signs of heavy breathing, all in less than 1 minute 30 seconds, and without acquiring even a single spec of gunpowder residue on his cheeks... well that should tell you who the real conspiracy theorists are. Because not only is that fantasy, it's just plain dumb.
Now when you talk about the rifle, which rifle do you mean? The one with altered serial numbers or the one with fabricated serial numbers? Because there are in fact 2 rifles with the same serial number (which alone proves a conspiracy). And the one which was altered was originally C-2763, before someone altered the last digit (3) to reflect a 6.
That's not a theory or an opinion, because unlike the real conspiracy theorists it can be backed up with actual evidence. Notice the fonts aren't even the same.
https://photos.app.goo.gl/Zdya8Ju3KaRTB6gp6Now when you ask who could have placed a rifle in the TSBD, there's a few options to choose from.
There's this agent who was photographed exiting the TSBD with a Remington 8 rifle.
https://photos.app.goo.gl/RuhrLEGdJwZTuRuf6Then you have this agent who looked like he was trying to plant the rifle that he tried to hide behind his back when he turned around and noticed the person with a camera standing there.
https://photos.app.goo.gl/V8NDkswX1mvrokxV8It could have been agent Hosty or Bookhout. It could have been any one of the crooked lying DPD cops that were there. It could have been planted before the shooting by any number of people. Even the person who brought the Mauser that officer Craig saw.
Or maybe it was the cop and agent that tried to lie by claiming they found Oswald's wallet at the Tippet murder scene? Or the cop who planted the revolver on Oswald when he arrested him at the theater, and said he identified Oswald by checking his wallet, which was around the same time the other 2 liars claimed they found Oswald's wallet.
Or maybe it was the person who forged this paperwork for the rifle.
https://photos.app.goo.gl/bupnfNjySGddNjb99Or even whomever planted this pristine bullet at Parkland hospital?
https://photos.app.goo.gl/GbkTFHuzbskDCA6i9Or how about whomever forged this photo, which I ran through a digital forensic program that can detect even the smallest alterations, and which happened to detect alterations to the head area only?
https://photos.app.goo.gl/fpuMSkoDQtgBGGTB7I mean really, it could have been any number of the lying ass crooked police & fbi agents that were clearly lying and working hard to fabricate and plant evidence. Something that any researcher worth his salt should know. Although I can't imagine why they would need to frame him, seeing how Oswald was guilty, right? Or at least according to the real conspiracy theorists.
But don't mind me and my evidence to back up my claims. Ask the real conspiracy theorists where all their evidence is...evidence that wasn't fabricated fabricated or forged that is.
Real evidence like the Army marksmen who tested the 6th floor rifle and deemed it UNUSABLE. Or the forensic team that conducted the Paraffin tests that Oswald past, proving he hadn't fired any rifles that day, and which the fbi tried to hide for 2 decades. Gee...I can't imagine why they wanted to hide that evidence, can you?