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Author Topic: FBI finds scant evidence U.S. Capitol attack was coordinated  (Read 23666 times)

Online Richard Smith

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Re: FBI finds scant evidence U.S. Capitol attack was coordinated
« Reply #64 on: October 02, 2021, 01:30:56 AM »
I'm a nut? More personal attacks.

A lie you say? Maga thugs are on video chanting to hang Pelosi and Pence. They brought weapons to storm the Capitol. Prosecutors in court have their records. I posted the released photos from the justice dept. of the guns they had. Pathetic how you deny and try to defend the overthrow the US Government.     

Give me a break. Trump was the most vile, hateful, corrupt, criminal "president" that was ever in office. Millions of people were dancing in the streets when he lost in a blowout. He called on his maga thugs to attack reporters and Democrats. He will end up in prison when this is all said and done for sedition and treason.         

FYI, the MSM is supposed to report on the actions of a President including all crimes and scandals. Right wingers don't like that and want the press to cover it all up like the right wing media does. 

The same 81 million people who defeated Trump will defeat the GOP in 2022 and 2024. Plus there will be millions of more first time new voters ages 18-21 that will be voting against the GOP too.

How many people do you think threatened Trump and his family over the last five years based mostly on false rhetoric and conspiracy theories of the type you post here?  Never once have you noted that.  Any credible threat to a public official, of either party, should be dealt with according to the law.  But why focus on just Nancy when the rhetoric against Trump has been nonstop including your endless, hate filled rants on just his board?  If you are concerned with political hate speech, maybe look in the mirror.  You are the poster boy for these types.  And not a single person has been prosecuted for carrying a gun into the Capitol.  The only gun fired that day was used to kill an unarmed protestor.  Take a look at Old Joe's falling poll numbers.  He will be 82 in 2024! He is already in late stage dementia.   He will not be running for anything in 2024 expect to get in line for Bingo night at the local rest home.  And he is not as unpopular as Kamala.  Her numbers are even worse.  Kamala's only chance in 2024 is if the repubs win back the house and senate in 2022 and she can blame all of Whispering Joe's many failures on the repubs like Obama did after his failed presidency.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: FBI finds scant evidence U.S. Capitol attack was coordinated
« Reply #64 on: October 02, 2021, 01:30:56 AM »

Offline Rick Plant

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Re: FBI finds scant evidence U.S. Capitol attack was coordinated
« Reply #65 on: October 02, 2021, 02:16:47 AM »
How many people do you think threatened Trump and his family over the last five years based mostly on false rhetoric and conspiracy theories of the type you post here?  Never once have you noted that.  Any credible threat to a public official, of either party, should be dealt with according to the law.  But why focus on just Nancy when the rhetoric against Trump has been nonstop including your endless, hate filled rants on just his board?  If you are concerned with political hate speech, maybe look in the mirror.  You are the poster boy for these types.  And not a single person has been prosecuted for carrying a gun into the Capitol.  The only gun fired that day was used to kill an unarmed protestor.  Take a look at Old Joe's falling poll numbers.  He will be 82 in 2024! He is already in late stage dementia.   He will not be running for anything in 2024 expect to get in line for Bingo night at the local rest home.  And he is not as unpopular as Kamala.  Her numbers are even worse.  Kamala's only chance in 2024 is if the repubs win back the house and senate in 2022 and she can blame all of Whispering Joe's many failures on the repubs like Obama did after his failed presidency.

Deflect, deny, blame others is what these Trump supporters do. It's really pathetic.

Who threatened him?

There isn't any "conspiracy theories". Everything that was reported is 100% accurate. 

This investigation is on going and there will be more arrests coming including those who brought weapons.

How is posting accurate information and evidence "hate"?

Criminal Donald is an old man with dementia who is mentally insane.

The overwhelming majority of Americans support President Biden's agenda and will not vote for seditious GOP Republicans.

President Biden does not have any "failures". He's trying to clean up the COVID, economic, foreign policy, and the cultural disasters that Criminal Donald left him. Biden didn't even get the proper transition because this criminal refused to transfer power and tried to overthrow the US Government.

