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Author Topic: Does Hiding a Rifle You Plan On Leaving Anyway Really Make Sense?  (Read 29851 times)

Offline Zeon Mason

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Re: Does Hiding a Rifle You Plan On Leaving Anyway Really Make Sense?
« Reply #136 on: August 14, 2021, 05:45:18 AM »
IMO, it seems we are left to theorize about what the original configuration of the 2 rows of boxes at the moment that Oswald allegedly was able to simply“drop” the rifle between. And to ponder why the 3 boxes at that part of the front row just where that rifle was discovered by Boone& Weitzman, had been opened , flaps up and contents partially removed. And IF they were overhanging the gap or not.

What’s particularly  confusing a more recent interview by Boone before his death, where Boone seems to have altered and or added new details to his original WC testimony.

From that l interview :

1. Boone tells the interviewer that Oswald was encountered by Baker In the stairwell on the 4th floor? HUH??
2. Boone is  asked about how many shots he heard and the spacing of the shots. Boone replicates the spacing in about 4 seconds just like Harold Norman did. Then Boone curiously immediately negates this boom... boom boom spread by stating the shots were 8.3 seconds apart? HUH???
3. Boone states that he talked to Lee Bowers, the tower operator just minutes after the shooting, and that Bowers stated he did not see anything nor heard any shots. HUH???
4. Finally, Boone tells the interviewer about the  boxes where the rifle was found, that the overhanging boxes were NOT originally overhanging but were moved after the discovery of the rifle.


JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Does Hiding a Rifle You Plan On Leaving Anyway Really Make Sense?
« Reply #136 on: August 14, 2021, 05:45:18 AM »

Offline Walt Cakebread

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Re: Does Hiding a Rifle You Plan On Leaving Anyway Really Make Sense?
« Reply #137 on: August 14, 2021, 07:15:55 PM »
IMO, it seems we are left to theorize about what the original configuration of the 2 rows of boxes at the moment that Oswald allegedly was able to simply“drop” the rifle between. And to ponder why the 3 boxes at that part of the front row just where that rifle was discovered by Boone& Weitzman, had been opened , flaps up and contents partially removed. And IF they were overhanging the gap or not.

What’s particularly  confusing a more recent interview by Boone before his death, where Boone seems to have altered and or added new details to his original WC testimony.

From that l interview :

1. Boone tells the interviewer that Oswald was encountered by Baker In the stairwell on the 4th floor? HUH??
2. Boone is  asked about how many shots he heard and the spacing of the shots. Boone replicates the spacing in about 4 seconds just like Harold Norman did. Then Boone curiously immediately negates this boom... boom boom spread by stating the shots were 8.3 seconds apart? HUH???
3. Boone states that he talked to Lee Bowers, the tower operator just minutes after the shooting, and that Bowers stated he did not see anything nor heard any shots. HUH???
4. Finally, Boone tells the interviewer about the  boxes where the rifle was found, that the overhanging boxes were NOT originally overhanging but were moved after the discovery of the rifle.

"we are left to theorize about what the original configuration of the 2 rows of boxes at the moment that Oswald allegedly was able to simply“drop” the rifle between. And to ponder why the 3 boxes at that part of the front row just where that rifle was discovered by Boone& Weitzman, had been opened , flaps up and contents partially removed. And IF they were overhanging the gap or not."

we are left to theorize about what the original configuration of the 2 rows of boxes at the moment that Oswald allegedly was able to simply “drop” the rifle between.  Lee DID NOT simply "drop" the rifle into the place the DPD in situ photo depicts it to be....   The rifle was NOT found jammed between the boxes....    It had been carefully hidden beneath the pallet where Seymour Weitzman said he saw it while he was down on the floor and shining his flashllght  beneath the pallet. Detective Studebaker measured the distance from the north wall to where the rifle lay on the floor and recorded that distance as 15' 4"

The site where the rifle is depicted in the in situ photo is NOT 15' 4" from the north wall!

You have raised another interesting point.....If the flaps of the boxes were extended as seen in the police photos, hoe could a fleeing sniper have placed the rifle between the boxes ???

And to ponder why the 3 boxes at that part of the front row just where that rifle was discovered by Boone& Weitzman, had been opened , flaps up and contents partially removed. And IF they were overhanging the gap or not.

Offline Jerry Organ

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Re: Does Hiding a Rifle You Plan On Leaving Anyway Really Make Sense?
« Reply #138 on: August 15, 2021, 03:29:23 AM »
Zeon Mason asked:...."Is it just coincidental that the only boxes in the wall of boxes that are open with flaps up and much of the contents of the boxes removed, are the 3 boxes exactly where the rifle is laying on the floor?"

