The WC timeline is guesswork.
They don't know how quickly Oswald was moving or how long he was on the bus for etc.
They're just guessing.
Whaley is also guessing when he fills in the times on his manifest. One look at the times he fills in tells you that.
All the times end in a 5 or a 0 and many of them are done in 15 minutes blocks no matter how long the trip took.
This is all there in his manifest.
Do you believe those times are accurate? (of course you do)
So now you've invented the BusCab Hoax and are touting it as if its a real thing. Yet you don't have to prove anything about it.
But who invented the Hoax?
How many people are involved in it?
How did they choose McWatters and Whaley?
What about Whaley's superiors?
What about the old lady who tried to get in the cab? Couldn't she be traced?
What about the witnesses on the bus? Are they in on it?
But here's the one question you should answer if you're going to answer any about your invention -
Why create the BusCab Hoax in the first place?
Why create the BusCab Hoax in the first place?Let's pretend.... That Lee thought that he was participating in a hoax that was intended to make it appear that he had fired at JFK. Let's say that the conspirators who were playing him for a sucker told him that they would have a Light colored Rambler Station wagon ready to pick him up and whisk him away from the scene of the ATTEMPTED assassination. And if you believe Roger Craig, that's exactly what happened....
The conspirators certainly would not have wanted to be connected to their patsy, Lee Oswald, and witnesses with cameras could easily have recorded Lee's departure in that US government Rambler Station Wagon ....Thus they would have been prepared to provide an alternate means for the patsy to have left the scene. And the patsy would have played along with that ruse......
I have a question that has bugged me for years.... Roger Craig said that he heard a sharp loud whistle just before the young man ran down the slope and jumped into the light colored Rambler.
My Question:... Was Lee in the habit of whistling to get someone's attention. Many men ( and some women) are very good at producing a shrill blast when they want to get somebody's attention..... Was Lee Oswald one of those people?