Here's more on the violent criminal Donald. Watch the video.

Trump’s History of Inciting Violence
The president now says that he abhors mob violence. That's not what he's been saying for the last four years

Online Richard Smith

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Re: FBI finds scant evidence U.S. Capitol attack was coordinated
« Reply #66 on: October 04, 2021, 04:21:24 PM »

President Biden does not have any "failures". He's trying to clean up the COVID, economic, foreign policy, and the cultural disasters that Criminal Donald left him. Biden didn't even get the proper transition because this criminal refused to transfer power and tried to overthrow the US Government.

No failures?  If you want anyone to take you seriously, and no one else here bothers to engage you, then at least make some effort to be honest.   Inflation, crime, illegals pouring across the border at record numbers, Afghanistan fiasco, 300% increase in virus cases, vaccine rollout stalling due to demonizing anyone who was skeptical, supply shortages...none of those are failures?  Let me guess.  Trump is to blame!

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: FBI finds scant evidence U.S. Capitol attack was coordinated
« Reply #66 on: October 04, 2021, 04:21:24 PM »

Offline Rick Plant

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Re: FBI finds scant evidence U.S. Capitol attack was coordinated
« Reply #67 on: October 05, 2021, 02:04:10 AM »
No failures?  If you want anyone to take you seriously, and no one else here bothers to engage you, then at least make some effort to be honest.   Inflation, crime, illegals pouring across the border at record numbers, Afghanistan fiasco, 300% increase in virus cases, vaccine rollout stalling due to demonizing anyone who was skeptical, supply shortages...none of those are failures?  Let me guess.  Trump is to blame!

I am being honest. You're distorting the facts as usual.   

America suffered the worst economic disaster since the Great Depression under your hero Donald Trump. He handed that disaster to President Biden. Inflation doesn't happen overnight and is a direct result of failed Trump economics. President Biden has created the most jobs in record time of any President and is tackling the economic disaster he was given.

Crime was the worst under Criminal Donald in 2020 and is down under President Biden. 

Criminal Donald made the disastrous Afghanistan deal and left it for Biden to deal with.

Criminal Donald claimed he was going to "end illegal immigration" and he made the situation worse.

We had the most virus cases and deaths under Criminal Donald who did nothing to defeat this pandemic.

The disastrous vaccine roll out occurred in December 2020 under Criminal Donald and we had vaccine shortages because he refused to secure enough doses for all Americans.

President Biden secured millions of doses of vaccines as soon as he entered office and delivered 4 million shots per day. President Biden got pandemic was under control during April-June but the Delta Variant then started to surge in July because right wingers refused to get vaccinated. The right wing media began their anti vaccine disinformation campaign so more people wouldn't get vaccinated.

You're wrong again. Deaths, infections and hospitalizations are down because more people are finally getting vaccinated.

All you're doing is taking Criminal Donald's failures he created and falsely attacking President Biden...its ridiculous.

Covid, the economic disaster, Afghanistan, the border all happened under Criminal Donald and he handed it off to President Biden to deal with. Those are all Criminal Donald's faliures.                   

Offline Rick Plant

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Re: FBI finds scant evidence U.S. Capitol attack was coordinated
« Reply #68 on: October 07, 2021, 12:31:19 AM »
You are sounding more and more like Baghdad Bob.  Detached from reality.  We shouldn't believe our own eyes.  I'm sure the recent poll numbers are reflecting all these successes occurring under Biden.  Right?  If Old Joe keeps "succeeding" like he has for the last 8 months, the US will soon be in complete ruin.  To paraphrase Cool Hand Luke, I wish Biden would stop being so good to us.

 :D :D :D

Trump left President Biden with an economic disaster, covid disaster, vaccine shortage, civil unrest, and a failed Afghanistan deal. Own it.     

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: FBI finds scant evidence U.S. Capitol attack was coordinated
« Reply #68 on: October 07, 2021, 12:31:19 AM »

Online Richard Smith

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Re: FBI finds scant evidence U.S. Capitol attack was coordinated
« Reply #69 on: October 07, 2021, 06:41:44 PM »
:D :D :D

Trump left President Biden with an economic disaster, covid disaster, vaccine shortage, civil unrest, and a failed Afghanistan deal. Own it.   