Zeon, This is like those games where are viewer is asked to find the differences in the pictures....Organ would like you to believe that all the photos are authentic photos of the scene where the rifle was found ......  Some of the photos are of the reconstructed scene and they are very much alike ....BUT NOT IDENTICAL.   Which means the DPD introduced the fakes to trick the unware ....For example...Look at the photo that has the number 91-001/ 072. and compare the "BOOKS"stamping on the boxes .  Mr Organ has placed a photo of detective Day holding the rifle next to that 91-001/072 photo for easy comparison.....Notice that the stamping are neatly aligned vertically in the photo of Day holding the carcano, but in the photo 91-001/072 the stampings are not aligned....  Photo 91-001 /072 is of the reconstructed scene....and the boxes were misaligned...  Minor detail??   Sure but it proves that Organs claim ( "looking south row of boxes were completely to the south of the pillar") is BS......Organ's statement appears to be true ...BUT ....It's a photo of the reconstructed scene.....

I take it you're not acquainted with the concept of parallax.

The top box in Photo 91-001 /072 is forward AND out from the box below it. Move to the south (as in the Day holding Carcano photo) and the line-of-sight to the boxes changes to the viewer.

But nice try.

Looking at the photos:... try reconciling the statements of Boone and Weitzman with the scenes in the photos.  Would Boone and Weitzman have needed powerful flashlights if the rifle had bee jammed between the boxes as depicted in the DPD in situ photo?   And would Weitzman have been able to see the rifle as depicted in the DPD in situ photo with his cheek on the floor while looking under the wooden pallet?

I can't imagine Weitzman with his face pressed to that dirty oily floor PLUS there being enough room for one of those bulky flashlights they were using.

And THAT is where Weitzman swore that he spotted the rifle...ON THE FLOOR BENEATH THE WOODEN PALLET.

    "I was on the floor looking under the flat at the same time
     he was looking on the top side and we saw the gun"

    "Yes, sir; this is taken the opposite side the flat I was looking under."

    "Boone was looking the top side; I was looking under the flat. We
     were looking over everything. I was behind this section of books."

Where does Weitzman say he was looking "beneath the wooden pallet"?

And isn't a "flat" just a collection of the same goods piled up? Do you think Weitzman meant the height of a wooden board when he referenced "the opposite side"?

BTW, Weitzman's comments were just before he authenticated the DPD in-situ photos and drew on an exhibit an arrow pointing to the in situ area.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Does Hiding a Rifle You Plan On Leaving Anyway Really Make Sense?
« Reply #138 on: August 15, 2021, 03:29:23 AM »

Offline James Hackerott

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Re: Does Hiding a Rifle You Plan On Leaving Anyway Really Make Sense?
« Reply #139 on: August 15, 2021, 06:16:40 AM »
I was looking at old stereo images I’ve made in the past. Here is a stereo pair with the corresponding red-cyan anaglyph, if you don’t free-view the stereo pair. The stereo pair was, I think, from video in year 2000. Or crime scene photos maybe? I suspect there is better quality video nowadays.


Offline John Mytton

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Re: Does Hiding a Rifle You Plan On Leaving Anyway Really Make Sense?
« Reply #140 on: August 15, 2021, 06:44:52 AM »
I was looking at old stereo images I’ve made in the past. Here is a stereo pair with the corresponding red-cyan anaglyph, if you don’t free-view the stereo pair. The stereo pair was, I think, from video in year 2000. Or crime scene photos maybe? I suspect there is better quality video nowadays.


Thanks James, I pulled out my 3D glasses and didn't get much of a 3D effect so I made a quickly alternating "wiggle" 3D Gif and I think the problem is there isn't enough horizontal separation, but if you have any others I'd sure like to see them.

The following image has more horizontal separation so shows more depth.


JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Does Hiding a Rifle You Plan On Leaving Anyway Really Make Sense?
« Reply #140 on: August 15, 2021, 06:44:52 AM »

Offline Walt Cakebread

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Re: Does Hiding a Rifle You Plan On Leaving Anyway Really Make Sense?
« Reply #141 on: August 15, 2021, 04:03:29 PM »
I take it you're not acquainted with the concept of parallax.

The top box in Photo 91-001 /072 is forward AND out from the box below it. Move to the south (as in the Day holding Carcano photo) and the line-of-sight to the boxes changes to the viewer.

But nice try.

I can't imagine Weitzman with his face pressed to that dirty oily floor PLUS there being enough room for one of those bulky flashlights they were using.

    "I was on the floor looking under the flat at the same time
     he was looking on the top side and we saw the gun"

    "Yes, sir; this is taken the opposite side the flat I was looking under."

    "Boone was looking the top side; I was looking under the flat. We
     were looking over everything. I was behind this section of books."

Where does Weitzman say he was looking "beneath the wooden pallet"?

And isn't a "flat" just a collection of the same goods piled up? Do you think Weitzman meant the height of a wooden board when he referenced "the opposite side"?

BTW, Weitzman's comments were just before he authenticated the DPD in-situ photos and drew on an exhibit an arrow pointing to the in situ area.

Where does Weitzman say he was looking "beneath the wooden pallet"?

 "I was on the floor looking under the flat at the same time  he was looking on the top side and we saw the gun"

I was on the floor looking under the pallet..... 

