Carl Day, Dallas Crime Lab on work done November 22nd ...

"I took it to the office and tried to bring out the two prints I had seen on
the side of the gun at the bookstore. They still were rather unclear.
Due to the roughness of the metal, I photographed them rather than
try to lift them. I could also see a trace of a print on the side of the
barrel that extended under the woodstock. I started to take the
woodstock off and noted traces of a palmprint near the firing end of
the barrel about 3 inches under the wood-stock when I took the
woodstock loose."

"These are prints or pictures, I should say, of the latent—of the traces of
prints on the side of the magazine housing of the gun No. C-2766 ...
They appeared to be the right middle and right ring finger of Harvey Lee
Oswald, Lee Harvey Oswald."
Day's photographs of the trigger-housing prints were confirmed as Oswald's in the 1993 PBS-TV NOVA program "Who Was Lee Harvey Oswald?" (See also: "JFK First Day Evidence" by Gary Savage, p.120 and "Reclaiming History" by Vincent Bugliosi, pp.803-04)

(Yet another example of the exemplary unbiased work contributed by the Dallas Police Department.)
"I took it to the office and tried to bring out the two prints I had seen on
the side of the gun at the bookstore.
They still were rather unclear.Here Day admits that the prints on the side of the MAGAZINE were
UNCLEAR Due to the roughness of the metal, I photographed them rather than
try to lift them.
I could also see a trace of a print on the side of the barrel that extended under the woodstock. I started to take the woodstock off and noted traces of a palmprint near the firing end of the barrel about 3 inches under the wood-stock when I took the woodstock loose."
This is simply Day lying..... Anybody who is familiar with the carcano knows that there is no such location on the carcano.
Day elaborated about the place he said he found the palmprint when he testified before the WC. He said that he saw the palm print on the metal barrel and the print extened beneath the wooden stock. There is no wooden stock three inches back from the muzzle of the rifle. There is a steel bayonet lug about 3 1/2 inches back from the muzzle and that bayonet lug surrounds the barrel.
"These are prints or pictures, I should say, of the latent—of the traces of
prints on the side of the magazine housing of the gun No. C-2766 ...
They appeared to be the right middle and right ring finger of Harvey Lee
Oswald, Lee Harvey Oswald."
Day is lying again..... Nobody ever identified "the unclear" partial prints that Day saw on the rifle's magazine .