Where is Whaley's quote that Oswald was wearing a blue jacket? I can't find it.
Mr. BALL. Did you notice how he was dressed?
Mr. WHALEY. Yes, sir. I didn’t pay much attention to it right then. But it
all came back when I really found out who I had. He was dressed in just
ordinary work clothes. It wasn’t khaki pants but they were khaki material,
blue faded blue color, like a blue uniform made in khaki. Then he had on a
brown shirt with a little silverlike stripe on it and he had on some kind
of jacket, I didn’t notice very close but I think it was a work jacket that
almost matched the pants.
Your notion that Oswald was picked up at 12:30pm exactly and dropped off at 12:45pm exactly is embarrassing.
I've never said that the man who was wearing a BLUE JACKET was picked up at precisely 12:30..... Whaley said that he was at the Greyhound bus depot at 12:30. He decided he needed a package of cigarettes, so he got out of his cab and was about to go inside the depot to buy a pack of cigarettes when the young man who was wearing a BLUE JACKET approached and asked if he could hire the taxi.
That time could have been as late as 12:35..... But it makes no difference ....because Lee was still at the TSBD at that time and he was NOT wearing a BLUE JACKET.
You must have missed my earlier post, let me repost it here.
The line of argument that we can just dismiss an eyewitness because of a clothing discrepancy is absurd, from the time we are babies we first learn to recognise faces, like our mothers and fathers and as we continue to age when we first see someone we look at their face to gauge, attractiveness, emotion, etc, as they say, you make a good first impression by smiling and what a person is wearing comes a distant second, our fashion choices don't define who we are.
For example I went shopping at the local corner shop yesterday and I definitely know who served me and if I had to, I could say without reservation that that person was the one who packaged my bread and milk but if I had to recall their clothes then I simply couldn't because I had no reason to remember, much like Whaley who only remembered Oswald's bracelet because he made similar jewellery and seeing Oswald's shiny bracelet was of interest, but otherwise Oswald was just another customer.
In the following image is shown the man wearing BLACK who in and around Port Arthur killed 35 people and many eyewitnesses were face to face with this mass murderer and positively identified him and later this same man admitted to the crime.

These eyewitnesses all positively identified the same man and understandably have differing memories on the clothing colour but if we use the same criteria of throwing out eyewitnesses because of a silly colour discrepancy then we'd still have a mass murderer on the loose.
And this highlights the problem with rabid JFKA CT's, outside this single case, they have no real life experience!Name of Witness: DUTTON Christian Names: James David brown jacket
Name of Witness: KINGSTON Christian Names: Ian Gregory green jacket
Name of Witness: BEEKMAN Christian Names: Michael Dean ski type jacket, blue, orange and a few other colours on it
Name of Witness: WILLIAMS Christian Names: Colin Sydney 3/4 length jacket, dark in appearance
Name of Witness: WILLIAMS Christian Names: Iris Emelia He had on a jacket of some description.
Name of Witness: SARGENT Christian Names: Michael Robert blue jacket
Name of Witness: RIVIERE Christian Names: John Michael “High length’ black jacket
Name of Witness: OLSON Christian Names: MARY LEE I think was green
Name of Witness: LEVER Cristian Names: Coralee Helen dark jacket
Name of Witness: NASH Christian Names: Carolyn Louise khaki green jacket or parker type jacket
Name of Witness: BALASKO Christian Names: James black jacket
Name of Witness: McKENNA Christian Names: Rebecca Kate ski type jacket which was zipped all the way up. it was either navy, blue or grey.