Excuses are just an implicit admission of Biden's failures.  Weren't we told that Old Joe was going to solve all our problems?  I guess that it is not working out.  The American people have figured him out.  Weak, incompetent, and dishonest.

"Biden’s approval rating has dropped to 38%, according to a Quinnipiac University poll released Wednesday."
« Last Edit: October 07, 2021, 06:42:20 PM by Richard Smith »

Offline Rick Plant

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Re: FBI finds scant evidence U.S. Capitol attack was coordinated
« Reply #70 on: October 08, 2021, 12:01:09 AM »
House committee probing Capitol riot subpoenas organizers of Jan. 6 pro-Trump rally

The House committee investigating the storming of the U.S. Capitol said it issued three subpoenas connected to a pro-Trump rally that preceded the invasion.

The committee issued subpoenas for testimony and records from Ali Alexander and Nathan Martin, who were allegedly connected to permit applications for a rally on the grounds outside the Capitol.

“The rally on the Capitol grounds on January 6th, like the rally near the White House that day, immediately preceded the violent attack on the seat of our democracy,” said committee chair Bennie Thompson

The House select committee investigating the Jan. 6 storming of the U.S. Capitol said Thursday it issued three subpoenas connected to a pro-Trump rally that preceded the deadly invasion.

The committee said it issued subpoenas for testimony and records from Ali Alexander and Nathan Martin, who were allegedly connected to the permit applications for a rally on the grounds outside the Capitol.

Shortly before the mob broke into the building, then-President Donald Trump, in a speech outside the White House, told a crowd of supporters to march to the Capitol. He also heaped pressure on Republicans to reject key states’ election results.

The committee also asked for records from Stop the Steal LLC, which was affiliated with the Capitol rally and which bears the same name as the slogan that was used to promote it.

“The rally on the Capitol grounds on January 6th, like the rally near the White House that day, immediately preceded the violent attack on the seat of our democracy,” select committee Chairman Bennie Thompson, D-Miss., said in a press release.

“Over the course of that day, demonstrations escalated to violence and protestors became rioters. The Select Committee needs to understand all the details about the events that came before the attack, including who was involved in planning and funding them. We expect these witnesses to cooperate fully with our probe,” Thompson said.

News of the latest batch of subpoenas from the select committee came a week after the panel announced subpoenas for 11 people connected to Trump, including his former campaign spokeswoman Katrina Pierson and the niece of Trump’s ex-acting White House chief of staff, Mick Mulvaney.

Two weeks earlier, the committee revealed subpoenas for four Trump allies, all of whom worked in the Trump administration: former advisor Steve Bannon, former chief of staff Mark Meadows, former communications aide Dan Scavino and  ex-Defense Department official Kashyap Patel.

Panel member Adam Schiff, D-Calif., said last month that the select committee would go “straight to subpoena” for witnesses who are seen to be hostile to the goals of the investigation.

Politico reported earlier Thursday that Trump himself is directing Bannon, Meadows, Scavino and Patel to defy the committee’s subpoenas.

Asked about that report, a spokeswoman for Trump shared a statement from the former president vowing that “executive privilege will be defended.”

Offline Rick Plant

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Re: FBI finds scant evidence U.S. Capitol attack was coordinated
« Reply #71 on: October 20, 2021, 08:11:25 AM »
Just more and more evidence comes to light that proves this Reuters article to be a phony propaganda piece that was written to discredit the 1/6 commission and the Republican coordinated insurrection.

There are photos of the 1/6 coordination the day before in their "War Room".

"Mr. Bannon was in the war room at the Willard on January 6th” - Liz Cheney

While details are thin surrounding who was actually at the Willard Hotel "War Room" a few photos have emerged.

Among those in attendance: Rudy Giuliani, John Eastman, and OANN's Christina Bobb.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: FBI finds scant evidence U.S. Capitol attack was coordinated
« Reply #71 on: October 20, 2021, 08:11:25 AM »