Let's explain this for you....  Weitzman was ON THE FLOOR ....   The fact that Weitzman was ON THE FLOOR and looking west under the pallet ( flat)  means that his field of vision was limited to the area under the pallet.....because the boxes of books stacked all around would have blocked his view of the area where the DPD in situ photo depicts the rifle ...In other words If that rifle had been jammed between those boxes Weitzman could not have seen it with his face on the floor..

However Boone could easily have seen the rifle under the pallet after he ha removed a couple of boxes of books that acted as a "roof" over the crevasse in which the rifle lay....    And this is a point that is always swept aside by the Lner's....Boone had to remove a couple of boxes from the top of the crevice  and shine his light down into the dark hole before he was able to see a small portion of the rifle's stock.    The fact that Boone had to remove those boxes means that the boxes were placed over the top of the hole after the rifle was placed at the bottom of the hole.   

The liars pretend that Lee simply dropped the rifle into the hiding place as he dashed by on his way to the second floor lunch room.    But the boxes were over the top of the crevasse .....   How did they get there?? 

Offline Jerry Organ

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Re: Does Hiding a Rifle You Plan On Leaving Anyway Really Make Sense?
« Reply #142 on: August 15, 2021, 06:10:07 PM »
Where does Weitzman say he was looking "beneath the wooden pallet"?

 "I was on the floor looking under the flat at the same time  he was looking on the top side and we saw the gun"

I was on the floor looking under the pallet..... 

Let's explain this for you....  Weitzman was ON THE FLOOR ....   

     Weitzman  "I went on the road as district supervisor and manager for
 Holly's Dress Shops in New York, 115 Fifth Avenue, and I
 supervised 26 stores for them for approximately 15 years."
     Ball  "Then what did you do?"
     Weitzman  "I took over as general manager of the Lamont Corp. which
 is a discount operation and the headquarters, which was
 Galveston, Tex. We had stores in Dallas, Fort Worth, Loui-
 siana, Phoenix and Tucson, Ariz. At the end of 1960, I closed
 up all the stores, retired from the discount operation and went
 to work for Robie Love in Dallas County, precinct 1."

People in retail use the term "floor" to refer to the open space where business is conducted.

    "A shop floor is ... the space in a retail establishment where goods are sold to consumers."
    "A floor model is a piece of equipment placed in a retail shop's sales area for display purposes.

          — Wikipedia

When Weitzman says "I was on the floor" it could just as well mean he was out in the more open area of the NW corner, that is, south of the three pallets.

The fact that Weitzman was ON THE FLOOR and looking west

Weitzman doesn't say he was "looking west".

under the pallet ( flat) 

Weitzman doesn't say he was looking under a "pallet". No one calls a pallet a "flat". However, in retail, a flat refers to a collection of the same goods, typically in a bin or--in this case--cardboard cartons on a wooden pallet.

means that his field of vision was limited to the area under the pallet.....because the boxes of books stacked all around would have blocked his view of the area where the DPD in situ photo depicts the rifle ...In other words If that rifle had been jammed between those boxes Weitzman could not have seen it with his face on the floor..

However Boone could easily have seen the rifle under the pallet after he ha removed a couple of boxes of books that acted as a "roof" over the crevasse in which the rifle lay....   

What "crevasse"? Isn't your theory the rifle was stiffed into an opening of the pallet?

And this is a point that is always swept aside by the Lner's....Boone had to remove a couple of boxes from the top of the crevice  and shine his light down into the dark hole before he was able to see a small portion of the rifle's stock.    The fact that Boone had to remove those boxes means that the boxes were placed over the top of the hole after the rifle was placed at the bottom of the hole.   

Boone didn't move any boxes.

    "When I did--I had my light in my hand. I was slinging it around
     on the floor, and I caught a glimpse of the rifle, stuffed down
     between two rows of boxes with another box or so pulled over
     the top of it. And I hollered that the rifle was here."

The liars pretend that Lee simply dropped the rifle into the hiding place as he dashed by on his way to the second floor lunch room.    But the boxes were over the top of the crevasse .....   How did they get there??

Oswald could have moved the box that was over the crevasse when he stood upright after ditching the Carcano. The position of the box, then, puts him on the side of the row of boxes that faced the stairway.

Offline Walt Cakebread

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Re: Does Hiding a Rifle You Plan On Leaving Anyway Really Make Sense?
« Reply #143 on: August 15, 2021, 07:06:48 PM »
Thanks James, I pulled out my 3D glasses and didn't get much of a 3D effect so I made a quickly alternating "wiggle" 3D Gif and I think the problem is there isn't enough horizontal separation, but if you have any others I'd sure like to see them.

The following image has more horizontal separation so shows more depth.


Don't know what the point is: ....... Just makkkes meeee dizzzzzy

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Does Hiding a Rifle You Plan On Leaving Anyway Really Make Sense?
« Reply #143 on: August 15, 2021, 07:06:48 PM »